I have to say I think the site is going great, adding the new mini mods seems to have been a good idea. More people to put out tiny fires that naturally pop up from time to time. Before I think it might have just been too much area for the older mods to cover. So small fires would pop up and start getting out of control before anyone could get to them. The mini mods are doing well so far. You can never tell how someone will react when they are first give mod power. Some people will step up and turn into real moderators, while some people just turn into posters with extra powers. We are all lucky that the people that were selected went the first rout.
I can’t say I have ever seen any moderating done by mods that I would disagree with. Even the few times I have been slapped down myself have been for things that after a few minutes to calm down about I could see I was being a d*ck over. But then I have always been good about looking at things from an outside perspective once I have calmed down.
As for the issue I have seen some people raise about moderators not being as polite as they could be when they a slapping people down, I guess I can kind of see what is meant. No one wants to be told they are doing things wrong and telling them in such a way that it seems that the mod is out of control, insulting, or rude can only make that person more upset and resentful. Of course like some of the mods that have replied have said sometimes people need a quick sharp slap and asking them nicely with sugar on top wont get that done. So I guess it comes down to the mods deciding what is the best tone for getting things done and what is needed to get a persons attention.
All in all I guess I would have to give a solid A for how things are going now. (except for Shecky I give him a B just because I can)