Our Warden (who is a DMPC) uses thaumaturgy to pelt characters with handwritten notes at the speed of light, irregardless of distance. It hurts about as much as you imagine a crumpled ball of paper at relativity-challenging speed would hurt, which is a lot. This is why nobody likes the White Council.
Aside from that, he Deus Ex Machina'd a horde of dryads after they scythed down our stereotype-laden otaku lesbian wizard. Not sure why - three out of our remaining five had just shown up, and they're the most combat-capable of the group, including a werejaguar with Mythic Recovery, the Norse demigod of Rock, and a legitimate vampire with a soul (Red Court). Then again there were a lot of tree-people, I think the GM was expecting the wizard to get off some zone maneuvers before she got ganked.
Oh, and he's Irish Mob by blood. That hasn't really come up yet.
In a game I run, I mostly relegate my local Warden pair to being extremely threatening if legitimately helpful when it's within their duties. One of the PCs was getting mouthy, so the smaller Warden slashed his housewards in one attack. He'd spent some time and love on those wards. It had the desired effect on his respect for the cloak.