Author Topic: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters  (Read 4282 times)

Offline Belial666

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Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:05:11 PM »
High Concept:  The Dark Knight
Trouble: Just One Man Versus The World
Other aspects: The World's Greatest Detective, The World's Greatest Martial Artist, Paranoia Is My Middle Name, More Informed Than Big Brother, Ye Shall Not Use Guns


+8 Athletics
+7 Stealth, Fists, Alertness
+6 Discipline, Resources, Investigation
+5 Scholarship, Intimidate, Craftmanship (gadgets)
+4 Weapons, Contacts, Lore, Burglary, Deceit
+3 Conviction, Presence, Performance, Empathy, Driving, Might

Batman's gadgets are masterfully crafted. They all have 3 sticky aspects (applied through craftmanship and scholarship) he can tag 1/scene to boost his rolls. They are all shielded vs EMP and rarely malfunction; use Batman's modified craftsmanship score as hexing difficulty.

Nanofiber Stealth Suit: armor 3, tagged for defense rolls and stealth
Multispectral Goggles: grant nighvision, thermal vision, microscopic vision, ability to detect sources of radiation and radio waves. Tagged for perception.
Frequency Amplifier: grant subsonic and supersonic hearing, can overhear wireless communications, communication device. Tagged for perception.
Memory Rubber Batcape: can transform into a one-person glider, tagged for stealth
Carbon Nanofiber Spiked Gauntlets: weapon rating 2 usable with fists, can be used as climbing tools, tagged for fists
High-Pressure Contact Injector: use with fists to inject chemicals at contact-usually nonlethal sedatives. Weapon 2 vs effectively unarmored targets, does mental stress and is venomous, tagged for fists.
Powered Brass Knuckles: a high-voltage nonlethal tazer. Weapon 3 using fists. Tagged for Fists.
Utility Belt: high-quality belt with over a dozen pockets, holding additional equipment. Tagged for Declarations to have a gadget or substance at hand.
Cable Gun: shoots a nanofiber cable capable of supporting several hundged pounds up to 100 yards away with a grapnel at the end and an automatic rewind. Usable with Athletics modified by weapons to quickly climb over buildings or across long gaps. Tagged for climbing rolls.
2 returning batarangs: weapons 2 thrown weapon with miniaturized automated glider to return after thrown. Tagged for Fists.
4 exploding batarangs: as above, 1 pound of high explosive instead of automated glider. Weapons 8 area attack. Tagged for Fists.
1 psychic signal countermeasure device, tagged for mental defense.
1 general purpose warding talisman/holy symbol, tagged for defense vs magic.
1 pound of kryptonite in a lead-lined pocket.
10 holy-water rounds for the Contact Injector.
10 sedative rounds for the Contact Injector.
10 foam explosive rounds for the Contact Injector (weapon 5, lethal)
10 chemical antidote rounds for the Contact Injector


Rule With Fear
Scene of the Crime
Quick Eye
On My Toes
Paranoid? Probably
Corner of My Eye
Anticipate (can anticipate reactions of anyone faster and prepare to compensate; +1 initiative vs those with speed powers and they don't automatically go first)
Study Weakness (+1 Lore to finding the Catch or other weaknesses of superhuman adversaries. May research even normally "personal" weaknesses)
Always Ready (+1 to making Declarations to have a gadget or small amount of obscure substance helpful to the situation. Up to 3 times/session may make such declarations even when they'd be implausible)
Crazy Prepared (start each session with up to 20 pounds of high-tech gadgets or obscure substances satisfying Catches without having to roll resources)
Gadget Mechanic (as car mechanic but for gadgets)
Scientist (superscience +1, gadgets +2)
Reliable Innovation (gadgets Batman makes are always shielded vs electronic warfare and almost never malfunction; use his modified craftsmanship as hexing DC)
Swift and Silent
The High Ground (enemies take -2 on perception rolls to locate you as long as you are in a higher elevation)

Shadow Dodge  (+2 to dodge when standing in darkness)
Evasion (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from area attacks)
Human Spider
Mighty Leap
Too Fast to Hit

