Author Topic: Campaign Ideas Thread  (Read 4055 times)


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Campaign Ideas Thread
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:51:34 PM »
I figured something that would be useful would be a thread for people to post ideas for games they have floating around in there head.Think of this thing as a sounding board for your ideas that can help you get the imaginative juices flowing.I'll go first, to give an example.You take what I give and let the group know your thoughts and opinions so it can be expanded upon and developed into something awesome.And if you have an idea feel free to post it so it can be given the pimped out treatment too.

Heres my idea. It takes place in a way past submerged game, around 18 refresh or so, with 60 skill points.

A group of badass characters who work for what amounts to a supernatural bank or repository protected under the unseelie accords where you might place items of great power when you need it so safe (or hidden) from the unscrupulous who often would try to steal them.In this campaign one of the oldest and most powerful relics (plot device level artifact) that is protected within is suddenly dissapeared so a retrieval team is sent out to find and collect it before it can be put to use.


Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 02:15:16 AM »
I have a number of campaign ideas outside of the average, "City Campaign". Here's a few:

1. The Disbelief of Haruhi Suzumiya

Power Level:

This is a Dresdenized version of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. The title comes from an adventure I will never run because I lack the skill to do so and because my friends and brother would throw my ass down my apartment's garbage chute. 
(The adventure involves the S.O.S. Brigade deciding to play Arcanos, but end up recording the campaign information using a "Demesne Book" a magical notebook that creates a pocket in the Nevernever as it is described in the book. The PCs would end up in said Demense as the game is in progress. Whoever was GMing at the time would determine the action. )

As for the campaign.....

The S.O.S. Brigade expands when A) Haruhi goes to college B) becomes a senior or C) she feels like it. Or you just run straight up Dresdenized Haruhi with PCs being the iconic S.O.S. Brgade.

But no one plays Haruhi, she is a plot device.

2. Accord Interpol

Power Level:
At least Submerged(these are veterans)

Someone gets the bright idea to amend the Unseelie accords and create a body whose sole purpose is to uphold the accords. Typical "Team on a Mission" formula campaign, but it would be a hell of a lot of fun.

Would have to

3. The coming out Party

Power Level:

In this campaign, the supernatural world becomes exposed or reveals itself. Insert problems from half a dozen of series that have done this. Have fun.

4. A.F.O.S.I.

Power Level:
Any, but Submerged is recommended.

My friend Zeeve and I came up with this campaign. A take on N.C.I.S. adapted to run out of Fairchild Airforce Base. For those unaware of what AFOSI stands for,  we died of laughter when we found out that the U.S. Navy has Naval Criminal Investigative Service, the Army has Criminal Investigative Division and the Airforce has...(I S%&! you not)...the Office of Special Investigations. On top of that, they have the "Irregular Tactics Team" which does unusual things like Hostage Rescue, but enough hand-waving and creative license can be used to justify the supernatural.

It's perfect.....

5. The Alpha's Outreach Program

Power Level:

The Spokane/Seattle Scoobies, the Pennington Pack, the Miami/Milwaukee Murders. The Alphas expand and make their own pieces of supernatural butt-kicking.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...


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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 07:25:34 PM »
Option 5 looks cool, there in college, maybe they start up a frat and expand that way :P

Offline fabulator

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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 11:59:50 PM »
Sort of similar to the Accords Interpol idea but my thought was to have everyone in my group play Wardens in Harry's area (or allies at least, like True Faith peeps or limited practicioners) and have him send them on Paranet calls that he can't deal with at the moment because he's a bit busy setting buildings on fire. Again.

Offline dubya2112

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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 03:54:58 AM »
What my group and I have been running is a campaign set in the MS Gulf Coast (Biloxi, in particular).  An out of season hurricane causes Mab to send her Winter Knight to investigate.  The gulf area is basically backwater, supernaturally speaking; however, there are a few vigilantes making sure the local supernatural factions toe the line of the accords.  The various factions are the White Court Rellith family (Greed vamps that own most of the casinos in the area), a small branch of the Venatori Umbrorum, a recently established Red Court foothold, and a few rogue spellslingers (there isn't any White Council Warden presence to speak of).

