Author Topic: oracle of Apollo  (Read 2526 times)

Offline Kowandz

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oracle of Apollo
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:50:10 AM »
One of my PCs wants to be a modern oracle of Apollo.  I need to figure out what abilities they would have, and which aspects of Apollo are the most fitting in a modern setting.  What would the god of sun, music, and healing(plague) want in modern times?  Cassandra's tears are not suitable for an oracle either, they don't quite go far enough.  As part of the high concept I figure I can compel the aspect to trance out the PC in some situations.  The character can come back in the next scene with a bit of new information to help out.  I figure that I should make some of the info cryptic to counter the fact that it's prophecy and that free will means that prophesy is merely likely and not set in stone.  Any ideas on a template level would be very welcome.

Offline rickayelm

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Re: oracle of Apollo
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 08:43:56 AM »
I would give them:
-1 The Sight
-0 Soulgaze
-1 Marked By Power
-2 Ritualist (divination)

Under divination it says that it can be used for prophesy so this covers a more powerfull version of cassandras tears, sinse you are the oracle of appollo you would have marked by power, soulgaze and the Sight are just usefull abilities for someone to have as a diviner. Depending on whether you are a focussed practioner cultist or an emmissary of power you may or may not have inhuman abilities.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: oracle of Apollo
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 08:48:33 AM »
That sounds good, though in addition I'd suggest a combination of The Sight and maybe Guide My Hand with Cassandra's Tears to properly reflect the powers of an Oracle. Mal_Luck is playing in the same game with me in the PBP sub-forum as a precognitive cop, and he came up with this:

Cassandra’s Warrior [-1]: As Cassandra’s Tears, but with additional effects of I Know Where I’m Needed (renamed Spiritual Guidance) effect of Guide My Hand and the Arcane Senses and Spark of the Supernatural (renamed Wizard’s Touch) effect of The Sight. User only gets visions of things he might be able to interfere with (distance and time to interfere effect the maximum spatial range). These visions are typically related to future supernatural events or attacks, though the visions may occasionally involve the non-supernatural. The visions may occur at anytime and are usually accompanied by a massive headache (Temporary Aspect that lasts for one scene).

Which all looks quite balanced. An Oracle might want slighly different trappings, but the basic idea is likely to be somewhat similar. That'd total out to -5 or so Refresh, which is very doable.

Offline CMEast

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Re: oracle of Apollo
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 10:08:53 AM »
The template will depend on the type of oracle:

If it's an Oracle of Apollo, does this mean the prophecies only relate to apollonic themes? After all, if the visions come from Apollo then he may only provide glimpses of what he cares about (though presumably he cares for his oracle too).

Are the visions clear and understandable, or are they cryptic? Will the PC be aware of the prophecy, or is she just the mouthpiece and has no knowledge of what she's said.

Are visions always compels, or can the character invoke a vision as well? Can other people force the PC to have a vision? (Certain factions might want to kidnap the PC to use as their own personal crystal ball).

If they can, do they need some kind of ritual? Do they need to be under-the-influence of a particular substance? Or can they just meditate a while? (Praying to Apollo, tarot cards or palm reading, hallucinogenic substances etc).

Is there a practical side to the visions? For instance do they get flashes of insight mid conflict which allows them to say or do the right thing in a social situation, or be aware of an ambush before it happens, or duck at just the right time? Or is that just a case of invoking the aspect for re-rolls and so forth.

What is the relationship between the PC and Apollo? Does she worship him? Was she chosen by him? Or did it happen by accident i.e. wrong place wrong time, item of power etc. Is she happy to be an oracle or is this a curse?

As for rules, this could be treated like sponsored magic, casting divination rituals at evocation speed, debts owed to Apollo etc. Or it could be a supernatural power as DMW has suggested above.

Offline Kowandz

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Re: oracle of Apollo
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2010, 03:10:37 PM »
The way I see the character so far is that the visions are being thrust upon her by Apollo.  The compelled visions from Apollo would be clear, Apollo doesn't want his oracle to be confused about his will.  I also think that the oracle should be able to invoke visions, with suitable things to help the vision come (meditation, drugs, gift for Apollo), and requested visions would be cryptic.

I like the sponsored magic way of handling the visions, and I really don't see this as a "spider-sense" in battle.  Any time the character is having a vision I think they would totally trance out, wherever they are and whatever they are doing.

I'm going to leave if being the oracle is choice or curse up to the player, sounds more like character flair then important to the actual power of the PC.