Author Topic: Help with a religious sorcerer  (Read 4993 times)

Offline lankyogre

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Help with a religious sorcerer
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:47:12 PM »
I'm trying to create a character for a PbP and was needing some help. This is my first character so I'm trying to get the aspects and spellcasting rules under control as well.

Character: Elijah Michael Gregor Player: LankyOgre
Template: Sorcerer
High Concept Aspect: Catholic Sorcerer
Trouble Aspect: Burn the Witch!

Elijah is an everyman of sorts. He has nondescript brown hair and stands just under 6' tall. He usually wears khakis or dress pants and a polo or button down shirt. He's 28 and has been in or at some form of university since he graduated high school and he acts that way.

Catholic Sorcerer: Elijah is on the payroll with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and is called to investigate problems when mundane matters fail. (High Concept)
Invoke: Trials of faith, resources, access to knowledge
Compel: 10 commandments, obligations,
Burn the Witch: While there are a few priests and laypersons who are aware of the supernatural world, most individuals involved with the church are clueless and here are some who will actively work against him if they know he is a sorcerer.
Invoke: Fly under the radar, hide sorcerer powers, send the pitchforks another way
Compel: limit options,

Elijah was born and raised in Los Angeles as the youngest of 6 children. While in high school Elijah watched as kids got picked on, one time he tried to get involved and accidentally threw a table in the way, from across the room. Confused he confessed to a priest, believing himself possessed. Fortunately for Elijah, the priest had an idea that there were supernatural things in the world and was able to get Elijah assistance.
One Big Happy Family: Elijah was raised as the youngest of 6 children and had a happy stable home his entire life. He still has family throughout the Los Angeles area that he can call on if needed.
Invoke: resources, assistance, faith, how to act around people
Compel: hostages, threats
Rising Conflict
While in college, Elijah studied at the University of Dallas and in Rome. Soon after college, Elijah became involved with a series of problems the church could not deal with through mundane channels.
Classically Educated: Elijah has a firm grounding in classical literature and history, but skipped a lot of science concepts. He also is awkward around many of his peers and misses pop culture reference frequently.
Invoke: Lore checks, scholarship checks, dealing with “myths”
Compel: Clueless on pop culture, naive with the real world

The Story: The Hazards of Travel
During his senior year of college, Elijah went on a mission trip to Honduras. The village had a string of missing persons and Elijah couldn't keep his nose out of it. He accidentally unmasked a Red Court Vampire and manage to disrupt the creatures plans.
They Do Exist: Despite having magical powers, Elijah never understood the amount of other things that could also exist. Every time he encounters something new it is a surprise. Frequently Elijah misses clues that hint to something he has read about if he hasn't encountered it in life.
Invoke: Lore and scholarship checks vs. the known,
Compel: Investigation on the unknown, what I already know

Guest Star: ?

Guest Star: ?

Superb (+5)  Conviction, Discipline
Great (+4)    Lore, Scholarship
Good (+3)    Alertness, Fists, Investigation
Fair (+2)      Contacts, Deceit, Weapons
Average (+1) Athletics, Driving, Empathy, Endurance


[-3] Evocations
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] The Sight
[-1] Bless This House
[-1] Guide My Hand
Total Refresh Adjustment: -9

He's almost a cross between Dresden and Michael, though not as much of either as the two of them. He works for the Catholic Church as a troubleshooter when things out of the ordinary happen. I'm rying to figure out rotes, foci, etc.

So I'm thinking of picking earth, spirit, and fire? for evocation elements with a specialization in earth (control). Thinking that a St. Michael medal as a +1 defensive spirit power focus and a +1 offensive earth control focus (unknown item).

For thaumaturgy thinking specializing in wards, control bonus. Taking a control wards focus and two enchanted items, though I may leave both slots open. Can't think of what kind of enchanted items I would want.

For rotes I'm thinking writing up a earth grab (earth opens up and grabs on one opponent) and an earthshake (I stomp and everyone in a zone becomes OFFBALANCE). Some sort of shield rote and I'm lost on the fourth.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 12:10:51 AM »
First, I'd like to note that the character looks really cool thematically. Mechanically, there are a few issues:

1. You're two skill points over where you should be (37 instead of 35).

2. I'll note that your Item Slots may all be used for either Evocation or Thaumaturgy, and Evocation Foci are usually more useful, so I'd personally reccomend against the Ward focus.

3. In terms of Enchanted Items, I reccomend something defensive, maybe duplicating Harry's Duster, as your low Athletics is going to be alot less likely to get you killed that way.

