Author Topic: Sample Stunts  (Read 16551 times)

Offline Jeckel

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Sample Stunts
« on: June 11, 2010, 05:15:10 AM »
Stunts are something I'm going to need a lot of. My players tend to latch onto small things - draw a gun fast and train horses being two examples - and build great rp out of them. Stunts seem to be a wonderful (and it seems the intended) way to represent such things.

I'm going to post stunts as examples and to get feedback to make sure I'm following the rules. If anyone else has stunts they need help with or just want to post up feel free, it's always nice to see what other people put together.

Here are a few stunts for an upcoming rp. Its a small intro campaign in about 1878 and focuses around a gunfighter and a horse trainer.



Quick-Draw Artist: When a gun is easily accessible drawing barely rates an after-thought. No penalty is taken when a gun is drawn as a supplemental action (page YS:213) and any contest having to do with your ability or speed of drawing a firearm receive a +1 on the roll.

Dual-Wielding Gunslinger: A gun in each hand throws more lead down range, but you have to know how to do it. Normally, you may only take the damage bonus from one gun on a successful hit; with this stunt, you may add half of the second firearm's bonus as well (round up).

Disarming Shot: Why don't you just shoot the weapon out of his hand? Disarming (page YS:208) a target by use of a firearm gains a +2 (gain +1 instead if disarming with a gunshot is "a bit silly" in your story) to the Guns roll.



Animal Trainer (Specify): Go on, you know you want to whisper to it. Gain +1 when rolling Survival for Animal Handling or, where relevant, Riding (page 143) when dealing with a particular broad type of animal (birds, dogs, cats, horses) specified at the time you take this stunt. For efforts related to training the specified animal type, gain an additional +1 bonus or decrease the time need by one increment.

Strip the Flesh: Careful, don't sour the meat. Experienced at dressing a carcass, you gain +2 on Survival rolls related to acquiring usable materials from a body.

EDIT: Updated stunts as advised by posts.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 03:08:13 AM by Jeckel »
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 08:30:56 AM »
Animal Trainer is, I think, a bit too powerful. 

Disarming Shot should grant a +2 bonus if disarming with a gun is something normally allowed. If it's not allowed, then it works fine as is.

Rapid Fire is a little too powerful. Having it grant Spray Attacks is fine, but the +1 on top of that is too much.

Other than that, they look good, though I suspect you meant Dual-wielding, not Duel-Wielding.  ;)

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 09:15:41 AM »
Dual-Wielding: I would have the damage of the second gun round down instead of up. With heavy revolvers the damage of the two guns would end up at 5 and that seems a bit to strong to me. Apart from that I'm with Deadmanwalking.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 09:20:59 AM by Papa Gruff »
in omnia peratus! ... wait a minute! ... to give anybody a rucksack? ... DAMN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE!

Offline luminos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2010, 09:23:27 AM »
Dual Welding (Craftsmanship):  You can complete any welding related task two time increments faster.
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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2010, 09:24:26 AM »
Dual-Wielding: I would have the damage of the second gun round down instead of up. With heavy revolvers the damage of the two guns would end up at 5 and that seems a bit to strong to me. Apart from that I'm with Deadmanwalking.
It's taken directly from the "Off-Hand Weapon Training" stunt in YS (156).
The Damage is rounded up there, why shouldn't it be here ?

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2010, 09:34:12 AM »
It's taken directly from the "Off-Hand Weapon Training" stunt in YS (156).
The Damage is rounded up there, why shouldn't it be here ?

Because we are talking guns here. Granted there are Guns too that might be Weapon: 1 but it's unlikely you'd dual-wield them (small hold outs etc.). The "Off-Hand Weapon Training" Stunt is for weapons that use the Weapons Skill, witch includes daggers and knifes that would go to Weapon: 0 if rounded down. Thats not the case here. If anything I'd say that, as there is no Weapon: 0, it should remain at 1 anyways.

A +2 is absolutely not in par with the Stunt rules in my opinion, not if we are talking a passive effect. If a Fate Point has to be spend, now that's an other story.

Give a +2 to a specific application of a nonattack or defense trapping (note that a maneuver, page 207, is not an attack, as it doesn’t inflict stress). This may be reduced to +1 for a broader application, or increased to +3 or even +4 for very, very narrowly defined situations. Example: Vampirologist – Gain a +1 to Lore rolls whenever researching vampires and their kin. Specify a deeper sub-field of knowledge (Red Court), and you gain an additional +1 when the research is relevant to the sub-field.

Give a +1 to an attack, improving its accuracy under a specific circumstance. Example: Target-Rich Environment – Gain a +1 to attacks with Guns whenever personally outnumbered in   firefight. (YW148)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 09:37:16 AM by Papa Gruff »
in omnia peratus! ... wait a minute! ... to give anybody a rucksack? ... DAMN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE!

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2010, 09:38:58 AM »
A +2 is totally reasonable, because it's +2 Weapon Rating, not +2 to hit. The second is outside the realm of possibilities as reasonable...the first is provided by Lethal Weapon under fists. That's only applicable sometimes...but then, this is only applicable sometimes too.

