Author Topic: Sample Stunts  (Read 16475 times)

Offline DFJunkie

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2010, 03:58:01 PM »
I'd say that Saloon Brawler should provide a +1 to Weapons skill when using improvised weapons, with damage appropriate to the weapon in question.  A +1 to an attack skill is huge, roughly equivalent to a +2 to damage, and IMO shouldn't be combined with setting a damage floor, or a damage cap when it comes to it (some improvised weapons should probably do Weapon:2, but they'd be rather few and far between).

Oh, and once the weapon stops being improvised the player stops getting the bonus.  It's one thing when Charles McGee picks up a miner's pick axe and uses it in a fight, there's an element of surprise.  This element is lost when opponents are fighting Pickaxe McGee.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2010, 02:12:57 PM by DFJunkie »
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Offline gaelvin

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2010, 11:52:54 PM »
Nimble on Two Wheels (Athletics): Use Athletics instead of Driving when attempting maneuvers on a motorcycle.

Offline Jeckel

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2010, 08:37:26 AM »
Got some more stunts. They are based on some of the ones posted by DesertCoyote and take what was posted after into account. Thanx for the ideas and Card Shark is awesome, I'm definitely using that in my next session. 8)


(based on 'Road Agent's Spin')
Sure, I Give Up: Whether it's something in your voice, a trick with your weapon, or something similar, you have a knack for feigning surrender and turning it into an attack. When disguised as surrender, Deceit may be used to make a physical attack, replacing the appropriate skill (Fists, Guns, Weapons). When successful, the spending of a fate point grants an additional 2 shifts. Few people would fall for this trick twice, and a good justification should be given to even make the attempt.


(based on 'Lived with the Natives', based off of 'Blend In')
Native of the Land (Specify): The land and you are as one. If there is a sufficient way to hide in the surroundings, gain +2 to your Stealth rolls for a particular broad type of environ (desert, forest, grassland, jungle) specified when this stunt is taken. This is particularly useful when Shadowing (page YS:143) someone through your chosen habitat.


(based on 'Saloon Brawler')
Barroom Brawler: Even a spoon is dangerous in your hands. When using improvised weapons taken from the current location (chairs, bottles, utensils, pool-cue) receive +1 to Weapons skill. Common items used as weapons don't tend to last very long, any given item lasting no longer then the current scene and some surviving no more then a single blow.

Nimble on Two Wheels (Athletics): Use Athletics instead of Driving when attempting maneuvers on a motorcycle.

Nice, that looks like a good one. I know my NPCs would like it as my players really enjoy running down motorcycle-bad-guys with big metal cars. ;)

Fate Point Utilizing Stunts: I'm pretty sure there are no specific rules, actually. Though tacking a +2 on top of whatever the effect would be if it didn't cost a Fate Point seems to be a good barometer.

I have barely touched Our World, but the only thing I have found on fate points and stunts is YS:149, the last one in the list.

Quote from: YS:149
Get a more powerful effect, but only when you spend a fate point. Usually only allowed once per scene.

Example: Killer Blow – Add 3 to the damage of a Fists attack on a successful hit, once per scene, for a fate point. This stacks with any other damage-increasing stunts for Fists.

I going to use the "handle with care" approach for now.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 06:38:59 AM by Jeckel »
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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2010, 06:22:49 PM »
I love the idea of Sure, I give up :) Two quick thoughts on it though.

1. I would change 'Deceit may replace Guns' to 'You may use your deceit skill when rolling to attack'. I'd also say it's worth noting that the stunt can only be used once in any given scene unless there is very good reason. Someone is unlikely to fall for it twice.

2. I don't think you need to mention the aspect use, I think any character with this stunt should have a relevant aspect or high-concept they can use anyway and those that don't probably shouldn't get the +2 bonus. For instance 'Now you wouldn't hit a man with glasses' or 'please don't hurt me mister' or even 'argh, my{moderate consequence}, I can't move!'. A big bruiser type wouldn't be able to make someone believe without a good reason, if they have a high deceit skill they've probably got a good reason in their aspects already and if they don't then they don't deserve the +2 anyway.

Offline gaelvin

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2010, 04:53:31 AM »
Here's another one;

Stage Combat (Performance): You've studied fencing as part of your training as an actor. In combat, you may use Performance instead of Weapons.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2010, 07:24:59 AM »
Too broad. You'd need to pick a specific trapping, or (more likely) duplicate Armed Arts from Fists and pick one or two weapons specifically.

Offline Kowandz

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2010, 07:54:42 PM »
Trying to come up with a couple for a McGyver type character, how are these?

Ball Point Pen, Stick of Chewing Gum, and a Paperclip: You can use the Craftsmanship skill in place of the Investigation skill when searching for resources to improvise a tool that you need.

I Can Build Anything I Need: When Improvising a tool in a rushed situation, gain +1 on the roll to create the tool, and finish the construction 1 time increment faster.

would love to hear other ideas for McGyver type stunts too, thanks

Offline gaelvin

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2010, 10:59:31 PM »
Here's another one;

Stage Combat (Performance): You've studied fencing as part of your training as an actor. In combat, you may use Performance instead of Weapons.

Too broad. You'd need to pick a specific trapping, or (more likely) duplicate Armed Arts from Fists and pick one or two weapons specifically.

Yeah, that occurred to me after I posted it. I was also thinking that since stage combat is primarily meant to simulate weapons combat, it shouldn't really replace weapons entirely. How about;

Stage Combat (Performance): You can use Performance instead of Weapons when performing a maneuver or defensive action with an appropriate weapon.