4. For Rotes, a direct attack (as opposed to a maneuver) of some sort is, if not a must, then certainly very useful.

5. Just a note, but this guy will get destroyed in social combat rapidly and completely, just FYI.

Offline lankyogre

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 12:23:50 AM »
First, I'd like to note that the character looks really cool thematically. Mechanically, there are a few issues:

1. You're two skill points over where you should be (37 instead of 35).

Okay, thanks. I started counting "slots" instead of points half-way through. Drop fists and weapons down one each?

2. I'll note that your Item Slots may all be used for either Evocation or Thaumaturgy, and Evocation Foci are usually more useful, so I'd personally reccomend against the Ward focus.

thanks. I guess the way I read it, since you get 2 focus from Evocation and 2 from Thaumaturgy you had to use them that way. So then up the offensive focus +1?

3. In terms of Enchanted Items, I reccomend something defensive, maybe duplicating Harry's Duster, as your low Athletics is going to be alot less likely to get you killed that way.

Thats the line I was thinking, but I'm not sure what to do thematically. I don't envision him walking around in a  duster or even a jacket most of the time. The game is set to play in CA.

4. For Rotes, a direct attack (as opposed to a maneuver) of some sort is, if not a must, then certainly very useful.

I was thinking the earth grab spell as an attack. Going off the orbius spell in Your Story.

5. Just a note, but this guy will get destroyed in social combat rapidly and completely, just FYI.

What do you think I should do about it? I'm not sure when and how things come up, so I'm not sure what is the most "useful" vs the most "flavorful." A few of the skills I threw in at average (and sort of fair) because I didn't know what else to do.

Maybe drop deceit down to average, up athletics, drop weapons completely and add average presence?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 12:35:23 AM »
Okay, thanks. I started counting "slots" instead of points half-way through. Drop fists and weapons down one each?

That'd do it.  :)

thanks. I guess the way I read it, since you get 2 focus from Evocation and 2 from Thaumaturgy you had to use them that way. So then up the offensive focus +1?

Possibly, alternately, you could take +1 Offensive Power (useful for Maneuvers and Orbius style grapples), or more Enchanted Item Slots. Actually, +1 Power looks like it'd really help your Rotes, so I'd go with that.

Thats the line I was thinking, but I'm not sure what to do thematically. I don't envision him walking around in a  duster or even a jacket most of the time. The game is set to play in CA.

Sure, but at two slots, it can be a literal Ring of Protection or a Lucky Crucifix that protects him magically. No need for anything bulky.

I was thinking the earth grab spell as an attack. Going off the orbius spell in Your Story.

That's not a bad idea, but I still reccomend a bolt of Lightning or some such as a simple, direct, attack. Those are useful.

What do you think I should do about it? I'm not sure when and how things come up, so I'm not sure what is the most "useful" vs the most "flavorful." A few of the skills I threw in at average (and sort of fair) because I didn't know what else to do.

Maybe drop deceit down to average, up athletics, drop weapons completely and add average presence?

Personally, I'd go with the following:

Fair: Athletics, Fists, Rapport,
Average: Contacts, Driving, Empathy, Endurance, Presence,

That'll give you a solid skill set, and this guy really seems more the Rapport than Deceit type anyway.

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 12:38:47 AM »
A handy thing to do is list out your characters basic "combat" stats for both physical and social combat.  In theory, you should do that for mental combat too, but with superb conviction and discipline, you don't have to worry about that too much.

So, for physical combat:
Initiative: +3 (Alertness)
Physical Defense: +1 (Athletics)
Physical Attack: +3 (Fists) or evocations

Social Combat:
Initiative: +1 (Empathy)
Social Defense: +0 (Rapport)
Best Social Attack: +2 (Deceit)

Offense: power 5 Control 7 ?
Defense: power 6 control 6?

So, you lack a good physical defense, a social defense, and your best social maneuver/attack is out and out lying to people.

You can get an enchanted object for defense (block 4 or armor 2/3 times a session, 2 Item slots) to more or less cover your lack of base physical defense, but your social abilities are really lacking.  I'd recommend trading out your deceit for Rapport, which will greatly improve your ability to 'normally' interact with people.

Another possibility is to trade out fists for athletics, to up your base physical defense, and then get an attack magic item, that you can target with discipline.  For example, for the two item slots, you could have a power 2, 5 times a session item, that would hit much harder and with better targeting than your fists.


