Author Topic: Sample Stunts  (Read 16519 times)


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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2010, 10:37:19 AM »
How do you get weapon 7 with the daggers? Or where you talking about with the sword?

Two Weapon 4s (Daggers + Hot Knives) should be 4+(4*.5)=6.
Two Weapon 6s (HQ Swords + Hot Knives) should be 6+(6*.5)=9.

Howd you get 7?

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2010, 10:42:52 AM »
Ah, I see what you're getting at...that's not the order of operations I'd use:

I would add the bonus from Dual Wielding based on the knives or swords normal Weapon rating, then add the Power enhancement. If it actually applies to each knife seperately and the character has Dual-Wielding then my objection is null and void, that's enough of an advantage to cancel the disadvantage.


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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2010, 10:46:51 AM »
Yeah, the player also wants to be able to throw the hot knives, and so I made it apply to both weapons (that way she doesn't loose all the benefit when she chucks her main dagger). I should perhaps clear that up in the text.

The character is going to be pretty cool, in fact, I could see making a character with the hot knives power, myself.

Red Hot Knives [-1] You may increase the weapon rating of each of your knives by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in. Increase the bonus to three if you've cast a fire evocation in the last exchange.

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2010, 04:20:20 PM »
Been away from stunts for a bit now, working mostly on characters, but I'm back to compiling stunts together. Will prob pop up with a few for tweaking suggestions at some point, but for now I'm doing the easy, obviously balanced ones first. I must say, there are some really good ones all over the thread, much props to everyone. 8)

Seeing as the books have shipped and at least one of the people in my group should have theirs within a week or so, I went ahead and made the descriptions of canon stunts visible on the stunts page. I also made the canon stunts' text dark red so it is easy to tell them from the fan created ones.

Stunts Page

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #64 on: July 01, 2010, 04:38:32 PM »
@ Jeckel I'd be careful making a list like that available to the public.  Putting that much stuff verbatim from the DFRPG product might be seen as a copyright violation against Evil Hat.
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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #65 on: July 01, 2010, 06:31:56 PM »
@ Jeckel I'd be careful making a list like that available to the public.  Putting that much stuff verbatim from the DFRPG product might be seen as a copyright violation against Evil Hat.

I understand what your saying, and the same thoughts have been bubbling around in my mind for quite a while now. I'll lay out the points that won in my mental debates.

1) I'm very conscious of copyrights, if for no other reason then out of respect for developers, so I've wait quite a while before releasing any of these sort of canon compiled lists. From what I have read around the forums, many people have mentioned (though never actually produced and released) making such compiled lists and nothing has been said by the devs that it would not be acceptable.

2) To get a little technical as per the Open Game License. "Derivative Material" is defined to include, among other things, "translations (including into other computer languages)" and "compilation", which is the two main things I did, compile them and translate them to the web. Something like a stunt that is both words and stats in one inseparable unit floats in some gray area between "Product Identity" (which can't be flatly excluded or any quote from the book to the forums would constitute infringement) and "Open Game Content". But... I'm not a lawyer and the OGL has some of the most confusing and contradictory definitions I've seen in a license, so I could be wrong in my reading.

3) The purpose of copyright is to keep others from costing you money or making money of your products. Common sense would say that a list of the example stunts wouldn't keep anyone from buying the books and I have no plans of making money of a fan-site, so I think I'm good on both those accounts.

4) Lastly, I only did this to make it easier for people to create custom stunts without repeating the canon ones. Had the stunts been done like other systems, with a name, list of stats, and a fluff description then I would have included the names and stats without the description. But in this context the description and mechanic rules of the stunts are one and the same.

All that said, if it becomes an issue, I can turn two knobs in the code and all the canon items will be removed from the page. Fingers crossed that it is only seen as intended, as a contribution to help the community. :)

For now I'm back to compiling the custom stunts from this thread to the web-page. My long term goal is to have at least as many fan stunts as there are canon stunts.
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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #66 on: July 01, 2010, 06:43:01 PM »
Jeckel, I think as long as nothing you put up tells people how to play the game it should be safe. I'm sure they've probably looked at your page already since you've mentioned it a few times in this, the official forum, and they've yet to say anything.

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2010, 07:42:14 AM »
Jeckel, I think as long as nothing you put up tells people how to play the game it should be safe. I'm sure they've probably looked at your page already since you've mentioned it a few times in this, the official forum, and they've yet to say anything.

I agree and thanks for the encouragement. :)

Not An Easy Target. You are quick on your feet, and hard to hit, add a +1 to your athletics rolls when dodging attacks.

Should this give a +2 since it is applied to a single trapping of Athletics or is it only +1 because its a defense trapping?
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