It's official:
Changes is in its TENTH week in a row on the New York Times Bestseller List! We thought this deserved a little celebration.
Share in the Dresden glee with
Chris McGrath's cover art for the thirteenth Dresden Files novel,
Ghost Story!
Ghost Story is due out March 29th, 2011. Click to enlarge.

We also have wallpaper for Jim's next release,
Side Jobs, a compilation of Dresden Files short stories. Slated for October 26th, this anthology contains the following stories:
- "Restoration of Faith"
- "Vignette"
- "Something Borrowed" -- from My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding
- "It's My Birthday Too" -- from Many Bloody Returns
- "Heorot" -- from My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon
- "Day Off" -- from Blood Lite
- Backup -- novelette from Thomas' POV, originally published by Subterranean Press
- The Warrior -- novelette from Mean Streets
- "Last Call" -- from Strange Brew
- "Love Hurts" -- from Songs of Love and Death
- Aftermath -- post-Changes novelette from Murphy's POV, EXCLUSIVE to this anthology!
Download the cover art as desktop wallpaper in about every desktop size imaginable:
Side Jobs and
Ghost Story (or catch up on the previous novels in the series) through
the store!
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