All the comments are back from my first outside-my-own-eyes reader of Book 1.
The good news: Some really nice compliments, especially on some bits that were tricky for me in specific places where I wanted to convey things precisely, and an overall review of "marketable". The Q&A session was good for me, because I was able to direct attention where I really wanted it. "Did you find that [plot point] was too contrived?" "No, given the earlier explanation and what came after, it made sense. I did go "huh" at the time, but then I realized where it was coming from." That kinda thing.
The bad news: That's as good as it got. But hey, I'll take "I'd pay to read this" and not quibble.
Though this was someone I know, it's also someone who never has a problem with honesty. There was no gushing, but that's fair 'cause this book isn't going to change the face of publishing. It's a fun tale that I liked writing, and since it's outside his usual genre, that he liked it is a good sign.
There are some edits to make, some rough patches to smooth over, and an early scene that needs an overhaul (which I kinda knew), so I'll be polishing that today and then back to Book 2.