Author Topic: Looking for help for an intro scenario for 1st time FATE players and GM  (Read 2278 times)

Offline BigMrE

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Anyone point me in any direction?  We're FATE noobs and need a little help.


Offline JosephKell

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Holy crap, found it fast.

There was a thread (found here that was about developing an intro to fate scenario.  It is set in Fate, Texas.

If memory serves, it wasn't that detailed.  More of a "try to include scenes for each of these situations" type of things.  Trying to highlight:
- How aspects affect the game (invoking for bonus, for effect, and compels)
- Social conflict
- Investigative scenes (including usage of contacts)
- Physical conflict
- What skills can do
- Big climatic battle

Some of these can overlap.  Particularly the aspects part.
If you have to ask, it probably breaks a Law of Magic.  You're just trying to get the Doom of Damocles.

Offline BigMrE

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Thank you!

Offline TheMouse

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I came up with a sort of formula for producing Dresden Files sorts of situations a while back. It helps me, and it might help you as well.

* Set up -- What's going on to hook the PCs? Think of what the beginning of the story might be like, just before the players get to do stuff. Basically, you're looking for something to make them want into the story.

* Things get worse -- You know how Harry's life is never simple? Well, this is part of that. It's a complication that pops up after a little while to make the characters' lives more difficult.

* Life gets even worse than that -- Let's face it. Suffering characters are interesting characters. Here is where you introduce even more complications.

* Conclusion -- Don't decide how you think things will end. That's madness. Instead, set rough victory conditions. Let's say that stopping a ritual decides victory or failure. What sorts of actions might stop the ritual? What happens if they do stop it? If they don't?

Now, cross reference this with the list above. During the introduction, you might set things up to include a basic set of skill rolls. Add another scene where you bring in Aspects.

Then, life starts to get worse. You might introduce social conflict here. You might also introduce more complicated skill rolls.
