Wow really? Ummm, yeah... so let me get this straight you come up with some insane system to use regular D6s for FUDGE Dice. My group we do not use FUDGE dice we use regular D6s following what what page 16 in Your Story book says:
So when rolling a D6 the result is the following:
Actually, I was responding to the OP and posting possible corrections to how he mapped it.
My own recommendation is the 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 as -, 0 and + respectively

but I would not want to see people trying to use an incorrectly mapped system thus the discussion (and instruction) on permutations, a little insight on how to test if a map may be reasonable, and a couple of options that can yield credible results (one easier to follow but less accurate, one more accurate but more scattered) in case people run afoul the mapping (see your post) or the d6-d6 system suggested in the book.
FYI ... 1d6-1d6 yields a chevron distribution.

See thread on "Using both Fudge dice and d6-d6?" for chevron distribution of d6-d6 and permutations for 4 Fudge dice.