The sayings lie. Your final death isn't the last time someone speaks your name. It's when you start scheduling your relaxation time to optimize what little of it you have. I will rage against the dying of that light.
Oh my. I feel you.
I've been there. I was doing too much. I was just functioning. Rushing from one Thing to the other with barely time to think. My relaxation time (meaning time to read) was at night when I was supposed to be sleeping, during other stuff with audio books, while cooking or (lol) on the toilet.
I kind of woke up when my best friend wrote that she was going to visit home the next week and when we could meet. My best friend lives a 5 hours drive away. We see each other once or twice a year.
And when she called, my first thought was: oh God, not another appointment! How am I supposed to squeeze her in?" I didn't feel any joy to see her again. She just became another chore, another appointment.
This was the moment, I realised, I didn't want to live like this any more, no matter the consequences. I want to be able to enjoy time with my friends. I want to know what boredom is and fill it with nothing. I want to spend more time with my family and friends, that's what life is for.
So I pissed off some people by no longer participating in their stuff. I shed all the unimportant stuff. Left only the necessary ones like work just enough to live well, don't be a member of more than one organisation outside of work. Delegate whatever can be delegated. Don't actively fill your week with appointments that are not immediately necessary.
Wasn't easy and as I said, I made some people angry, but to be honest: those angry people weren't worth my time anyway, so good riddance. They just wanted me to do more and more, but I was already over my limit.
If nothing else but covid isolation was actually good for me. I was feeling better mentally and then, a few years ago I even switched departments to get rid of the toxic environment there.
Now I am actually happy at work. I don't feel exploited and unappreciated any more.
I have finally learned to say no. OK, it doesn't always work, but I try.
And I am grateful to my friend that she unwittingly opened my eyes.
@Dina: oh no, no power for such a long time is bad. Have you tried wet towels in front of your windows inside the room to cool it down, when the fan is not working?
January is the peek of summer? Like the hottest month in the year?
For us it is usually the coldest. But it has become rare that temperatures dropped below -10°C. For a longer period.
Last week we had -10 to -9°C. There was icy rain and everything was caked with ice and extremely slippery. Today it is +10°C and very sunny.
I am still reading the no-romance-novel with the romantic title, we have finished watching Andor yesterday and I watched an Alien film I didn't know yet. Romulus. Was OK.