I've seen a whole lot of "your table, your rules" type bits on many matters since I got here. I personally agree, once I think about it, that even an Unravelling couldn't save a Blampire. It would undo the enchantment exactly as described and leave a corpse as stated earlier. If I was handling GM duties (ha!) that's how I'd run it on the off chance someone managed to get their hands on such an item.
But! "Your table, your rules," and all. If a GM is willing to go with it, then for the purposes of that game something could be worked out. Even if a purist like myself would be loathe to go against WoJ. 
This is how I feel.
But like I said, just putting myself into the shoes of a RL PC, I have a hard time believing that the real "good guys" would be ok with icing creatures that could revert back to humans. That would make them victims, not monsters.
It would be the difference between exterminating a monster, and murdering a victim of magic so they could never be redeemed.
People can do what they want. Shoot, we have a poster here in a game that includes a duck in a robo suit.
My argument is that if people are playing within the canon world, they should try to follow canon.
If people want to make their own world - great. And if that is the case, they don't need to ask us how anything is done because they can make it up as they go along.
Just like the discussions in the spoilers section about redeeming Lash, I hate the idea because it would trivialize what a monster they are.
The neat thing about the DV is that while there are a lot of shades of grey, there /IS/ black and white. The Fallen, BCV, and the Red Court are all far, far on the side of the black. White court is definitely grey. And the Knights of the Cross are white.
Sorry - I just realized I am rambling now. I will gracefully bow out. lol