Also, the skill tree for 35 points and 2 superbs looks like:

Superb: 2
Great: 2
Good: 2
Fair: 3
Average: 5

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 12:56:19 AM »
Social Defense: +0 (Rapport)

While I agree with your basic point, this is technically inacurate, you can use Empathy for Social Defense as readily as Rapport.

Offline lankyogre

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2010, 02:03:31 AM »
See if this works better:

Character: Elijah Michael Gregor Player: LankyOgre
Template: Sorcerer
High Concept Aspect: Catholic Sorcerer
Trouble Aspect: Burn the Witch!

Elijah is an everyman of sorts. He has red hair and freckles and stands just under 6' tall. He usually wears khakis or dress pants and a polo or button down shirt. He's 28 and has been in or at some form of university since he graduated high school and he acts that way.

Catholic Sorcerer: Elijah is on the payroll with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and is called to investigate problems when mundane matters fail. (High Concept)
Invoke: Trials of faith, resources, access to knowledge
Compel: 10 commandments, obligations,
Burn the Witch: While there are a few priests and laypersons who are aware of the supernatural world, most individuals involved with the church are clueless and here are some who will actively work against him if they know he is a sorcerer.
Invoke: Fly under the radar, hide sorcerer powers, send the pitchforks another way
Compel: limit options,

Elijah was born and raised in Los Angeles as the youngest of 6 children. While in high school Elijah watched as kids got picked on, one time he tried to get involved and accidentally threw a table in the way, from across the room. Confused he confessed to a priest, believing himself possessed. Fortunately for Elijah, the priest had an idea that there were supernatural things in the world and was able to get Elijah assistance.
One Big Happy Family: Elijah was raised as the youngest of 6 children and had a happy stable home his entire life. He still has family throughout the Los Angeles area that he can call on if needed.
Invoke: resources, assistance, faith, how to act around people
Compel: hostages, threats
Rising Conflict
While in college, Elijah studied at the University of Dallas and in Rome. Soon after college, Elijah became involved with a series of problems the church could not deal with through mundane channels.
Classically Educated: Elijah has a firm grounding in classical literature and history, but skipped a lot of science concepts. He also is awkward around many of his peers and misses pop culture reference frequently.
Invoke: Lore checks, scholarship checks, dealing with “myths”
Compel: Clueless on pop culture, naive with the real world

The Story: The Hazards of Travel
During his senior year of college, Elijah went on a mission trip to Honduras. The village had a string of missing persons and Elijah couldn't keep his nose out of it. He accidentally unmasked a Red Court Vampire and manage to disrupt the creatures plans.
They Do Exist: Despite having magical powers, Elijah never understood the amount of other things that could also exist. Every time he encounters something new it is a surprise. Frequently Elijah misses clues that hint to something he has read about if he hasn't encountered it in life.
Invoke: Lore and scholarship checks vs. the known,
Compel: Investigation on the unknown, what I already know

Guest Star: ?

Guest Star: ?

Superb (+5)  Conviction, Discipline
Great (+4)    Lore, Scholarship
Good (+3)    Alertness, Investigation
Fair (+2)      Athletics, Fists, Rapport
Average (+1) Contacts, Driving, Empathy, Endurance, Presence


[-3] Evocations
[-3] Thaumaturgy
[-1] The Sight
[-1] Bless This House
[-1] Guide My Hand
Total Refresh Adjustment: -9

Crucifex (focus): +1 defensive power for spirit evocations
Piece of the Blarney Stone (focus): +1 offensive control and +1 offensive power for earth evocations

St. Michael the Archangel Medal (enchanted item): armor:2 or block:4 3/session

type: earth evocation, offensive maneuver
Power: 6 Shifts – 3 strength, 2 zone, 1 duration (requires Blarney Stone)
Target: 1 zone
Duration: 2 exchanges
Opposed by: Athletics
Effect: Everyone affected has the OFF BALANCE aspect applied.

type: earth evocation, offensive attack
Power: 6 Shifts – 5 strength, 1 duration (requires Blarney Stone)
Control: Discipline to target
Target: 1 target in line-of-sight, inflicting physical stress
Duration: 2 exchanges
Opposed by: Might
Effect: Everyone affected has the OFF BALANCE aspect applied.

Type: Spirit evocation, defensive block
Power: 5 shifts
Control: Roll Discipline plus applicable specializations
and focus items
Duration: One exchange
Effect: Deflects an incoming attack. If overcome,
it vanishes.

