- Athletics.
Yeah it's pretty awesome. All you can do is create conflicts where dodging isn't an option if it's a problem in your game. Affects that fill the whole zone, manouevres and consequences that slow them down etc.
- Superspeed and zones.
Sometimes you can't escape from a conflict, no matter how fast you are. If they can escape, rule that there are additional zones for their attackers to cross perhaps? Superspeed has a lot of bonuses aside from crossing zones so as long as they still benefit from those during the conflict it isn't a wasted skill.
- Ambush rules.
I'd personally rule that it is possible to ambush someone at any time, including combat, as long as they aren't aware of the ambusher and they aren't expecting to be attacked from that direction. It'd be dependent on the characters and conflict involved though, the on-going conflict could be a serious distraction, or it could mean that the target has heightened senses, aware of danger from any direction.
- On incite emotion during a grapple.
YS211 - 'When you successfully grapple a target, you establish a block against
all actions he might take in the exchange. The target is also prohibited from sprinting (page 212) or supplemental movement (page 213) until the grapple is broken.'
Inciting emotion is a manoeuvre with a +2 to the roll as long as you're in the same zone and physically touch them. Assume the grapple involves pinning the person in such a way that their hands are trapped (and in the case of incite at range, they can't see the grappler... though it doesn't actually state sight is involved).
- Physical stress
I'm not aware of a limit on stress tracks, I assume that with such a large physical track he has a small mental and social track? It might not be easy but perhaps he could be blocked or grappled in a physical conflict.
Hope this helps