Author Topic: Sample Stunts  (Read 16531 times)

Offline luminos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #45 on: June 30, 2010, 04:23:56 AM »
The part about seeing cameras before they see you seems like ghost in the system could simply be giving stealth the casing the joint trapping of burglary.  That would work

For 19th century tech, 20th century Solutions, I'd give it a +4 against hexing, but absolutely no immunity to accidental hexing.  Compelling an accidental hex on one of these items should be discouraged, but I'm against anything that negates the risk of a wizard hexing some of his own equipment.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #46 on: June 30, 2010, 09:02:44 AM »
For 19th century tech, 20th century Solutions, I'd give it a +4 against hexing, but absolutely no immunity to accidental hexing.  Compelling an accidental hex on one of these items should be discouraged, but I'm against anything that negates the risk of a wizard hexing some of his own equipment.

I'd be okay with that version as well, it's the combination of the two (the full +4 and immunity to accidental Hexing) that's a bit over the top.

Offline CMEast

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2010, 09:38:13 AM »
Ah, yeah that's fair enough. I had originally written it as just +4, but as I wrote it in the forum I realised that didn't protect me from a friendly focused practioner sneezing in my direction and wrecking everything (which just doesn't make sense). So if I took just the +4 then perhaps they could be hexed accidently on a rare occasion with my character invoking his aspect (and spending a fate point) to declare that it still works, or perhaps it requires just the tiniest of adjustments to repair.

Oh and totally Luminos, wizards shouldn't be immune to it, however my character is pure mortal and is built around protecting himself from supernatural effects.


For Ghost in the System, while spotting that you hadn't expected would be an alertness roll. Continually looking for cameras, expecting them to be there, and having a general knowledge of the best places they would be (and what the different types are capable of doing) would far exceed an alertness trapping. In the same way, while stealth covers hiding, it doesn't cover the ability to leave a scene exactly as it was found without leaving any incrimidating evidence. I could always just declare that my character doesn't leave any fingerprint or attract attention or whatever, but this is a skill he's learned over years and so it makes sense to include as part of stealth.

Think of the character 'Brill' in Enemy of the State, it's taking the idea of hiding to a whole new level and while my character does have aspects of paranoia and so forth, it does feel like it's a developed skill.

Offline luminos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #48 on: June 30, 2010, 09:40:23 AM »
For Ghost in the System, while spotting that you hadn't expected would be an alertness roll. Continually looking for cameras, expecting them to be there, and having a general knowledge of the best places they would be (and what the different types are capable of doing) would far exceed an alertness trapping.

No, that very specifically is a burglary trapping. 
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #49 on: June 30, 2010, 09:44:21 AM »
Yeah, the more you talk about it, the more it feels like maybe you should just have it do the reverse of Cat Burglar and add the Casing the Joint and Infiltration trappings of Burglary to Stealth. That plus Stealth itself should cover most everything.

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2010, 02:17:06 PM »
I can't help but feel that I'm using stealth for it's defensive benefits only and that burglary is definitely an offensive skill. My character won't be breaking in to high-security buildings, he'll be avoiding them like the plague!

Still, I guess I could remove the 'Shadowing' trapping from stealth to balance out the two trappings taken from burglary. I can't help but feel that I'm not explaining this properly however.

For instance, my character walks in to a shop to buy some supplies (paying cash only of course). He picks up the objects he needs, his peak cap and high collar concealing his face without looking at all conspicuous, never allowing any of the possible cameras they might have from getting a good look at his face. He doesn't have time to 'case the joint' and he's not looking to break in. As he walks back to the car he automatically dips his head at all the right times, avoids leaving fingerprints, walking quickly enough to not have people bother him but not so quickly he'll attract attention. The car is parked in such a way that the number-plate (licence) can't be seen by any cameras but so that he can get away quickly if needed.