P.S. Love the A.F.O.S.I. idea!

Offline Crion

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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2010, 01:50:31 PM »
I was kicking around a concept for a character along this line, but after a discussion with a friend this week, I can really see this as a small beginning campaign.

The idea was simple: have a character who is a member of the SCA or another similar organization becoming exposed to the supernatural via these groups. This included reenactors for those Wild West Shootouts, Civil War, etc. It seemed to be a fun idea for a Vanilla Mortal, a Minor Talent, or a slew of other ideas (see below).

So. . .imagine the possibilities. You have mundane mortals living by old methods of living, older supernaturals can participate and use their experiences from that time to their advantage, and perhaps even use these events as a way of networking with other supernaturals. How about a group of fae actors that come in to play pranks on the viewers, or Sidhe Lords that want to relive the times of mortal nobility? An old Warden who has taken these events as a chance to train and test his (or her) apprentices in combat? A Red Court Infected living by a knightly code as a means of keeping his Hunger under control, and always moving with the group to remain hidden?

And these are just the regulars, and not including some of the (potentially) shorter-lived plot hooks I was thinking of dangling. What about some Black/Red Court Vampires that choose to come in to relive the old days, and decide to make this group the first members of their new feudal estate? A stopping point/meeting ground for a Warden and a White Court lover? A changeling on the run from their heritage who finds out that they just accidentally shifted the entire event into the Nevernever?

Lots of ideas, and with this being a smaller community than a city, I can see it as either an introduction "campaign," a short lived set of games (i.e. holiday breaks), or even just an entire story arc (or potentially recurring arc).

Any thoughts or opinions on this?
"Smilies exist because no one has bothered to make a sarcasm font." Lost_Heretic
"I don't care about whose DNA has recombined with whose. When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching--they are your family." Harry Dresden

Offline neko128

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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2010, 02:27:01 PM »
These ideas were all originally conceived in or around the Capital Region, NY, but could easily be transplanted.

1) The Siege

A nearby sanctuary - holy ground, accorded neutral ground, whatever, a place where it's considered neutral and with a strong enough set of protections to enforce it - is cut off.  Nothing seems able to get in or out.  Is it a protective response to some attack from whoever maintains it?  Is it an accident - a new ward going up that unintentionally backfired?  Or is this an attack by someone external, an attempt to weaken the sanctuary far enough to breach it?

2) A Bridge over Quiet Waters

Water tends to ground out magical energy; therefore, rivers should disrupt ley-lines, right?  Okay, your city's on the west bank of a river (Albany, Hudson), disjointed from the east-bank cities (Troy).  A group, which already has strong influence over the east-bank ley-lines or magical energies, is trying to create a major ritual to bridge the gap - to extend their influence directly over the west-bank ley-line junction.  This manifests as earthquakes, "magic-quakes", shifting ley-lines, and disruptions in the veil to the Nevernever.  The group must attempt to stop them before they succeed, and increase their power by an order of magnitude.

3) The Faeries are Coming!

The Faeries are everywhere!  Pixies invading gardens, goblins and ogres and trolls in dark alleys where they've never been before, elves and full Fae are displaced and homeless - and an all-out turf war seems imminent.  Some investigation reveals that the nearest Faerie stronghold seems to have emptied out and then closed its borders - and none of the Fae are talking.  Who took it over, or what are they afraid of?  Is it an invasion by other Fae?  A terrible monster?  A magical experiment gone bad?

4) The Black Hole of Rensselaer

Engineers have always caused trouble - and a cabal of Wizards convinced Magic and Technology can mix, when they aren't being laughed at, can cause more trouble than most.  The group notices a drop in magical energies in the region; investigation eventually leads them to realize that it's being drained into one location...  Which happens to be the basement of a building at a local university.  Is it an invention gone horribly wrong?  A misguided attempt at helping the local mortals?  An all-out attack on the local Fae population?  The must fun, of course, is "D - all of the above"...  As different members of the group behind it have different motivations.  Can the group disrupt whatever device or ritual is causing this before the loss is permanent?

