Author Topic: Might: Throwing things, breaking buildings and general hulk antics  (Read 2767 times)

Offline Ihadris

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Hi guys,

A few questions concerning the use of might in physical conflicts. During the course of the first few sessions I have run, one of my players who has Might as one of his apex skills in a waist deep game, along with supernatural strength and hulking size has wanted to:
- Take out a supporting pillar/a piece of the floor or wall and use it as a thrown projectile
-Go up a floor in a building by wripping a hole in the ceiling
-Break an opponents sword

How would you have handled these?
I went for:
-Taking a guess and assinging a weapon value to the thrown object and him using fists aim
-Making him use a manuever to place an aspect on the scene but had also considered a roll against a difficulty in the reigon of 10
-A roll against the craftsmanship value of the weapon.

Throwing objects (maybe even people!) and breaking through things are that really seem to appeal to this particular player and his character is geared for that. I'm just not sure how to handle this or the damage to the building. (A scene aspect perhaps?)

Thanks Ihadris

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Might: Throwing things, breaking buildings and general hulk antics
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2010, 07:30:02 PM »
1. I would say you did that right. Let him use his strength to rip the pillar or whatever out as a supplemental action then let him attack with it (assign whatever value you feel is acceptable)

2. I would say you also did this one basically right. Something like a hole in the floor is probably going to be a scene aspect but you might have also handled it as border value. (personally i think a character destroying large parts of a building or some such would be scene aspects most of the time)

3. The roll against the craftsman value of his weapon was pretty smart actually and for this would work. Though truth be told i've never had anyone attempt to break a weapon or something that someone else was holding.

Thats off the top of my head how i would handle those things. Honestly i think you did fine with it. and remember all that matters is that everyone has fun ;D
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Offline luminos

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Re: Might: Throwing things, breaking buildings and general hulk antics
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2010, 07:56:30 PM »
To break a weapon, I'd play it as a maneuver using might against whoever had the weapon, and if the maneuver succeeded, the shifts would be the damage against the craftsmanship value of the weapon.
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Re: Might: Throwing things, breaking buildings and general hulk antics
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2010, 12:11:39 AM »
Yeah, it sounds like you did those about right, though I, too, would've called the floor a Border Value.

And for Improvised Weapons, bear in mind the following scale: A baseball bat is Weapon: 2, a car is Weapon: 5. That should give a rough guide.