Brains Over Superbrawn (attackers with Strength powers take -1 attack and -1 dodge when fighting Batman in melee as their own strength is used against them)
Killer Blow
Lethal Weapon
Martial Artist
Redirected Force
One-Man Army (when personally outnumbered, +1 to your melee attacks)
Armed Arts (batarangs)
Counterblow (as Riposte, but for fists)
Dual Blow (as off-hand weapon training but for fists-Batman usually uses high weapon rating fist attacks like powered brass knuckles, armored gloves and Batarangs)
Good Arm
Bypass Arcane Defense (blocks with spells or supernatural powers are at -2 strength vs your unarmed attacks)
Find The Gap (you can find a chink or weak spot in most defenses; armor vs your unarmed attacks is treated as 2 lower)

Roll With The Blow (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts)
Counter Superstrength (through special training, Batman has learned how to absorb, roll with and counter superhumanly strong blows; he takes 1/2 extra damage from more than human strength)
Tough Stuff
Resilient Self-Image
Slippery Mind (stealth modifies discipline for mental and social defense)
Training Over Magic (+2 dodge against targeted spells)
No Pain, No Gain
Antimagic Training (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in magical attacks)

-39 refresh (pure mortal)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 08:17:19 AM by Belial666 »

Offline wyvern

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 04:27:40 PM »
I'd suggest an alternative mechanism for dealing with batman's gadgets: give him Rituals (crafting) - changed to work off of craftsmanship (or maybe resources?) instead of lore.  Then add Refinement for item slots as needed.

Other than that... seems a bit over the top to be honest, though I suppose that depends a lot on what version of batman you're starting with.  Still, these stats are high enough he could just go toe to toe with something like a loup-garou* and just plain win - which doesn't feel right at all.  Sure, batman could be expected to win - but he'd be expected to win only by doing something clever, and after a dramatic fight scene that made it clear that he was totally outmatched, and probably after *losing* once before doing the research to find out its catch.

* Yes, the loup-garou has physical immunity... to direct attacks.  Your version of batman would simply never get hit, and could easily, say, trip it up & then tie it up with his grapple gun.  No contest.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 04:36:57 PM »
That seems...a tad excessive.

But then, I'd put Superman at only -35 Refresh with an Epic skill cap or so, and while I'd definitely make he and Batman on-par, I'd be likely to leave him with at least 8 or 10 Fate Points since he uses a whole lot of those, IMO.

I'd also do the Aspects very differently, but that's a personal taste/different version of Batman, thing.

Still, I really like several of these Specific Stunts and how they work (Anticipate and Counter Superstrength are particularly fun and appropriate for both Batman and the supers genre in general).

Ritual (Crafting) is also a possibility, but I can definitely see the appeal of a Pure Mortal Batman.

EDIT: And counting up Stunts, I think you're a bit under on Refresh I count 42 stunts, whic'd be -40.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 04:46:47 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Belial666

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 05:00:45 PM »
Keep in mind that while Batman's stunts do give him some advantages, they are still weaker point-for-point than supernatural powers. He is about on par with -30 refresh in powers.

His greatest strength is in preparation. That's how his gadgets and crafting work, not to mention researching catches and countermeasures.

His greatest weakness is vs attacks that he can't dodge such as supernatural powers/spells that target endurance or might instead of athletics and he still has only a normal human stress track. Also, vs a hulking mythic might grappler with an effective grapple of, like, +16 or one that he picks up a large track and throws it at him using might, he can't do much, especially if the grappler invokes an aspect to grapple instead of trying to impose one with fists.

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 08:27:25 PM »
It's a very powerful build, all right. But my one issue is actually the priority you gave his skills. Batman's best skill should be Investigation, followed closely by Intimidation, Fists and Stealth.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 08:39:56 PM »
Here's my version, it's more intellectual and a bit lower powered, though still phenomenally scary at a Base Refresh of 40 and with 100 points in Skills.

Name: Bruce Wayne/Batman

High Concept: The Dark Knight
Trouble: Becoming The Mask
World's Greatest Detective
Always Has A Plan
Most Dangerous Man On Earth
Billionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne
Follows A Code


Epic: Athletics, Investigation,
Fantastic: Discipline, Fists, Stealth,
Superb: Conviction, Craftsmanship, Intimidate, Resources,
Great: Alertness, Burglary, Deceit, Rapport, Scholarship,
Good: Contacts, Driving, Empathy, Endurance, Lore, Presence,

Fair in all other skills.


