Author Topic: E-Branch (Supernatural Spies)  (Read 2212 times)

Offline Remy Sinclair

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E-Branch (Supernatural Spies)
« on: June 29, 2010, 04:43:16 PM »
I have been going through my Necroscope books by Brian Lumley. Obviously, Wamphyri do not in my opinion fit into the Dresdenverse well. Hey if someone wants to toss them in to their game go right ahead.

What I found and love in the books is Brian Lumley's E-Branch idea which he wrote during the Cold War. The idea is a person with ESP (or minor talent/focused practioner in Dresdenverse) who works for British (MI-13) or Russian (Chateau Bronnitsy) Intelligent Services as a ESP Spy these divisions are dubbed E-Branches. Brian Lumley is British so he favors his country. The Necroscope RPG that West End Games came out with in their E-Branch Book mentioning the American Division, but I need to pull that book out of storage for the name.

I was playing with the idea of some sleeper agents from the old KGB E-Branch operative lost in the Cold War, but I was thinking well it was a little too old would not be happening in this day and age. The Cold War is over so my idea might not work.

Then last night I read an article about 11 Russian Sleeper Agents Caught Here in the US. looks like the workings of the old KGB is still in full swing.

So I am dusting off that idea for my game but I am wondering anyone else working on E-Branch Spies for their game? I am going to making some templates based on that idea.

Anyone else thinking of the same idea Supernatural Spies tossing them in their game?

Offline Wyrdrune

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Re: E-Branch (Supernatural Spies)
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 01:51:33 PM »
what my players don't know: sooner or later their chars will run into a top secret goverment agency that has several branches regarding the supernatural and the chars will be pressed into cooperation for a few stories. the code name for their team will be "team warlock", which will pi$$ off our wizard player, as warlock is the term for lawbreakers by the white council. as i know him he will do everything to change the team's name, but you all know the power of bureaucracy... :-)