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2010, 09:39:07 AM »
Nevertheless this might apply... hmm

Give a +2 to an attack’s result, applied only if the attack was successful, under particular conditions. Example: Lethal Weapon – Requires the Martial Arts stunt. Your hands are lethal weapons. When using Fists to strike an unarmored opponent, you are considered to have Weapon:2.

Nevermind I stand corrected. Cool Stunt then. Need it!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 09:40:42 AM by Papa Gruff »
in omnia peratus! ... wait a minute! ... to give anybody a rucksack? ... DAMN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE!

Offline Jeckel

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2010, 10:26:09 AM »

For disarming shot I was going off the line "Any attack skill could be used to do this (except maybe Guns, because that’s a bit silly)." when I choose +1, but I'll at least add some text to the stunt, maybe put in parentheses "(only +1 if disarming with a gun is silly in your game)". I know my player will thank-you since he will now be getting a +2 instead of +1. ;)
OP Edited: Added the text.

Good catch on the Rapid Fire, it started out being called "Dead-eye" with completely different effects and that +1 was a hold over that should have been deleted.
OP Edited: Fixed.

Doh! I thought you were correcting the capitalization of the 'w' in 'wielding', but after I read it a few times I noticed the actual problem. Thanks man, I'm not a very good speller, and if spell-check doesn't check it I'm just SOL. :p
OP Edited: Fixed. And I learned the Duel and Dual are spelled differently.

@Papa Gruff

Well, in the time that I was typing my response to your initial post, it all got kinda answered. I'll just add that, in my games, I would use a slightly higher difficulty to hit for someone using two .45 revolvers or desert eagles then I would for someone with two glocks or 38s. After that, if they hit then more power to them for dealing a butt-load of stress. Just my two house-ruled cents. :)


For Animal Trainer, what if it was something like "For efforts related to training the specified animal type, gain an additional +1 bonus or decrease the time need by one increment.", still have the ability to train faster or even better, but not both?

Alternatively, forget the decrease in training time as mentioned, leaving just the +2 on training actions. If a fate point was spent as part of the stunt, what sort of bonus could be gained from that, is it just another +1 or a full +2 worth of benefit?

Also, could someone give me a page reference for where they discuss creating stunts that have the option to spend a fate point for more effect, I have look and must just be missing it. :-[
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2010, 10:31:53 AM »
Animal Trainer: Yeah, that sounds about right, go for it.

Fate Point Utilizing Stunts: I'm pretty sure there are no specific rules, actually. Though tacking a +2 on top of whatever the effect would be if it didn't cost a Fate Point seems to be a good barometer.

Offline Tsunami

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2010, 11:05:05 AM »
Nevertheless this might apply... hmm

Nevermind I stand corrected. Cool Stunt then. Need it!
So little Rosie will soon have a sister then ? *g*

@all to clarify: Yep... PG had his Char name his Gun "Rose"

And now I'll stop derailing this thread :-)

Offline DesertCoyote

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2010, 11:39:43 AM »
Card Shark- Get +1 to deceit when involved in a game of cards, also -1 to the difficulty of stacking the deck in your favor.  (What's a wild west game without a poker game?)

Fearsome Wanted Poster- Gain +1 to intimidation and +1 to seduction.

Lived with the Natives- Gain +2 to stealth if not in a settlement.

Thought I killed you?- Gain 1 armor against guns.

Saloon Brawler- +1 to weapons and can make improvised weapons out of items in a saloon (Chairs, Bottles, Trophy Moose Head...) at weapon power 1.

Road Agent's Spin- Allows a character to offer to surrender his or her weapon if it is already drawn, but instead shoot whoever is trying to take the gun.

Hope this helps. :)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2010, 11:47:50 AM »
Fearsome Wanted Poster is not a valid stunt, as it provides bonuses to two separate skills (and one of them far too broad).

Road Agent's Spin is...not well defined mechanically. While a good idea, a better set of mechanics is definitely in order.

The others look good, though.

Offline luminos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2010, 11:48:37 AM »
Fearsome wanted poster should specify which trapping of intimidation gets the +1, and should give the circumstances when the stunt is applicable, such as when someone has heard of the characters reputation.

Lived with the Natives needs to specify the trapping of stealth that gets the +2 bonus.  You don't just get a blanket +2 to everything you do with stealth outside of settlements

Saloon Brawler is almost two stunts, the ability to make use of improvised weapons, and the blanket +1 to weapons (which needs to be limited to specific circumstances anyways)

Road Agent's Spin doesn't actually say what it does.  It just describes a cinematic effect.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2010, 11:56:10 AM »
Saloon Brawler is almost two stunts, the ability to make use of improvised weapons, and the blanket +1 to weapons (which needs to be limited to specific circumstances anyways)

Personally, I interpretted it as the ability to use random objects as Weapon: 1 weapons, and a +1 to Weapons when using such things...which isn't unreasonable, IMO. Still, you're right that it should be clearer.