Author Topic: Amazon may not have DFRPG but FRP Games does!  (Read 2693 times)

Offline XavierDLH

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Amazon may not have DFRPG but FRP Games does!
« on: June 27, 2010, 04:29:01 AM »
There are few websites that I trust (with my credit card), so I tend to limit myself to making online purchases from, but there is the rare exception. One such exception is FRP Games. (I particularly like FRP Games because they accept my Visa credit card.)

I know Amazon won't be stocking DFRPG books any time soon (even though I check it regularly), so I was pleasantly surprised to see FRP Games stocking them!

So, for anyone else looking for a good online retailer with the DFRPG books in stock, here's one:
 Dresden Files RPG Products at

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Overflow is automatic
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