You could argue that he is using some skills useful to burglary, to deceit, to performance, to alertness and so survival. He also tends to notice people trailing him which could be alertness, investigation or even empathy. However he doesn't have all of those skills, he just has the ability to hide from one thing specifically - the government.

I don't even plan on him actually doing that much hiding or ambushing because that's not in his character so I could just give him the burglary skill and a 'hide' trapping for that, but that fits even worse. Any thoughts? Perhaps some kind of 'Urban Survival'? Or an 'Anti-Investigation'/'Anti-Alertness' route? Or a modification of the Disguise trapping for Deceit? After a lot of thought I felt stealth fit the most but let me know?

Offline luminos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2010, 02:33:24 PM »
Just because you aren't stealing something doesn't mean you aren't using burglary.  Knowledge of security systems, knowing the most likely placements of cameras, all of that stuff is burglary.  However, if you want it to be something as broad as your last post describes, you are talking more about an aspect than a stunt.
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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2010, 02:52:09 PM »
Well I could convert some of the burglary trappings instead of creating a new trapping, however they don't really cover all of what I'm trying to do (most of which is purely for flavour, very little can affect a conflict) and it would give me skills that my character wouldn't really have (and these skills would affect gameplay).

Also, he has three aspects relating to this as it's a massive part of the character (one of which is his trouble). So do you think I just shouldn't add a trapping at all then? Hiding from the government seems like a vital skill, but if it's more of an aspect than a skill then I could just drop the whole stealth/burglary thing completely. It seems odd to me, but I hope to play this character in a PbP game on the board at some point and I will use this thread as reference.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #53 on: June 30, 2010, 03:39:36 PM »
Hmmmm. Most of that sounds like the Distraction and Misdirection Trapping of Deceit, actually. You're not avoiding people's notice in general, just seeming inconspicuous. You could just take a high Deceit, or, well, do something like this.

You could start with Alertness as a base (as that seems to make the most sense) and do the following Stunt:

Avoiding The Watchers (Alertness): You are used to spotting people trying to watch you, and avoiding their notice once you do. You may use Alertness to duplicate the Casing trapping from Burglary and the Distraction and Misdirection trapping from Deceit for purposes of avoiding being noticed only.

Tack on a respectable Stealth (say, Fair) and read through the two Trappings listed and you should be good. Alternately, you could do the same Stunt for Stealth if you do want your character to be able to ambush people in dark alleys, but Alertness makes more sense with the level of paranoia you describe.

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #54 on: June 30, 2010, 05:55:27 PM »
Actually DMW, that does work nicely thank you! I'll have a play with the wording a little and some stats and then post what I can on here, when I've got a minute anyway.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #55 on: June 30, 2010, 06:27:21 PM »
A few nice stunts in my Batman writeup:,19290.0.html

Anticipate (can anticipate reactions of anyone faster and prepare to compensate; +1 initiative vs those with speed powers and they don't automatically go first)
Study Weakness (+1 Lore to finding the Catch or other weaknesses of superhuman adversaries. May research even normally "personal" weaknesses)
Always Ready (+1 to making Declarations to have a gadget or small amount of obscure substance helpful to the situation. Up to 3 times/session may make such declarations even when they'd be implausible)
Crazy Prepared (start each session with up to 20 pounds of high-tech gadgets or obscure substances satisfying Catches without having to roll resources)
Gadget Mechanic (as car mechanic but for gadgets)
Reliable Innovation (gadgets Batman makes are always shielded vs electronic warfare and almost never malfunction; use his modified craftsmanship as hexing DC)
The High Ground (enemies take -2 on perception rolls to locate you as long as you are in a higher elevation)
Shadow Dodge  (+2 to dodge when standing in darkness)
Evasion (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in area attacks)
Brains Over Superbrawn (attackers with Strength powers take -1 attack and -1 dodge when fighting Batman in melee as their own strength is used against them)
One-Man Army (when personally outnumbered, +1 to your melee attacks)
Counterblow (as Riposte, but for fists)
Dual Blow (as off-hand weapon training but for fists-Batman usually uses high weapon rating fist attacks like powered brass knuckles, armored gloves and Batarangs)
Bypass Arcane Defense (blocks with spells or supernatural powers are at -2 strength vs your unarmed attacks)
Find The Gap (you can find a chink or weak spot in most defenses; armor vs your unarmed attacks is treated as 2 lower)
Roll With The Blow (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in melee attacks)
Counter Superstrength (through special training, Batman has learned how to absorb, roll with and counter superhumanly strong blows; he takes 1/2 extra damage from more than human strength)
Slippery Mind (stealth modifies discipline for mental and social defense)
Training Over Magic (+2 dodge against targeted spells)
Antimagic Training (if hit, takes up to 2 less stress from extra shifts in magical attacks)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 06:30:52 PM by Belial666 »


