For disarming shot I was going off the line "Any attack skill could be used to do this (except maybe Guns, because that’s a bit silly)." when I choose +1, but I'll at least add some text to the stunt, maybe put in parentheses "(only +1 if disarming with a gun is silly in your game)". I know my player will thank-you since he will now be getting a +2 instead of +1.

OP Edited: Added the text.
Good catch on the Rapid Fire, it started out being called "Dead-eye" with completely different effects and that +1 was a hold over that should have been deleted.
OP Edited: Fixed.
Doh! I thought you were correcting the capitalization of the 'w' in 'wielding', but after I read it a few times I noticed the actual problem. Thanks man, I'm not a very good speller, and if spell-check doesn't check it I'm just SOL. :p
OP Edited: Fixed. And I learned the Duel and Dual are spelled differently.
@Papa Gruff
Well, in the time that I was typing my response to your initial post, it all got kinda answered. I'll just add that, in my games, I would use a slightly higher difficulty to hit for someone using two .45 revolvers or desert eagles then I would for someone with two glocks or 38s. After that, if they hit then more power to them for dealing a butt-load of stress. Just my two house-ruled cents.

For Animal Trainer, what if it was something like "For efforts related to training the specified animal type, gain an additional +1 bonus
or decrease the time need by one increment.", still have the ability to train faster or even better, but not both?
Alternatively, forget the decrease in training time as mentioned, leaving just the +2 on training actions. If a fate point was spent as part of the stunt, what sort of bonus could be gained from that, is it just another +1 or a full +2 worth of benefit?
Also, could someone give me a page reference for where they discuss creating stunts that have the option to spend a fate point for more effect, I have look and must just be missing it.