Author Topic: Playing as one of the Fae, Advanced Template  (Read 1882 times)

Offline Clotho19

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Playing as one of the Fae, Advanced Template
« on: June 25, 2010, 03:15:43 PM »
I am curious has anyone else allowed their players to play as one of the Fae and not just a changeling. In my game i cam up with an interesting way to allow my characters play as one and still keep the changeling template useful.

Okay should explain some of the back story. In our game, not all the Fae are soulless. Some fae over close proximity to humans gain a soul. It was said in the books, when bob was explaining about soulfire that humans are constantly giving bits of their souls away to people who are close to them, and in our game this is why toot has gotten bigger and more powerful, because harry unconsciously is giving him pieces of his soul. After awhile, the little pieces grow to the point that the Fae itself has its own soul, albeit a very different soul than that of a human, which is why a soulgaze doesn't work, as their souls are beyond comprehension to human wizards. While i am sure a great deal of people are gonna say but the books say.... firstly let me say this is our game, and we are free to introduce what ever elements we like, and secondly, harry could be wrong, after all he doesn't know everything, he is constantly learning in the books that he what he believes may not be the truth, i.e. that no wizard of the white council is allowed to break the laws, than we find out bout the blackstaff. Of course, in our game it isn't common knowledge either, more an unconfirmed rumour outside of the courts. After all, if the council admitted that some of the Fae had souls, than they would have to wonder what else had souls, and what else would be protected under the laws etc. In our game, it was a big revelation that some of the Fae had souls, and the wizard in our group has decided not to share this information with the white council for this very reason, which is putting him in a lot of turmoil, as he is a staunch supporter of the council and is making great for character development :-)

Furthermore, all the Fae who have souls are Sidhe, this is basically what makes them Sidhe. Possessing a souls allows them a measure of more freedom, but not much more, i mean they are still bound by all the rules of being one of the Fae and being part of the courts, but like lea they are the ones who look for the wiggle room even in orders from their queens. Also in our game, their are a group of Sidhe, known as the Daoine Sidhe (mentioned briefly in changes i tink) who were the original to gain a soul and can actually reproduce their own kind, meaning that their children are born with a soul. Mab was one of the first Daoine Sidhe and this is why her daughter Maeve was born a Sidhe, as she is a Daoine Sidhe.

Okay, enough of a back story. In our game, all characters start out as changelings if they want to become a Fae, i don't allow anyone to start as a Fae from the start of the game, even in submerged games, not just because of the refresh, but also because it would make the changeling template pointless if they could play as a Fae from the start. In our game, once you have gained all the powers of your species or made the choice to become a full Fae, you become an npc. However, after awhile, and after the refresh level has risen, the character may become a Sidhe of their species, by gaining pieces of a soul from contact with their old friends, and become playable again. If the character hasn't become a Sidhe, or the refresh has risen enough to allow them to be playable, they still remain an npc. I have allowed one character to play as a Changeling who's mother was a Daoine Sidhe, which means when she chooses to become a full Fae, she will still have a soul and the freedom that all Sidhe possess in our game, but have told her even if refresh has risen enough for her to be playable when she chooses, she will have to sit out for a bit to reflect time spent in the Faerie Courts, learning about court life, and she seems fine with that.

Now my question is has anyone else allowed their players to play as a Full Fae, and if yes how did you work it? And also has anyone else introduced any templates that cannot be purchased at character creation, rather must be gained later on in the game, advanced templates i call em. The only other advanced template i have is the Valkyrie Template, and would love to know if anyone else has made any as well?

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Re: Playing as one of the Fae, Advanced Template
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 07:52:14 PM »
Compel their High Concept alot to make them act true to their Faerie nature. That's really all there is to it. If they don't have souls they likely couldn't refuse said Compels, but with one, they can.

As for Advanced Templates, True Shapeshifter (True Shapeshifting + Modular Abilities) is basically a high-end Template, and one I'm about to be playing...

That's all that comes to mind for PCs, anyway.