Rocks and rubble burst from the ground, spraying at his enemies
type: earth evocation, offensive attack
Power: 6 Shifts – 6 strength (requires Blarney Stone)
Control: Discipline to target
Target: Target (would I have to declare the number of targets in the rote?)
Duration:one action
Opposed by: Athletics

My wife thinks he should be Irish Catholic, so I need to rewrite his description a little more.

I'm also not sure about the third element. Should I do Fire? Should I have one rote from a different element? I just realized that because of my current focus set-up I'm not using my specialization in earth on any of the rotes. Would it be worth upping one rote to a 7 shift (2 stress) since I have the control/discipline to handle it?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 03:01:08 AM by lankyogre »

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 08:41:06 AM »
I'd really reassign your Defensive Focus to Earth , that'd up your mystical defenses to 6 shifts, an important distinction.

Onto specific Rotes:

Gread: You might be better off making the Aspect Sticky (by making it a 4 shift effect) than adding duration. Though this will somewhat depend on how your GM handles Sticky Aspects from magic vs. those with duration.

aladh: You left off the description, so I don't know how this one works. If it's basically Orbius this one is a good candidate for being your 7 shift Rote (which is indeed a good idea).

Bloasc: Three things: 1. If you make this an Earth effect, as specified above, it'd be a 6 shift effect. 2. All Blocks can also be used for half their value in armor if you prefer. 2. Remember that Blocks last an entire round, so it actually applies to all attacks for that period.

Scaird: Noting that it's a Weapon: 6 attack, and remembering that the Control roll is the attack roll (and thus has a base value of 7) this one looks good.

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2010, 08:44:12 AM »
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 08:47:25 AM by luminos »
Lawful Chaotic

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2010, 10:31:30 PM »
I'd really reassign your Defensive Focus to Earth , that'd up your mystical defenses to 6 shifts, an important distinction.

I guess I'm afraid to over focus in earth when I can use spirit for the same defense in many cases. I can see using earth magic for walls or heavier gravity, but not a straight shield like Harry does. If I do switch defense to earth as well, should I put it in power and just use the specialization for control?

Onto specific Rotes:

Gread: You might be better off making the Aspect Sticky (by making it a 4 shift effect) than adding duration. Though this will somewhat depend on how your GM handles Sticky Aspects from magic vs. those with duration.

I would think that the earth shaking do to my stomp would be a fragile aspect. Once the ground stops you can regain your balance fairly easily.

aladh: You left off the description, so I don't know how this one works. If it's basically Orbius this one is a good candidate for being your 7 shift Rote (which is indeed a good idea).

So I did. Thank you. The earth slightly parts and grabs one target, constricting about his legs and dealing damage.

Bloasc: Three things: 1. If you make this an Earth effect, as specified above, it'd be a 6 shift effect. 2. All Blocks can also be used for half their value in armor if you prefer. 2. Remember that Blocks last an entire round, so it actually applies to all attacks for that period.

I guess I'm having trouble envisioning an earth based shield that doesn't also block line of sight. For a rote wouldn't I need to declare whether it was armor or block initially and then always use it that way?

Scaird: Noting that it's a Weapon: 6 attack, and remembering that the Control roll is the attack roll (and thus has a base value of 7) this one looks good.

As a question, do I need to declare the number of targets when I create the rote or can I split that up on the fly? Could I declare the rote as 2 attacks and then use both against the same target? (I know, not the best, but if the number of targets has to be declared already).

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2010, 11:12:05 PM »
I guess I'm afraid to over focus in earth when I can use spirit for the same defense in many cases. I can see using earth magic for walls or heavier gravity, but not a straight shield like Harry does. If I do switch defense to earth as well, should I put it in power and just use the specialization for control?

Oh, definitely Defensive Power, that allows 6 shift Blocks. And Electromagnetism is your friend, as is gravity. Both are under Earth and trivially easy to use for physical shielding.

I would think that the earth shaking do to my stomp would be a fragile aspect. Once the ground stops you can regain your balance fairly easily.

That's fine, I'm just sayin'.  :)

So I did. Thank you. The earth slightly parts and grabs one target, constricting about his legs and dealing damage.

Okay, yeah, definitely make that the 7 shift one.

I guess I'm having trouble envisioning an earth based shield that doesn't also block line of sight.

Gravity shield warping attacks around you or stopping them in midair. Electromagnetic shield ala Magneto doing the same.

For a rote wouldn't I need to declare whether it was armor or block initially and then always use it that way?

Nope!  :) That's one thing that's always an option.

