If one were to approve of the concept of a Shadowrun-esque physical adept (and I, personally, can't see why the concept couldn't be worked into a Dresden game), then going with their notion of lethal unarmed strikes, superhuman speed, strength, and durability, I can't see any reason why said character couldn't kick the bejeebus out of a vampire, red, white, black, blue, pink, or green (power ranger vampires, go!). If Kincaid and Murphy can shoot them and Michael can slice them, what's wrong with some mystically-powered wuxia do some butt kicking? I'd be all for it...heck, might even throw some bystander in there to shout out "FINISH THEM!" at the right moment.
That isn't to say it'd be an easy task, vampires are hardly pushovers, particularly in the brawling/melee department (as has been aptly demonstrated several times in the novels), but I can't see a reason why they couldn't try, and possibly succeed.