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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #56 on: July 01, 2010, 12:46:30 AM »
A few custom stunts (and powers) that the players of my New Hawaii based game have asked for (and I've approved and tweaked them)

I'll be adding homebrew powers and stunts here as they are approved.

Home is Where You Make It [-1] This character carries his threshold with him, he may, with or without any special objects, setup a threshold with a value of two given adequate time to prepare (5-15 minutes). If the threshold is being setup in the open, then the size is up to the GM. It can be used to strengthen the existing threshold of a building by one. This power stacks with "Bless this House".

Red Hot Knives [-1] You may increase the weapon rating of your knives by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in. Increase the bonus to three if you've cast a fire evocation in the last exchange.

Lycanthrope Form (Involuntary Change) [+2] Refresh bonus only when it is not a Full Moon. This lets Lycanthropes be a little more balanced on the other days of the month.

Knife Specialist. You are a master of knives, you may add a +1 bonus to attack rolls when wielding one.

Subordinate. You may stat out a second character, this is a subordinate of yours, and is loyal to you unto death (consider it your own character). He may only have 3 refresh worth of stunts, and 15 skill points with a skill cap of Good (+3). His or Her High Concept must relate to you.

Advanced Subordinate. When you select this stunt, you may advance your subordinate by 3 refresh, and allot him or her 9 more skill points with a skill cap of Great (+4), you must use one of your aspects to describe your relationship with this subordinate.

Phat Bastard: You are a very large individual, even though you cant move around very well, you are harder to hurt because of your sheer mass. You gain one physical stress box, but all athletics rolls are made at a -1 penalty. This stunt, unlike others, costs no refresh.

My Own Mint. You are so rich you almost have a license to print money. Add +1 to all Resources rolls.

Six Degrees To Madison Monroe. You either know somebody, or knows somebody who knows somebody. Add +1 to all Contacts rolls.

Now Hiring. You are in charge of a large business, and are always looking for new employees. Add +1 to all Resources and Contacts rolls for the purposes of Hiring.

The X-Files. You have documents on almost everybody, add +1 to contact rolls for the purposes of declarations and assessments.

Not An Easy Target. You are quick on your feet, and hard to hit, add a +1 to your athletics rolls when dodging attacks.

Smooth Operator. You are quick to like and even quicker to make friends, add +1 to all Rapport attacks you make.

B.F.G. You have a love for big guns, add +1 to guns when using any gun that requires two hands to fire properly.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #57 on: July 01, 2010, 10:00:20 AM »
Red Hot Knives [-1] You may increase the weapon rating of your knives by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in. Increase the bonus to three if you've cast a fire evocation in the last exchange.

Going by Incite Emotion, Dual-Wielding, and Claws this is a bit overly expensive, honestly. It could (as a Power, which it clearly is) be +2 stress damage with none of the downsides.

Lycanthrope Form (Involuntary Change) [+2] Refresh bonus only when it is not a Full Moon. This lets Lycanthropes be a little more balanced on the other days of the month.