Or alternatively, it could be designed to allow Performance to compliment Weapons, giving a +1 to that skill.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 04:44:31 AM by gaelvin »

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2010, 07:33:13 AM »
Yeah, that occurred to me after I posted it. I was also thinking that since stage combat is primarily meant to simulate weapons combat, it shouldn't really replace weapons entirely. How about;

Stage Combat (Performance): You can use Performance instead of Weapons when performing a maneuver or defensive action with an appropriate weapon.
There's no need to add the maneuver capability, maneuvers in combat are not restricted to combat skills, so I'd say that's allowed in any case.
As for defense, that would be one trapping transferred from one skill to another. Which in one of the standard applications of stunts.
I'd say that's appropriate for a stunt.

Offline Viatos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2010, 07:24:32 PM »
Ball Point Pen, Stick of Chewing Gum, and a Paperclip: You can use the Craftsmanship skill in place of the Investigation skill when searching for resources to improvise a tool that you need.

I Can Build Anything I Need: When Improvising a tool in a rushed situation, gain +1 on the roll to create the tool, and finish the construction 1 time increment faster.

I'd add a +2 bonus to the first stunt since it's such a narrow application - you're taking part of a trapping - and I'd dropped the "rushed situation" requirement from the second for the same reason.

Offline Viatos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2010, 07:42:46 PM »
Hammer of Faith: You may use Conviction to threaten enemies, rather then Intimidation. Against creatures with Toughness powers that have a faith-based Catch, the context of power is always favorable.

Mastercraft: You may use Craftsmanship to apply temporary Aspects to items. This requires at least an hour and success as if you were attempting to fix the item in question. Aspects applied this way last for one scene of active use (they do not expire until used) and grant one free tag. You may have a number of Aspects applied this way equal to your Craftsmanship rating at one time, and if you have more then one Aspect on an item, only one can be tagged per exchange. However, an item with multiple Aspects requires only one hour and one success total to reapply identical Aspects, rather then an hour for each.

Wild Instincts: Against Fists attacks made by nonsentient beings, you may use Survival as a defense, and add +2 to your roll.

The Dead-Eye: When making a spray attack with fully automatic firearms, add +1 to each roll. You can make spray attacks with semi-automatic firearms. If you are wielding two semi-auto firearms, add +1 to each roll.

Swordbreaker: When using a metal melee weapon, you can make a special Weapons maneuver at +1 against your opponent. Shifts from this maneuver are compared to his weapon's rating; if the maneuver has more shifts then the weapon's rating, you may break his weapon. If you fail by more then your own weapon's rating, your weapon breaks. Opponents defend with Weapons or Athletics, whichever is higher.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 07:52:00 PM by Viatos »

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2010, 08:05:46 PM »
Wild Instincts is too powerful of a stunt.  Dead-Eye seems to have a non-standard reading of the rules.  What do you mean by "add +1 toeach roll"?

Swordbreaker I'm iffy about.  It seems to add a new trapping, and give a bonus to it at once.
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Offline Viatos

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2010, 08:13:58 PM »
Wild Instincts is too powerful of a stunt.  Dead-Eye seems to have a non-standard reading of the rules.  What do you mean by "add +1 toeach roll"?

Swordbreaker I'm iffy about.  It seems to add a new trapping, and give a bonus to it at once.

Wild Instincts applies in an extremely narrow situation - you have to be attacked by an unarmed being that can't pass PHL101. Mostly this is gonna be animals and supernatural guard dog equivalents.

You're right on Dead-Eye, I meant add +1 to each ATTACK. This exceeds two shifts of effect as soon as you target more then two opponents, but then again you're still lowering your attack pool - just more slowly.

Swordbreaker can also turn badly for you - on a failure that's dire enough, you lose your weapon. The bonus softens that. Also, the opponent gets to pick their defense.

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2010, 08:32:01 PM »
Here's another one;

Stage Combat (Performance): You've studied fencing as part of your training as an actor. In combat, you may use Performance instead of Weapons.

As you mention later, stage combat is a simulation of actual combat, not the real thing.  For instance, while the scene at the top of the Cliffs of Insanity in Princess Bride ("I'm not left handed either") is a great example of 'Flynning', it is exactly that and not actual combat.  Stage performers try to make it look interesting, but they aren't actually learning how to attack or defend. 

You mentioned allowing performance to compliment weapons, which sounds like a better way to play this.  I would say you get a + to the skill (or allow it to bypass some of the enemy's defence).  You could also make an intimidation stunt based around the same flavor... intimidate bonus by using performance with your weapon (the ole six-shooter draw/spin/holster/draw trick or fancy flourish with a sword). 

Actually 'Weapon Flourish' wouldn't be a bad name for that - maybe a +2 to intimidate an opponent?  I'd have to go back and look at the related skill to get more detailed there...
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Offline Jeckel

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Re: Sample Stunts
« Reply #29 on: June 18, 2010, 04:51:31 AM »
Just a quick note. I've been compiling all the new stunts in the Our World book and it seems that my Rapid Fire stunt is very similar to the Blaze Away stunt on OW:221, except the latter is defined simply as "You can use any firearm to make a spray attack, even one not normally capable of doing so." I personally prefer my version as the OW one seems to broad, but thought I would point it out now that I noticed it.

Seeing some nice stuff in here, gives me lots of ideas about plots to use the stunts. :)
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