Author Topic: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?  (Read 8416 times)

Offline Bubba Amon Hotep

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[Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:38:04 PM »
Simon reached into the small knapsack at his side and with drew a zip lock baggy.  It contained a single ball of play grey playdoh.  His colleague looked at him funny.  "101 wizarding uses," Simon grinned, "Stick around long enough you might see me use them all."


Simon pulled a small piece of playdoh from the ball he carried with him, and smashed it against the glass office window.  Modern electronic surveillance equipment didn't like his wizards aura.  But Simon had read about the basic workings and managed a spell that had a similar result.  Walking back to the parking ramp he fashioned the remaining playdoh into a rough bowl and forced his will into it.  Sound vibrated things.  Such as the Window, and such as the playdoh.  The small chunk on the window was "connected" in spirit to the bowl of playdoh he now held to his ear. 
"You hear the ocean?" asked his colleague. 
"No," Simon shushed.  "I hear the phone conversation. They are ordering lunch, but we will soon know more about them."


"We are going to loose them," Simon's colleague shouted.  "You will never be able to hit them with any magical mojo in all this traffic."
"Don't worry." Simon reassured the youth, as he pulled out his ball of Playdoh.
"That again?"
"Before they took off, I placed a little bit under the caps of their valve pressure stems." Simon stated, drawing in power and focusing on the ball of playdoh he held in his hands.  "Figured I could use it as a tracking spell.  But this will be more fun."  Simon began whispering words of power, words of fire, and words of destruction.  Once enough had collected at the points on the vehicle ahead of them, he released the link.  The small pops of energy ruptured the valves on all four tires and the speeding vehicle slowed to a stop.


Walkie Talkies
Targeting points
Trackable Item
Ritual Circle
voodoo doll

Anyone got any others?

Offline MrkMllr

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 01:04:10 AM »
I have no new ideas right now but I just wanted to say how cool of an idea this is.  It totally works within the rules and has a very Dresden Files feel to it. 

Nice work!

Offline Murphy's Stunt Double

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 02:08:22 AM »

What happens with Silly Putty?????????
If you are up to no good, please do no good for me too, okay?   ;D

Offline DesertCoyote

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2010, 08:22:48 PM »
I've got a focused practitioner npc "Kaboomamancer" that could use your Playdoh to blast open a door like a breaching charge.  Mold some around the door handle.  Step back.  Kaboom!

Offline Ophidimancer

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2010, 08:29:45 PM »
Take a bit of play-doh, put a put of your spit or blood on it, then stick bits of it everywhere to throw off a tracking spell.

Offline Ravangames

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2010, 08:39:48 PM »
as a grenade.

as a remote explosion...

you got most of them covered... great idea.

Offline TheMouse

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2010, 09:12:01 PM »
Shape it into a little person or animal and animate it as the world's smallest golem.


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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2010, 10:16:15 PM »
If you make homemade playdoh you can make a huge batch of it to maximize the potential divisions from the "core batch"

You could even relay.  If you break off two pieces, you can do something to the core and get the effect at whatever other pieces you target, but if you use a piece you can't affect other pieces.  But if you use a piece to target the core (contained in a circle specifically for this purpose) you could relay through it from your piece to any other pieces.

The only downside is it's only good til the stuff dries out.

Ultimately, definitely more cost effective to make your own playdoh for wizarding.

Offline sjmcc13

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2010, 11:13:49 PM »
Improvised Focus for conjurations/summoning : Shape it like what you want to call/create, so you can call it forth more easily.

Offline Falar

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2010, 07:15:39 PM »
Ilsidario stormed out of the meeting, the keychain already starting his car as he did so. I didn't know what was up myself, but there had to be a reason Simon was smiling. He winked at me and held up what looked like ... well ... basically a four-sided dice made of playdoh.

"You know how you put magic into one thing and then it goes out, right?" the wizard asked, knitting his brows as he focused on the little caltrop.

"Right." I said, still utterly mystified.

"See, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bake this one, which, with enough umph, will bake all its little friends."

"Okay." I looked around the room. "So ... and?"

"Well ... we only wanted Ilsidario not to leave, right?"


"What if, quite suddenly, his car is surrounded by razor sharp caltrops?"

I heard loud profanity about twenty five feet away. Maybe the vampire wasn't storming away quite as fast as he had wanted to.
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Offline Bubba Amon Hotep

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2010, 04:34:46 AM »
Nice.  Hadn't thought about using magic to harden the playdoh.   ;)


"What are you doing?" asked Simon's colleague as he watched Simon continue to smash a chunk of playdoh against his wallpaper.  "Are you getting a blood spatter off the wall, so you can track the person?"

"No." Answered Simon, frowning at the wall and smashing the lump of playdoh harder.

"Have you already linked to another chunk of the playdoh, and you are pushing here so the effect will happen there?"

"No." Answered Simon, once more frowning at the wall and smashing the lump even harder.

"Well, I give up what are you doing?"

"Trying to get this stain off the wall," Grinned Simon.  "Its been bugging me for days now.  You do know that is what playdoh was originally invented for right?"

Offline JG_Mage

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2010, 03:16:26 PM »
This is good. Thanks.

Offline Ravangames

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2010, 03:41:44 PM »
Nice.  Hadn't thought about using magic to harden the playdoh.   ;)


"What are you doing?" asked Simon's colleague as he watched Simon continue to smash a chunk of playdoh against his wallpaper.  "Are you getting a blood spatter off the wall, so you can track the person?"

"No." Answered Simon, frowning at the wall and smashing the lump of playdoh harder.

"Have you already linked to another chunk of the playdoh, and you are pushing here so the effect will happen there?"

"No." Answered Simon, once more frowning at the wall and smashing the lump even harder.

"Well, I give up what are you doing?"

"Trying to get this stain off the wall," Grinned Simon.  "Its been bugging me for days now.  You do know that is what playdoh was originally invented for right?"


Offline Scop

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2010, 04:17:52 PM »
An earpeice communicator between you and your team.

There also may be a way to put an enchantment on it to make it act like a babel fish, but that would take a bit of knowledge and some time, and probably only one language per "fish"

You could throw a bunch somewhere and project your voice through it, so your voice seems to be coming from one place or many places.

Also, a bunch in a room could also be used to triangulate the sound and tell you where everyone was in the room, and if you were really good, the triangulation could, a combination of emitting and listening could be used as a form of sonar to help you travel through a space in the dark (and if you think that's too farfetched, there's a Real World method some blind people are using to locate obsticals in their path by clicking their toungs and listening to the echos).

Offline JG_Mage

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Re: [Playdohmancy] 101 Magical Uses for Playdoh?
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2010, 04:51:05 PM »
A heating element so you can have hot running water.

Four pieces on the wall, two top and bottom corners, corresponding in the movie theater. Watch movies at home.

As a receiver for satellite TV.

As moldable keys to open locks.

To replay a scene in a area. Like Mab did.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 04:52:38 PM by JG_Mage »