I'm at the halfway point chapters-wise, and only a couple of hundred short of 45,000 words which makes me more relaxed than I have been for some time about getting the whole thing to come out at a reasonable 90kwordsish length. Last night was another 4000-word night. (I had Friday off as my workplace was closed for unique-to-that-workplace reasons, so wrote Thu and Sat rather than my habitual Fri.) I am feeling really energised about this, not least because the next couple of chapters lead to meeting some cool new people including one who is going to be very important in the larger story arc.
Of course, I would have to get this kind of energised when I am about to go away for a work conference/workshop thing which means being away from Saturday to Sunday of the week following, so i will have minimal writing time between now and then, but still, it's progress.