This is unnecessary. Lycanthropes get a free Compel on their High Concept every time heir powers would be useful, but they don't have them, so 1 per fight. That's better than this and officially sanctioned. They're FP machines when it's not a Full Moon.

Subordinate. You may stat out a second character, this is a subordinate of yours, and is loyal to you unto death (consider it your own character). He may only have 3 refresh worth of stunts, and 15 skill points with a skill cap of Good (+3). His or Her High Concept must relate to you.

Advanced Subordinate. When you select this stunt, you may advance your subordinate by 3 refresh, and allot him or her 9 more skill points with a skill cap of Great (+4), you must use one of your aspects to describe your relationship with this subordinate.

I'd specifically note that the Subordinate doesn't get FP for Compels that hurt him or her to aid the PC, and that they aren't allowed to have positive Refresh, just Stunts or powers. Personally, I wouldn't use Stunts for this at all, but if you do those two things should stop it being abusive to the poor rules.


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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2010, 10:12:07 AM »
Going by Incite Emotion, Dual-Wielding, and Claws this is a bit overly expensive, honestly. It could (as a Power, which it clearly is) be +2 stress damage with none of the downsides.

The character in question is a duel dagger wielding pyromancer. She requested a way to heat up her knives with her magic to do more damage, as it is now, if she attacks with a fire rote she'll be swinging Weapon: 6 daggers for however many exchanges she gets for the mental stress investment. I wanted it to be something that forced her to alternate from one type of action to another (evocation to attack). I think the fact that it allows her to stack more weapon rating on a weapon makes it powerful enough. Consider if she was using two high quality longswords (weapon: 3), she'd be attacking at Weapon: 9 with Off-Hand Training. Also, consider this, the theoretical dagger/longsword could have a high silver content, and be blessed by a priest. Now she is satisfying 4 catches (Cold Iron, Silver, Holy, and Fire), thats really potent.

Quote from: Deadmanwalking
This is unnecessary. Lycanthropes get a free Compel on their High Concept every time heir powers would be useful, but they don't have them, so 1 per fight. That's better than this and officially sanctioned. They're FP machines when it's not a Full Moon.

The character in question is taking a slightly modified lycanthrope template, it also gets inhuman speed (another two points of refresh it wont have access to outside of a full moon). Also, I think the lycanthrope template sucks, so I threw him a bone because he wants to play one, and who am I to say he cant (aside from his GM :P), Id rather have him be a little stronger than weaker.

Though I should note that the refresh can either be banked or only spent on social or intelligence based stunts, the idea being that when the full moon is around hes more feral and unable to use those stunts, or is more ruled by his nature (and thus has a lower refresh and less fate points)

Quote from: Deadmanwalking
I'd specifically note that the Subordinate doesn't get FP for Compels that hurt him or her to aid the PC, and that they aren't allowed to have positive Refresh, just Stunts or powers. Personally, I wouldn't use Stunts for this at all, but if you do those two things should stop it being abusive to the poor rules.

Yeah, I agree with all of this. The idea for this is basically, the character is rich and wanted to hire people with resources, I figured that giving him a permanent bodyguard would be ideal. Sort of a Johnny Marcone + Hendrix thing going on. I based it roughly off of the stunts from SotC for companions.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 10:17:31 AM by KOFFEYKID »

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2010, 10:29:45 AM »
1. Weapon: 7 actually. And satifying multiple Catches is indeed cool...but nothing she couldn't get with dual-wielding at a Weapon rating only 1 less. I'm not necessarily suggesting dropping the drawback, raising the Weapon bonus to 3 would also serve to balance the ability, IMO.

2. Personally, I'd just go with allowing him to keep the Inhuman Speed all the time, that should solve balance issues and still be thematically sound, IMO. Especially if he's cat-themed.

3. Understood. And yeah, I can see why you'd do it that way, though for me, I'd be inclined to just have the guy be a helpful NPC. Or a PC, if anyone wants to play them.