As a question, do I need to declare the number of targets when I create the rote or can I split that up on the fly? Could I declare the rote as 2 attacks and then use both against the same target? (I know, not the best, but if the number of targets has to be declared already).

Yeah, that needs to be specified and could attack the same target twise. I wouldn't do that as a Rote though, I'd just use Evocation as necessary when it comes up.

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2010, 11:36:20 PM »
Thanks Deadmanwalking for all you help/advice.

Switch the Crucifex to +1 defensive power for earth evocations.

I also altered the rotes a little, so hopefully your advice doesn't change. Mostly I altered the formatting to fit the examples better. I did look closer at Orbius and switched aladh to work more like it. Which changes it from an attack to a block/grapple.

Gread:  (Earth Stomp)
Elijah stomps and the earth shakes around him.
Type: earth evocation, offensive maneuver
Power: 6 Shifts – 3 strength, 2 zone, 1 duration (requires Blarney Stone)
Target: 1 zone
Duration: 2 exchanges
Opposed by: Athletics
Effect: Everyone affected has the OFF BALANCE aspect applied.

áladh (Earth Grab)
Elijah causes the earth to rise up and grab one foe, crushing his legs over several exchanges
Type: Earth evocation, offensive block; adjudicated as a grapple
Power: 7 shifts—3 for effect, 4 for duration
Control: On the first round, roll Discipline plus applicable specializations and focus items
Target: One target in line-of-sight, inflicting physical stress
Duration: five exchanges total
Opposed by: Target’s Might skill. Magical blocks might be effective in the first round; armor is ineffective.
Effect: The first round establishes the grapple. Each round thereafter, the target rolls Endurance. If the roll fails to beat the spell’s effect (Good +3), the target suffers one shift of physical stress as his legs are crushed. Armor is ineffective.

Sclath (Shield)
Gravity randomly  increases and decreases in a field surrounding Elijah, causing attacks to miss their mark.
Type: earth evocation, defensive block
Power: 6 shifts
Control: Roll Discipline plus applicable specializations
and focus items
Duration: One exchange
Effect: Defects and incoming attack. If overcome, it vanishes. Armor:3 or Block:6

Scaird (Earth Spray)
Rocks and rubble burst from the ground, spraying at a single enemy
Type: Earth evocation, attack
Power: 6 shifts (requires Blarney Stone)
Control: Roll Discipline, plus specializations and focus items, to control and as attack roll
Target: One target in line-of-sight, inflicting physical stress
Duration: One action
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics skill, magical blocks, or some other skill as determined in play

I can also use Scaird as a template for multiple attacks. Should I put less strength into Sclath for more duration? And same for Aladh, should I increase the difficulty and lower the duration, since it will also be grappling.

I was also thinking of writing up a few spell templates for spells to use. One being "feather fall," decrease my own weight via gravity to slow my fall. Maybe a lightning bolt spell. and something to help tear down doors.

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2010, 12:08:16 AM »
I can also use Scaird as a template for multiple attacks.

Yep!  :)

Should I put less strength into Sclath for more duration?

I advise against it, actually. You can always spend a second exchange Extending it if you really need it for longer. Also, minor correction: As an Armor effect it wouldn't disappear if penetrated (though it does as a Block). You pick which effect it has every time you cast it.

And same for Aladh, should I increase the difficulty and lower the duration, since it will also be grappling.

Yeah, I'd go 4 shifts of effect, 3 extra exchanges. That looks a bit harder to escape.

I was also thinking of writing up a few spell templates for spells to use. One being "feather fall," decrease my own weight via gravity to slow my fall. Maybe a lightning bolt spell. and something to help tear down doors.

"Feather Fall" is actually surprisingly hard to do (also, falls are brutal in this system). The Lightning bolt or "tear down doors" spells are quite likely to bear a striking resemblance to Scaird mechanically speaking.

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2010, 12:13:53 AM »
Yeah, but flavor is fun too.

Thanks for all of your help.

Two objects of different mass fall at the same speed, but if the gravity for one was different, wouldn't two objects of the same mass, one weighing less fall at different speeds. And therefore couldn't say 4 or 6 shifts be enough to possibly double the distance? Possibly?

The other problem could be the more you decrease the speed the longer the fall will take and the more power the spell requires to maintain.

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Re: Help with a religious sorcerer
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2010, 12:20:52 AM »
Oh, flavor is all-important, I was just saying... ;)

You're very welcome.

It's the mechanics that are wacky, not the logic necessarily. I don't even know how you'd do that.