Paranoid? Probably (Alertness)
Anticipate (can anticipate reactions of anyone faster and prepare to compensate; +1 initiative vs those with speed powers and they don't automatically go first) (Alertness)

Acrobat (Athletics)
Evasion (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in area attacks) (Athletics)
Too Fast to Hit (Athletics)

Always Ready (+1 to making Declarations to have a gadget or small amount of obscure substance helpful to the situation and may make such declarations even when they'd be implausible.) (Craftsmanship)
Gadget Mechanic (as car mechanic but for gadgets) (Craftsmanship)
Reliable Innovation (gadgets Batman makes are always shielded vs electronic warfare and almost never malfunction; use his modified craftsmanship as hexing DC) (Craftsmanship)

Iron Control (Can use Discipline instead of Rapport for Social Defense including the Closing Down trapping.) (Craftsmanship)

Roll With The Blow (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in melee attacks) (Endurance)
Counter Superstrength (through special training, Batman has learned how to absorb, roll with and counter superhumanly strong blows; he takes 1/2 extra damage from more than human strength) (Endurance)
No Pain, No Gain (Endurance)
Antimagic Training (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in magical attacks) (Endurance)

Lethal Weapon (Fists)
Martial Artist (Fists)
Redirected Force (Fists)
Armed Arts (Batarangs, Swords, Staffs, Grenades) (Fists)
Counterblow (as Riposte) (Fists)
Good Arm (As the weapons Stunt) (Fists)
Bypass Arcane Defense (blocks with spells or supernatural powers are at -2 strength vs your unarmed attacks) (Fists)
Find The Gap (you can find a chink or weak spot in most defenses; armor vs your unarmed attacks is treated as 2 lower) (Fists)

Rule With Fear (Intimidation)

Scene of the Crime (Investigation)
Cold Read (Can use Investigation instead of Empathy for the Reading People Trapping.) (Investigation)

Lush Lifestyle (Resources)
High Quality Workspace (Lab) (Resources)

Scientist (Superscience +1, Gadgets +2) (Scholarship)
Linguist (Scholarship)

Swift and Silent (Stealth)

Total: -28 Refresh (Pure  Mortal)


Mental: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 3, with Bat Suit.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 08:42:26 PM by Deadmanwalking »


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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2010, 09:12:08 PM »
Now I gotta wonder just what a starting-out Batman might look like.  Plus, this has helped convince me that a "superhero" kind of game in the Dresdenverse would be fun and profitable for the entire group.

Then again, I love crossovers.  I'm the type who'd cross a Star Wars game and a Star Trek game just to see what happens.

I'll have to post my take on Batman's stats sometime.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 09:31:59 PM »
Interesting choice of aspects. I think your version, if you have him a base refresh 40 and thus 12 free fate pts, a Batman less dark and scary than his current portrayal in the DC universe. I still have him at refresh 40 but only 1 free refresh so he follows much more his nature as a Dark Knight than make choices freely. I mean, currently Batman is even darker than what I have after he used his Study Weakness and Always Ready, violated one of his basic aspects and used a gun with radion bullets to kill Darkseid.

Interesting question; could a prepared Batman take on somebody of Senior Council level? Can your version with gadgets do it? Can my version with just the basic batsuit+cape+armored gauntlets+batarangs? Can my version with all the gadgets?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2010, 09:53:11 PM »
A few years ago, I statted up superheroes for Mutants and Masterminds on the Atomic Think Tank for a while. I'll say now what I said then: I do iconic builds, the ones anyone who's ever heard of the character will immediate see and go "That's him!" Even if the character isn't currently quite that guy, I still go with it. If I was statting Superman back when he was blue and turned into energy, I'd still do the invulnerable guy with super-strength, because that's who Superman is.

As for the Senior Council, if he gets the drop on them? Casually. Either yours or mine can do it unarmed, though mine's better off due to his superior Fate Points. But that goes both ways, and is actually true of Wizards vs. True Mortals in general.

Either gets seven or eight Aspects via the Ambush Trapping of Stealth, five or six from other Maneuvers, mine gets a couple via Cold Read, and then mine burns 5 Fate Points while yours uses free tags from items and maybe two FP.

So mine does a 52-58 shift attack or so at Weapon 2 or 3, and takes them the hell out. Yours is slightly lower, but can make up for it with additional maneuvers. No, it's not fair, but it's how Batman takes people out.

Contrariwise, in a straight fight or with surprise on their side the Senior Council Member will destroy him...but not so quickly he won't be able to get away, and once he does he can come back with a plan...which is to say doing as described above.

