Author Topic: Phoenix in the Dresdenverse...  (Read 1648 times)

Offline Big Simon

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Phoenix in the Dresdenverse...
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:30:00 AM »
Cross-Posted from

I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and a couple of the members of the group I'm going to be running a Dresden Files game for have spent a bit of time there, as well, so it seemed natural that we should make it our go-to city for a Dresdenverse metropolis.  That said, I was fifteen when I left the Maricopa Valley for backwater Kansas, and grew up in a rather sheltered home.  That is to say, I knew my neighborhood, and my town (Gilbert), but not a whole lot more about the metro Phoenix area.  The group of us started city creation last week, and we've managed to put together all the basic information for the City Sheet (High Level) and a good number of items for the City Sheet (Locations), but it feels incomplete.

I was hoping a few other Phoenicians (or people familiar with The Valley) might share some other ideas, maybe local legends or ghost stories and the like, or places that might appeal to this kind of a game.  As it stands right now, I've got the following places:

  • St. Mary's Basilica
    • Description:  Oldest parish in the Phoenix area
    • Theme or Threat:  Theme
    • The Idea:  A place of peace and divine tranquility in the middle of chaos
    • The Aspect:  Fortress of Faith
    • The Face:  Father Louis Lofredo, Truth-seeking Priest
  • Ground Zero
    • Description:  A coffeehouse serving the magical community of metro Phoenix
    • Theme or Threat:  Theme
    • The Idea:  Magic amidst the mayhem of the city's toughest district
    • The Aspect:  Neutral Accorded Grounds
    • The Face:  Pandora Black, Snarky Javamancer
  • Baseline and Central
    • Description:A neighborhood embroiled in war on many levels
    • Theme or Threat:  Threat
    • The Idea:  Gang warfare overlaps with the Vampire War
    • The Aspect:  Blood, Sweat, and Tears
    • The Face:  Tyrone Washington, Red Court Gangbanger
  • The Camelback Mountain Cave
    • Description:Sacred cave used by the Hohokam tribe until the 14th century
    • Theme or Threat:  Threat
    • The Idea:  This old ritual site still holds a measure of power
    • The Aspect:  BRRAAAAAAAAAAIINS!!!
    • The Face:  Sheldon Groat, Failed Necromancer
  • Jack-In-The-Box
    • Description:  An unassuming location of the fast food chain on Mill Avenue
    • Theme or Threat:  Theme
    • The Idea:  A fast food joint that seems to attract "fringe" elements
    • The Aspect:  Drawn to Power
    • The Face:  "Rainbow Man", Halfwitted Chromomancer
  • Westward Ho!
    • Description:An old hotel with mafia and celebrity ties
    • Theme or Threat:  Theme
    • The Idea:  It's rumored there's more to this hotel than meets the eye
    • The Aspect:  Hidden Passageways
    • The Face:  Corbin Spitzmeier, Dice-Wielding Night Auditor
  • The Batcave
    • Description:A flood control tunnel housing Maxican Freetail bats
    • Theme or Threat:  Theme
    • The Idea:  A home for bats and other denizens of the dark
    • The Aspect:  What's That Sound?
    • The Face:  Willard Jones, Second-Shift Beat Cop
  • The Lost Dutchman's Mine
    • Description:  The legendary motherload mine of the Superstition Mountains
    • Theme or Threat:  Threat
    • The Idea:  A sealed gateway into somewhere nasty
    • The Aspect:  Bottomless Pit
    • The Face:  Daniel Twofeather, Nickelhead Shaman
  • Phon D Sutton
    • Description:The nexus of the Salt and Verde rivers
    • Theme or Threat:  Theme
    • The Idea:  Nexus of ley lines and water lines fanning out into the city
    • The Aspect:  It All Comes Together
    • The Face:  Buck Earlington, Conservation Ranger

I've got a few others in mind - Tovrea Castle and the Mystery Castle, specifically, but I don't know if I want to try and work them in somehow.  I was also considering leaving Legend City up and inactive, despite the fact that it was torn down in the 80s.  After all, what's more fun than an old, abandoned amusement park?

Anyway, any additional ideas would be great.