Author Topic: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.  (Read 8525 times)

Offline ahunting

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The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« on: June 07, 2010, 04:58:56 AM »
So as you have have guessed this thread is about wardens. The cause for it I've been playing a warden for a little while now in our local game and I'm interested to see what other folks are up to with their Wardens. In playing this character I try and keep close to the example set by the cannon, but its not very clear what warden's get up to in their down times. (If such a thing exists.)

I been having my character do a lot of enchanting, mostly because it can really help out our party (Must not run out of Red Court Anti-venom). Also cooking up enchanted weapons, (Yay Usable by other!)

Also trying hard to develop a thaumaturgical early warning system through leylines, (System wise after a huge climatic ley line brawl, we modified a city Aspect from "All Roads lead to DC", to "All Road lead to DC, and we have it Wired". When anyone how had a certain metaphysical weight (aka 7 refresh worth of magic/inhuman powers) crosses a leyline it would trigger the aspect. It helped that during our most recent adventure we stumbled across and freed a magical construct who had been designed specifically to monitor the local ley lines. So with any luck we should now get a call from said construct when ever that aspect is triggered.)

What have other folks been trying out?

Offline Viatos

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 06:56:38 AM »
Our Warden (who is a DMPC) uses thaumaturgy to pelt characters with handwritten notes at the speed of light, irregardless of distance. It hurts about as much as you imagine a crumpled ball of paper at relativity-challenging speed would hurt, which is a lot. This is why nobody likes the White Council.

Aside from that, he Deus Ex Machina'd a horde of dryads after they scythed down our stereotype-laden otaku lesbian wizard. Not sure why - three out of our remaining five had just shown up, and they're the most combat-capable of the group, including a werejaguar with Mythic Recovery, the Norse demigod of Rock, and a legitimate vampire with a soul (Red Court). Then again there were a lot of tree-people, I think the GM was expecting the wizard to get off some zone maneuvers before she got ganked.

Oh, and he's Irish Mob by blood. That hasn't really come up yet.

In a game I run, I mostly relegate my local Warden pair to being extremely threatening if legitimately helpful when it's within their duties. One of the PCs was getting mouthy, so the smaller Warden slashed his housewards in one attack. He'd spent some time and love on those wards. It had the desired effect on his respect for the cloak.

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 07:04:25 AM »
Our Warden (who is a DMPC) uses thaumaturgy to pelt characters with handwritten notes at the speed of light, irregardless of distance. It hurts about as much as you imagine a crumpled ball of paper at relativity-challenging speed would hurt, which is a lot. This is why nobody likes the White Council.

On a tangent from the original topic, as speed -> speed of light, energy -> infinite, so getting hit with an object moving at the speed of light would be less about being hurt, and more about completely ceasing to exist. (And of course, I realize the caveat about it being magic, and thus not operating based on standard physics, applies here)
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Offline Gman

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 08:30:42 AM »
On a tangent from the original topic, as speed -> speed of light, energy -> infinite, so getting hit with an object moving at the speed of light would be less about being hurt, and more about completely ceasing to exist. (And of course, I realize the caveat about it being magic, and thus not operating based on standard physics, applies here)

At least the force of a sizable nuke. 186,000 miles per second is fast. The paper would burn in the atmosphere very quickly unless shielded.

Offline ryanroyce

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 01:49:17 PM »
This does give me the idea for a similar messaging spell, though...

A wizard writes a letter, then folds into the form of a paper airplane (or an origami crane, or simply puts it in an envelope), then uses a variation of a tracking spell to have it seek out the designated recipient.  Provided that they are not in a sealed room, the letter will fly right to their hand at the speed of plot.
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Offline John Galt

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 02:03:18 PM »
Aside from that, he Deus Ex Machina'd a horde of dryads after they scythed down our stereotype-laden otaku lesbian wizard. Not sure why - three out of our remaining five had just shown up, and they're the most combat-capable of the group, including a werejaguar with Mythic Recovery, the Norse demigod of Rock, and a legitimate vampire with a soul (Red Court).

