We've got a lot of pictures we sling around here, what with the kittens, facepalms, and subjects of our Geek Lust. Nothing wrong with that as long as we stay PG-13. But I've noticed that often the images are hotlinked from whatever fun page we found them. This can cause problems for wherever we got the images from. The owners of those pages end up having bandwidth used by people who aren't even going on their site, just looking at the pics from the site here on ours. Depending on their server setup, traffic, etc, this can bog things down for them. And it makes them say bad, bad, words.
It's good manners to save the image, the upload it to whatever photo hosting site you prefer, and
then post the image here for all to enjoy, cringe, laugh or weep at.

Images by
http://chonastock.deviantart.com/ be sure to check out more of their work. Especially if you like blue girls and star trek. Or girls with swords.
If you right click the image and look at the properties, you'll see I'm using photobucket to host this picture of Geek Wonderment.
Then I've gone and put a link to the artist's site so all can make wonder and joy at them.
If you post an artist's image as I have, and by that I mean art, please give credit where credit's due. We're not talking a screengrab from Farscape you snatched from IMDB, but something somebody made, drew, shot, whatver. Most photographers and geek artists don't mind if you show their stuff, just provide a link to the source page so people can come see the rest of their work (and maybe buy something.) We artists love to know that people look at our stuff, we just want people to
know it's
our stuff their looking at. And then we want them to look at the
rest of our stuff, and maybe leave a little positive feedback. Most people posting art on the interwebs don't mind sharing as long as you give them credit and don't grinch their bandwidth.