5) Muddy Waters

The river-monsters are restless - but is it their fault?  Increased attacks, migrations, and the magical community is up in arms.  But investigation shows that they're being disturbed out of their deep homes by pollutants - which suddenly are smogging up the mana in the water as well as being poisonous.  Has some nearby industry accidentally caused this, or is it an attempt to drive out the river's inhabitants?  What could be in the depths that would inspire someone to try this?

6) A Small Engineering Problem

The dwarves used to have it made - the biggest locomotive works in the country, orders pouring in!  Then, General Electric - generators, all sorts of good stuff.  Their skills went to good use.  But their income has dropped to almost nothing - they've been cut out of the business, dumped on the wayside...  And they want the good life back.  Riots are the least of the group's problems when the union's made up of some of the most skilled tunnelers and builders in the world...  And they're out for revenge on the region they see as having deserted them.

7) Old, but Still Got It!

Ol' Mame Faye ran a bordello for decades before she "died"...  But recent sightings have made some people wonder if she's still around, 70 years later.  At the same time, a new serial killer is on the loose - who seems to love people to death, leaving them in an agonized pose of pure pleasure.  And the local graveyards are working overtime - spirits rising, sightings at night, and it not even near Halloween.  Is it the White Court, finally moving in?  Is it a necromancer, playing games with the dead?  Is Ol' Mame Faye still around, either a wizard or a vampire, or is it her ghost roaming the streets?  Are all these problems linked, or is the timing just enough to drive your heroes crazy?

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2010, 03:05:19 AM »

4) The Black Hole of Rensselaer

I have always wanted to play and dreaded a Wizard/Sorcerer who used the words Magic and Particle Accelerator in the same sentence.

Here's some more ideas:

American Gods - The Game 

Neil Gaiman's novel come to life as new powers emerge from the Nevernever and become heavyweights in the mortal world.

The Game.....- The Game

The object of The Game is to figure out the object of The Game. It is put on by Faeries. Enjoy....

The Festival of Puck

When it comes to Faeries, there are 3 times of the year every clued-in person HATES..... 1) The Changing of the seasons.   2) Halloween and 3) April Fool's Day. On that day, The Ancient Sidhe Lord Puck puts on a festival meant to celebrate fools and tricksters. Every Trickster in Faerie seeks to play the best tricks on humans. Highlights from previous year include dropped quarters for gained debts, musical numbers in the middle of malls and Ogres getting Harpooned onto that one store's big red Bullseye sign....  But this year, someone is cheating and they are using the bane.  They are cheating because the winner of the festival is awarded Power from Puck himself.  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

My name is Lanodantheon Thul, Conjure that by your own risk....But first, you have be able to spell it...

Offline Da_Gut

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Re: Campaign Ideas Thread
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2010, 04:09:31 AM »
I was kicking around a concept for a character along this line, but after a discussion with a friend this week, I can really see this as a small beginning campaign.

The idea was simple: have a character who is a member of the SCA or another similar organization becoming exposed to the supernatural via these groups. This included reenactors for those Wild West Shootouts, Civil War, etc. It seemed to be a fun idea for a Vanilla Mortal, a Minor Talent, or a slew of other ideas (see below).

So. . .imagine the possibilities. You have mundane mortals living by old methods of living, older supernaturals can participate and use their experiences from that time to their advantage, and perhaps even use these events as a way of networking with other supernaturals. How about a group of fae actors that come in to play pranks on the viewers, or Sidhe Lords that want to relive the times of mortal nobility? An old Warden who has taken these events as a chance to train and test his (or her) apprentices in combat? A Red Court Infected living by a knightly code as a means of keeping his Hunger under control, and always moving with the group to remain hidden?
Lots of ideas, and with this being a smaller community than a city, I can see it as either an introduction "campaign," a short lived set of games (i.e. holiday breaks), or even just an entire story arc (or potentially recurring arc).

Any thoughts or opinions on this?

Yes. I like it. I'm giving serious thought to running it as a short (2-3 session) mini scenario.