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2010, 12:29:47 AM »
Other than that... seems a bit over the top to be honest, though I suppose that depends a lot on what version of batman you're starting with.  Still, these stats are high enough he could just go toe to toe with something like a loup-garou* and just plain win - which doesn't feel right at all.  Sure, batman could be expected to win - but he'd be expected to win only by doing something clever, and after a dramatic fight scene that made it clear that he was totally outmatched, and probably after *losing* once before doing the research to find out its catch.

* Yes, the loup-garou has physical immunity... to direct attacks.  Your version of batman would simply never get hit, and could easily, say, trip it up & then tie it up with his grapple gun.  No contest.
Aspect: Batman always wins, even if he loses.

This assumes that Bats simply stumbles across a loup garou or some other supernat. But Bats never simply stumbles across an opponent. There was an attack on a civillian, or there were sightings of a large wolf or something similar. And given the setting of DFRPG, it is more likely that Bats has the catch of all the more common supernats in his utility belt or built into his costume.
With your laws of magic, wizards would pretty much just be helpless carebears who can only do magic tricks. - BumblingBear

Offline Belial666

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2010, 02:45:54 PM »
OK, here is a beginning version of Batman, as shown in the most recent films. He's much more of a stealthy, high-tech killer than anything else as he hasn't had time to become the greatest detective and most paranoid man in the world yet-he has yet to meet any supernatural or even just superhuman threats.

High Concept:  The Dark Knight
Trouble: Black Sheep of a Broken Family
Other aspects: Ninja of the West, Heir of a Failing Empire, A Man In A Mask, Being Eccentric For The Greater Good, Ye Shall Not Use Guns


+5 Athletics, Stealth, Fists
+4 Alertness, Discipline, Resources
+3 Deceit, Intimidate, Craftmanship (gadgets)
+2 Might, Burglary, Presence
+1 Investigation, Contacts, Lore, Rapport

Batman's gadgets are masterfully crafted. They all have 2 sticky aspects (applied through craftmanship) he can tag 1/scene to boost his rolls.

Nanofiber Stealth Suit: armor 3, tagged for defense rolls and stealth
Night Vision Goggles: grant nighvision, thermal vision. Tagged for perception.
Frequency Amplifier: enhanced hearing, communication device. Tagged for perception.
Memory Rubber Batcape: can transform into a one-person glider, tagged for stealth
Carbon Nanofiber Spiked Gauntlets: weapon rating 2 usable with fists, can be used as climbing tools, tagged for fists
Utility Belt: high-quality belt with over a dozen pockets, holding additional equipment. Tagged for Declarations to have a gadget or substance at hand.
Cable Gun: shoots a nanofiber cable capable of supporting several hundged pounds up to 100 yards away with a grapnel at the end and an automatic rewind. Usable with Athletics modified by weapons to quickly climb over buildings or across long gaps. Tagged for climbing rolls.
2 returning batarangs: weapons 2 thrown weapon with miniaturized automated glider to return after thrown. Tagged for Fists.
4 exploding batarangs: as above, 1 pound of high explosive instead of automated glider. Weapons 8 area attack. Tagged for Fists.
10 antidote doses.


Extensive Training  (you get extra skill points equal to the Refresh spent on Mortal Stunts)
On My Toes
Gadget Mechanic (as car mechanic but for gadgets)
Scientist (superscience +1, gadgets +2)
The High Ground (enemies take -2 on perception rolls to locate you as long as you are in a higher elevation)
Shadow Dodge  (+2 to dodge when standing in darkness)
Lethal Weapon
Armed Arts (ninja weapons-including batarangs)
Find The Gap (you can find a chink or weak spot in most defenses; armor vs your unarmed attacks is treated as 2 lower)
Roll With The Blow (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in melee attacks)

10 refresh (pure mortal)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 02:51:22 PM by Belial666 »

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Re: Batman - a study in high-power mortal characters
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2010, 05:31:15 PM »
Aspect: Batman always wins, even if he loses.

This assumes that Bats simply stumbles across a loup garou or some other supernat. But Bats never simply stumbles across an opponent. There was an attack on a civillian, or there were sightings of a large wolf or something similar. And given the setting of DFRPG, it is more likely that Bats has the catch of all the more common supernats in his utility belt or built into his costume.

Somewhere in the back of my head, I started thinking "Born with a silver spoon -> cutting a loup-garou's heart out with it".