Right now, Sunday late afternoons might be good. You'll lose part of my attention in the fall when football season starts.
But let's see if we make it that far, first.
I like the idea of having part of the chat dedicated to reviewing work. We could make it a loose writer's group. Maybe instead of every week, have it every other week? General chat one week, review chat the second? The question there is would this violate site policies on posting.
And if the group thing proved popular, it could get its own timeslot. Once a month, I think, would be too little to help most of the people. And every week might not give busy people enough time to read and cogently comment.
So for now, how about we all try to get together this coming Sunday the 20th at 4 pm Eastern? Just to gab. Latest projects, frustrations, funny moments, whatever writerly comes to mind.