I've never had a good experience with GMPC's.  For that reason.  They always end up using their character as a Deus Ex Machina and, in general, flaunt how much better their character is than the rest of the PC's.  The Fate system has one of the most easily GMPC exploited mechanics too- aspects and declarations. 

Offline Viatos

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 05:45:40 PM »
I've never had a good experience with GMPC's.  For that reason.  They always end up using their character as a Deus Ex Machina and, in general, flaunt how much better their character is than the rest of the PC's.  The Fate system has one of the most easily GMPC exploited mechanics too- aspects and declarations. 

I should clarify.

We're all still learning the system; I'm pretty sure she just set up an encounter and wasn't ready for the results, so she scrapped it. Unmentioned detail is that these dryads were transformed people, and yet the wizard only turned back one of them before the group came to a general we're-just-gonna-kill-'em decision. The GMPC reminded the newcomers of this after the wizard bought it, at which point I suspect the GM realized a were, vamp, and axe-guy weren't really equipped to deal with the situation nonlethally. Her Warden thus handwaved the extrapolated misery (they could have done it, but the dryads had Supernatural Toughness, so it would have been a very long and boring fight) and shipped them all off to the next scene for expediency. This was really intended for the wizard (at the scene start it was just her the were, who is our group ninja) to get a moment to shine; instead she got clotheslined and conceded rather then try anything fancy. She'd previously burnt most of her spells for the scene on reverting a single dryad and setting up some kind of quick thaumaturgic link Harry-style anyway.

We do have another caster (me) and a guy with the Sight who could have figured something out, but both of us were chasing down some other trouble at the time. The Warden is way far from a starring role, that particular situation was just a bad one. Deux ex, yes, but a welcome one who hasn't flaunted anything.

Offline ahunting

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 08:13:48 PM »
Well that got very off topic. So forget about speed of light notes, and back to more warden Hinjinks :)
Sounds very entertaining though.

Offline Emburii

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 09:51:05 PM »
Well, you know what my Warden's up to.  :p  Just got drafted two sessions ago, still kind of working out who we have to kill and when. 

Offline ahunting

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 09:58:35 PM »
Well, you know what my Warden's up to.  :p  Just got drafted two sessions ago, still kind of working out who we have to kill and when. 

Yeah, yeah, your Gunna needs more Sword practice!  ;)

Offline Belial666

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 12:48:29 AM »
Aside from that, he Deus Ex Machina'd a horde of dryads

Hey, I've been reading that game. I am a bit of a rules-lawyer so I went and checked up said warden's stats and considered the situation. The dryads were magically transformed. 5 shifts of dispel reversed the transformation on one of them. Two dozen or so remaining. Transformation is water magic and counterspells are defense. Sean has Superb Discipline and Great Conviction, +1 power to Water, and +1 defensive control/power to water from focus. Using his fourth mental stress slot and his mild mental consequense, he gets to call 11 shifts of defensive water power. Using a Fate point and taking his 4th physical stress track as backlash, he gets to control 11 shifts of power. With an average roll, he casts the spell, reversing the transformation on three entire zones-and thus all the dryads.

For Sean, that would be a major evocation working. Not his most powerful mind - he could call and control up to 23 shifts if he was willing to take up to severe consequences, spend 3 fate points and have to rest for a month after it. But it did the work.


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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2010, 02:24:05 AM »
Just to Clarify on Viato's statement. The GMPC didn't Deus Ex Machina a bunch of tree people so much as he used a zone wide counterspell to nullify the magic that turned a crowd of innocent bystanders into evil tree people.

Im in the game too (Im the Red Court Vampire with a Soul), and the otaku lezzie wizard dispelled one but didn't think of doing a zone wide dispel. It was more like the GM saving the player from herself than doing a deus ex machina. The otaku wizard was completely capable of dealing with the situation.

To be fair though, the player is new to the game (as are we all), and is still learning the fundimentals.

