Author Topic: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?  (Read 2234 times)

Offline Draco

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Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« on: June 05, 2010, 07:04:28 AM »
Our Gm's campaign is that apparently the Summer Court has "come out" and is sending a emmissary <another PC> to act as ambassador to the humans.

Name:   Aramis Dupree                                                                               High Concept: Pixie Knight
Refresh/Fate:   7 – 6 = 1      Template: Changeling                                         Trouble: Sassy Sprite
Where did you come from? Abusive Alcoholic Mother                                        Aspect: How Not to Be Seen
What shaped you? At Age of 10 began to shrink, Abandoned as a Freak             Aspect: Vertically Challenged
What was your first adventure? Recovered the Relics of a Pixie Hero                  Aspect: Hero’s Heir
Whose path have you crossed? Proved himself a Squire of Summer                  Aspect: Sworn to Summer
Who else’s path have you crossed?   Assigned Protection of Emissary               Aspect: My Blood for Hers

Skills (25):
Great (4) x 1: Athletics
Good (3) x 3: Weapons, Presence, Intimidation
Fair (2) x 4 Stealth, Discipline, Lore, Alertness
Average (1) x 4: Investigation, Conviction, Burglary, Survival

Powers/Stunts (6):
Pixie Blood: (-2)
 Diminutive – 1
            Effects: +4 Stealth, +2 Alertness, +2 Investigation, -4 Might, +1 Dodge,
            Physical Stress reduced to 2, Max Damage reduced to 1
 Wings – 1
   Effects: You can Fly!
 Glow – 0
   Effects: Light an area like a torch at will.
Cold Iron Rapier of Rapidity (-2)
 Relic - 0
   Effect: Unbreakable, Weapon: 1
 Inhuman Speed – 2
   Effects: +2 Run/Fly, +1 Dodge, +1 Athletics, +2 Stealth, +4 Initiative, Free Move
Mithril Chainmail of Shadows (-1)
 Relic +2
              Effects: Unbreakable, Armor: 2
 Cloak of Shadows –1
              Effects: +2 Stealth, No penalty for being in total darkness.
 Physical Immunity –8
              Effects: Take no Physical Stress from any source outside of Catch.
 Inhuman Recovery –2
   Effects: Reduce Healing Time 1 Level, Skills not capped by Endurance,
              Once per Scene heal 1 Minor Consequence, Heal all wounds over time.
 The Catch: Cold Iron +4
   Effects: Cold Iron Wounds pierce immunity and can not be healed/reduced with Recovery.
 Second Catch: Cats +4
   Effects: Wounds from Feline Sources pierce immunity.
Stunt: Infuriate – 1
   Effect: Roll Intimidate +2 to do Social/Mental Damage to target.  
              Consequences from these rolls can force target to attack you.

Dice Pools:
Taunt: -------- 3+2=5                    Physical Stress: ( ) ( )
Stealth: ------ 2+4+2+2=10            Social Stress: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Fly: ----------- 4+2=6                     Mental Stress: ( ) ( ) ( )
Athletics:   ---- 4+1=5                                                                 P    M    S
Dodge: -------4+1+1+(2)=8         Minor Consequences (-2):         ( )   ( )   ( )
Search: ------ 1+2=3                 Moderate Consequences (-4):     ( )   ( )   ( )
Spot:--------- 2+2=4                 Severe Consequences (-6):        ( )   ( )   ( )
Initiative:   ---- 2+2+4             Critical Consequences (-8):        ( )   ( )   ( )
Attack: ------ 3+(1)=4            
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 04:40:58 PM by Draco »

Offline luminos

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Re: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2010, 07:22:17 AM »
I think your catch rebates need to be recalculated.  If I understand it right, the cold iron is the normal catch, and cats are the stacked catch.  This would mean you get a +1 for the cold iron catch, since it can't reduce your non-physical immunity toughness powers cost below -1, and all you have for that is inhuman recovery.  The physical immunity would mean you can't be harmed by anything that is not a cat, and I can't really see that as being a +4 catch.  +1 for being researchable, and +1, perhaps, for the fact that it wouldn't be too difficult for someone to get a cat, and get the cat to attack you. 
Lawful Chaotic


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Re: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2010, 07:52:45 AM »
You could upgrade inhuman recovery to supernatural recovery and be able to benefit from a stronger catch, for little to no extra cost. But luminos is right, your original The Catch rebates too much, 2-4=-2. You cant ever get a rebate that totals more than the total cost of your toughness powers. So the only way to have a +4 the Catch is to have at least 6 points in toughness powers (since there is no odd refresh cost toughness power).

