Got some more stunts. They are based on some of the ones posted by DesertCoyote and take what was posted after into account. Thanx for the ideas and Card Shark is awesome, I'm definitely using that in my next session.
Deceit(based on 'Road Agent's Spin')
Sure, I Give Up: Whether it's something in your voice, a trick with your weapon, or something similar, you have a knack for feigning surrender and turning it into an attack. When disguised as surrender, Deceit may be used to make a physical attack, replacing the appropriate skill (Fists, Guns, Weapons). When successful, the spending of a fate point grants an additional 2 shifts. Few people would fall for this trick twice, and a good justification should be given to even make the attempt.
Stealth(based on 'Lived with the Natives', based off of 'Blend In')
Native of the Land (Specify): The land and you are as one. If there is a sufficient way to hide in the surroundings, gain +2 to your Stealth rolls for a particular broad type of environ (desert, forest, grassland, jungle) specified when this stunt is taken. This is particularly useful when Shadowing (page YS:143) someone through your chosen habitat.
Weapons(based on 'Saloon Brawler')
Barroom Brawler: Even a spoon is dangerous in your hands. When using improvised weapons taken from the current location (chairs, bottles, utensils, pool-cue) receive +1 to Weapons skill. Common items used as weapons don't tend to last very long, any given item lasting no longer then the current scene and some surviving no more then a single blow.
Nimble on Two Wheels (Athletics): Use Athletics instead of Driving when attempting maneuvers on a motorcycle.
Nice, that looks like a good one. I know my NPCs would like it as my players really enjoy running down motorcycle-bad-guys with big metal cars.

Fate Point Utilizing Stunts: I'm pretty sure there are no specific rules, actually. Though tacking a +2 on top of whatever the effect would be if it didn't cost a Fate Point seems to be a good barometer.
I have barely touched Our World, but the only thing I have found on fate points and stunts is YS:149, the last one in the list.
Get a more powerful effect, but only when you spend a fate point. Usually only allowed once per scene.
Example: Killer Blow – Add 3 to the damage of a Fists attack on a successful hit, once per scene, for a fate point. This stacks with any other damage-increasing stunts for Fists.
I going to use the "handle with care" approach for now.