And back to the topic at hand. My warden in another game is pretty bad ass. He has access to soulfire and forges blades from the stuff (conjuration with the speed and methods of evocation). So basically I have the Holy Lightsaber, or God-Saber. Its pretty freaking pimp. Also, hes a master crafter, so he has an enchanted item that turns him invisible, can teleport him several zones at a time, and throw up blocks. Like I said, pretty Pimp.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 02:27:46 AM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline Kordeth

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2010, 02:47:22 AM »
Just to Clarify on Viato's statement. The GMPC didn't Deus Ex Machina a bunch of tree people so much as he used a zone wide counterspell to nullify the magic that turned a crowd of innocent bystanders into evil tree people.

Im in the game too (Im the Red Court Vampire with a Soul), and the otaku lezzie wizard dispelled one but didn't think of doing a zone wide dispel. It was more like the GM saving the player from herself than doing a deus ex machina. The otaku wizard was completely capable of dealing with the situation.

That's... kinda the definition of Deus Ex Machina there.

To be fair though, the player is new to the game (as are we all), and is still learning the fundimentals.

In those situations, I find allowing the occasional "do-over," making suggestions to the player (e.g. "Hey, you know you could hit all of these guys with one spell for 2 more shifts.") or even having the bad guys deliberately give the PC a respite ("After the first of the creatures is dispelled, the others check their rush, eying you warily. Maybe you should try again with a whole-zone effect?") preferable to having an NPC swoop in to save the day.


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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 03:01:14 AM »
That's... kinda the definition of Deus Ex Machina there.

A deus ex machina (pronounced /ˈdeɪ.əs ɛks ˈmɑːkiːnə/ or /ˈdiː.əs ɛks ˈmækɨnə/,[1], DAY-əs eks MAH-kee-nə) (Latin for "god from the machine"; plural: dei ex machina) is a plot device whereby a seemingly inextricable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new character, ability, or object.

The situation was hardly inextricable, as the downed wizard could've done the same thing (except she was downed, lets just say a Epic Strength Blow from a Weapon 4 layed low the poor character with 2 mild consequences and only 3 physical stress boxes. If I remember correctly she rolled a zero), the other players on hand could've handled it (albeit with the deaths of innocent bystanders on their hands, and it would've been slow and boring). Also the DMPC isn't a new character. We were all running various errands to help the warden control the supernatural fallout of Halloween in Boston.

Furthermore the way the tree people were dispatched was hardly contrived, as it is supported in the rules and by the previous actions of the character. Its not like the DM said "Oh, Tree People are turned back into a human when you spray them with Mustard."

Also, the downed wizard is unable to post frequently at the moment, the player's PC died and she is posting from an iPhone whenever she gets the chance. A redo was simply out of the question, as the show must go on.


Also, the warden is the Senior Wizard, Otaku Wizard is a newbie. There was a decision made to allow her to get downed to provide a roleplaying opportunity where the senior wizard has the opportunity to dress down the newbie wizard.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 03:15:54 AM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline ahunting

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Re: The Grey Cloak and Those who wear it.
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2010, 04:28:53 AM »

And back to the topic at hand. My warden in another game is pretty bad ass. He has access to soulfire and forges blades from the stuff (conjuration with the speed and methods of evocation). So basically I have the Holy Lightsaber, or God-Saber. Its pretty freaking pimp. Also, hes a master crafter, so he has an enchanted item that turns him invisible, can teleport him several zones at a time, and throw up blocks. Like I said, pretty Pimp.

Yeah we were thinking about some concepts along a similar line, the Soulelement, thing is interesting. We were thinking about putting forward some kind of Soulair smith using, air style blocks, and crazy soulair magic attacks, but never got around to it. I got way distracted by Changes, and the wacky fun posed by Einherjar. Next major character concept, Monoc Trouble Shooter, Focused practitioner (Kinetomancy) from the old west, using Enchanted Colt Peacemakers. It's to amusing an image not to play with some day.