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2010, 09:21:04 AM »
What they said. Also, Cold Iron appears to be only a +3 Catch (check out Ogres, Gruffs, or other critters with it). Still, that does mean you can pick up Inhuman Toughness (or Supernatural Recovery) free of charge if you like.

Also, unbreakable is free, and your Items should get an actual rebate [+2 total, since you can't hide them].

This results in the following:

Diminutive Size [-1]
Wings [-1]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch is Cold Iron [+3]

Chainmail of Shadows:
Item of Power [+2]
Cloak of Shadows [-1]
Physical Immunity [-8]
The Catch (Stacked) is Cats [+4]

Iron Rapier of Rapidity:
Item of Power [+0, though it would be +2 without the armor]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Note: I see no reason it couldn't be Weapon: 2 if it's razor sharp and well-made. You can get Claws as a diminutive character, after all. Also, there's no real reason for you to make this an item, you could just have it as a power of your own if you wanted.

That's -8 Refresh right there (-9 with Infuriate), so you'll need to cut back a bit. Personally, I'd have the Mail up your Toughness to Supernatural instead of granting Physical Immunity and drop it from -3 Refresh to -1. That'll drop your total Refresh back to -7...though as a 25 skill character I'm curious how you got Refresh 8.

Offline zorbtrauts

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Re: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2010, 01:56:34 PM »
I think your Vertically Challenged aspect is redundant with your High Concept...


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Re: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2010, 02:02:24 PM »
Another thing, you should have some sort of Pizza Loving Aspect.

Is anybody else imagining how cool it would be to be a six inch pixie? I mean seriously, if you get a buddy to buy you say, a porterhouse steak. Thats more food than you could conceivably eat in a week. Freaking awesome.

Man, Id be one fat pixie.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 02:05:06 PM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline Draco

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Re: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2010, 03:10:45 PM »
Cold Iron is a 4 Point Catch.  2 Points for Commonly Avaible 2 Points for well known.  That is actually listed in the book that way :) Several Fae have cold Iron as a 0, 1, or 3 point catch because they have 0, 2, or 4 point toughness powers and you can't get below 1 total.

My GM ruled Cats as a 4 point catch.  Cats are not rare and only able to be accsess by a limited population, being readily availble.  Cats include but are not limited to: Were Cats, House Cats, Lion/Tigers/Panters, Garrotes made of cat gut, being beaten by a taxadermy cat, and weapons made of cat bone.  Catfish are under debate.  It was defined as well known when he asked his 7 year old what a 6" man would be afraid of and she said "Feet, Cats, and Vaccummes"

My GM had ruled that since Physical Immunity says you can take a 2nd catch and both count toward your toughness powers, but does not say anything about the first catch only counting toward non-physical immunity powers that 10 points of toughness powers -8 points of catch=2 points total.  

There was never 8 points on the sheet: 10 Points of toughness -8 points of Catch =2 + 1 <wings> +1 <size> +1 <infuriate> +1 <Shadow> +2 <Speed>=8-2 <Relic>=6.  The weapon was ruled a weapon 1 because it is sized for a 6 inch pixie.
I do not have any shapeshifting so I am /always/ 6 Inches <though I could get a refresh back if I took shapeshifting in the form of Human Form>
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 03:31:27 PM by Draco »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Can people give me some feedback/Opinions on a Changeling?
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2010, 06:44:56 PM »
Are you still using the Early Bird PDF? Because that's correct as of that version, but not correct at all as of the current version (and very clearly not in a way that's hard to misunderstand). It's a loophole, and potentially a very bad one, so they fixed it to avoid just this sort of thing.

As for Cold Iron, you're just wrong. Look at Trolls, Ogres, Elder Gruffs or even the Faerie Ladies, all have more than 4 points of Toughness powers and still list Cold Iron at +3. There's a certain amount of debate that it should be +4, but the game designers have clearly stated their opinion.

Normally, I'd say that if you're having fun just roll with it, but what amounts to -0 (including the Item of Power rebate) for near complete invulnerability is just broken and will almost inevitably negatively impact the enjoyment of the game for other players with less powerful/broken characters.