Author Topic: Questions about Catches  (Read 2198 times)

Offline Ornithopter

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Questions about Catches
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:22:41 PM »
1. Do we have a canonical mechanical way to determine if one character knows about the Catch of another character/monster type?  Alternatively, suggestions for house rules to handle this?  Some sort of Lore roll?  Maybe require research beforehand?

2. I'm having some trouble with some of the listed Catch values.  Red Court Vampires get a +2, assuming a +1 for knowledge, that would give a +1 for availability for "sunlight, holy stuff; no armor on belly."  Now, sunlight is tricky, but should holy stuff really be just a +1?  You can get holy water at any Catholic church, right?  Also, how do you determine availability for weak point style catches, like the lack of armor on the belly?  Also, for White Court Vampires, I don't understand why the Catch is only a +0.  I understand that True Emotion is supposed to be rare in the Dresdenverse, but is knowledge of the weakness really that hard to come by?

3. When it comes to catches that are weak points, how do you do called shots?  The only example I could find for called shots in the book was a maneuver to place an aspect on the target, like "Hurt Knee", which doesn't seem directly applicable.  Somewhat unrelated question, but could you do a called shot to bypass mundane armor? (e.g. "He's got a Kevlar vest on, so I'll shoot him in the head.")

Offline Tallyrand

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Re: Questions about Catches
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 09:38:53 PM »
So far as the second on, I assume it's because even if you know about the catch it doesn't do you a damn bit of good.  It's not like you can just stir up some true emotions to be ready for the fight, either you have them or you don't.

Offline Ornithopter

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Re: Questions about Catches
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2010, 09:46:16 PM »
Well, to be fair, the example for a +0 for availability is a Sword of the Cross, which are hard to come up with on the spur of the moment also.  I was under the impression that availability and knowledge are really supposed to be separate requirements.

Offline JosephKell

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Re: Questions about Catches
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2010, 09:58:20 PM »
1. Do we have a canonical mechanical way to determine if one character knows about the Catch of another character/monster type?  Alternatively, suggestions for house rules to handle this?  Some sort of Lore roll?  Maybe require research beforehand?
This is iffy.  It really depends on how fast the answer comes to mind.  Like "Stake a vampire" is obvious for black court vampires.  That is why they are so scarce on the ground (that and they are basically blood drinking flying ninja corpses).

2. I'm having some trouble with some of the listed Catch values.  Red Court Vampires get a +2, assuming a +1 for knowledge, that would give a +1 for availability for "sunlight, holy stuff; no armor on belly."  Now, sunlight is tricky, but should holy stuff really be just a +1?  You can get holy water at any Catholic church, right?  Also, how do you determine availability for weak point style catches, like the lack of armor on the belly?  Also, for White Court Vampires, I don't understand why the Catch is only a +0.  I understand that True Emotion is supposed to be rare in the Dresdenverse, but is knowledge of the weakness really that hard to come by?
No armor on belly means a character can take an exchange action to do a maneuver to put a temporary aspect on the target of "Contemplating your naval!" to aim a gun at their gut.  Then you tag for effect to ignore their armor (which seems really bad since it means you are giving up +2 to hit to get rid of Armor:1).  So I would be fine with allowing you to tag for effect AND the +2 bonus.

3. When it comes to catches that are weak points, how do you do called shots?  The only example I could find for called shots in the book was a maneuver to place an aspect on the target, like "Hurt Knee", which doesn't seem directly applicable.  Somewhat unrelated question, but could you do a called shot to bypass mundane armor? (e.g. "He's got a Kevlar vest on, so I'll shoot him in the head.")
But you are right, you do use a maneuver.

Maneuvers are generally difficulty 3.  But can be higher if the target has an appropriate defense.  The difficulty of "aiming" would be opposed by Athletics (or another skill with the appropriate stunt or close range).  So it is 3 or Athletics (whichever is higher).  Each shift of effect (success over the difficulty) is a point of "stickiness" (additional times a temporary aspect can be invoked after it is tagged once).

You can also use maneuvers to just put temporary aspects on a character.  Like a weapons maneuver to lame a foes leg ("Hurt Knee") so they will be compelled when they try to use athletics for something (like crossing a border or sprinting).  Or a deceit maneuver to convince a character you know something in order to have a stick (aspect) to tag when you use intimidation to threaten.
Well, to be fair, the example for a +0 for availability is a Sword of the Cross, which are hard to come up with on the spur of the moment also.  I was under the impression that availability and knowledge are really supposed to be separate requirements.
The catch "factors" are:
- Area of catch (I was going to say "scope", but this makes them all start with "A").  This is an expansion of Availability.  Like protection from Fire means you are safe from Fire, it is small.  Baseball bats, fits, claws, etc. all ignore it.
- Availability of catch.  What bypasses your toughness.
- Awareness of catch.  How would someone find out about your catch?  Did they learn from a movie or popular book (such as Stoker's, +2)?  Would they have to go to a specialized library (Lore for Arcane Research, this is +1)?  Or personal experience because most people that learn the catch don't live long enough to tell anyone (this is +0)?
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.

Offline TheMouse

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Re: Questions about Catches
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2010, 10:10:19 PM »
1. I'd be fine with a Lore roll, if that's how someone wanted to do it. If someone wanted to take an action to assess the thing, they could do that as well.

2. Haven't spent lots of time going through stuff on Catches, so I've got nothing.

3. I'd let someone just say, "I'm aiming for his belly," if they're in a position to do so. If I'd just described the RCV as running on all fours along the wall, then I'd disallow the shot. If I'd just described the beasty as rearing up on its legs to pounce, then I'd allow it just fine. If I hadn't described it either way, then I'd allow a fate point to interact with the high concept Aspect to get +2 to hit and ignore the armour.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Questions about Catches
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2010, 10:14:55 PM »
1. Well, if they got a +2 from knowledge, you just know it, with a +1 you must research it, and with a +0 you need a hell of a justification, and maybe research depending on circumstances.

2. IMO, you need someone with True Faith to make real Holy Water, that lines up with the values. The partial thing, like no armor on the belly, is just rolled in and gains them no points. As for the White Court...yeah, it is that secret. The White Court know...and basically nobody else. Harry only knows because Thomas told him.

3. If it's a weak spot, I'd base it on their Difficulty Of Use value, if it's +1 or +2 I'd allow anyone who knows it to do it for free, if it's +0 I'd only allow it by tagging a maneuver (much like initiating a grapple).