Author Topic: DISPROVE THIS  (Read 131634 times)

Offline MijRai

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« Reply #135 on: June 02, 2010, 10:20:03 PM »
Long as Molly keeps her hair dyed to something dark, I'm okay with dating her ;0

What, no blondes for you?
Don't make me drop a turkey on you...

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Offline Shecky

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« Reply #136 on: June 02, 2010, 10:26:12 PM »
Did we ever get this statement sorted out?

"Who NEVER uses whatsoever power they have to get what they want? = Who wouldn't use whatsoever power they have to get what they want."

Because they do not equal each other. "Who NEVER uses whatsoever power they have to get what they want? = Who is so pure that they have NEVER, EVER used power to get what they want?"

Cause I my eyes start to glaze over when people argue different arguments and they think they're arguing the same point.

They're partially similar, but you're right that they're not equivalent. Let's break it down to symbolic logic. I'll try to do it with words:
1) People have power. Innate ability, strings to pull, manipulation, etc. - everyone has access to a broad variety of tools to accomplish a given task. Whether or not they have chosen to use all or even most of those powers is, for the sake of the current discussion, irrelevant; the important point is that they have these powers available to them. For the moment, let us not consider powers that are available to them but of which they are actually unaware.
2) People want things, situations, etc.; there are conditions that they, at least in principle, find to be desirable.
3) Some of the powers/methods to get those desired things are less than kosher, at least by the ideals of society in principle.
4) There is a sliding, often HIGHLY subjective scale of kosherness that people are willing to sacrifice or ignore in order to obtained the desired things. Let us assign an arbitrary 0-to-10 scale of kosherness, 0 being inarguably saintly or noble or whatever, 10 being stated by pretty much everyone to be awful, psychopathic, evil or some such.
5) The first question, then, is whether there's anyone who would never venture above zero on the kosherness scale to achieve a desired thing. The second question is really a rhetorical restatement of the first, but with the subtle difference of being a thinly-veiled statement that the answer to the first question would be no. In the end, however, they point towards the same rhetorical device of a conclusion.
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Quote from: Stanton Infeld
Well, if you couldn't do that with your bulls***, Leonard, I suspect the lad's impervious.

Offline mid_life_crisis

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« Reply #137 on: June 03, 2010, 02:05:11 AM »
Let me get this straight.
Molly wrote a really cheesy song and went back in time to prevent it but overshot and became Mab which somehow caused potato chips to be invented?  Or was the Chips thing a crush on Carlos?  No, wait, he's a warden in California, not a cop.  Is the Irish thing about whiskey?  Cause I could sure use some right now.
I'm so confused...
“Sex is like Bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.” - Mae West
Papa said, "son there's a lot of evil temptations out there in the world.  Best to try 'em all so you know which ones to avoid."
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Offline nthnclls

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« Reply #138 on: June 03, 2010, 02:08:45 AM »
Let me get this straight.
Molly wrote a really cheesy song and went back in time to prevent it but overshot and became Mab which somehow caused potato chips to be invented?  Or was the Chips thing a crush on Carlos?  No, wait, he's a warden in California, not a cop.  Is the Irish thing about whiskey?  Cause I could sure use some right now.
I'm so confused...

Molly tried to go back in time to stop Plan 9 From Outer Space being released.  Unfortunately, she overshot by a little bit, and was not able to stop the movie by the time she it was made because she would upset the balance between Summer and Winter if she did so.
Corpsetaker was a psychotic, body-stealing, mind-penetrating, ghoul-enlisting, power-craving asshole, but he had a certain charm about him.
You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather.

Offline svb1972

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« Reply #139 on: June 03, 2010, 02:21:52 AM »
What, no blondes for you?

Not really into blondes no. 
Raven hair, or Red.

Offline snowbank

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« Reply #140 on: June 03, 2010, 02:34:20 AM »
Let me get this straight.
Is the Irish thing about whiskey?  Cause I could sure use some right now.

Not an Irish thing about whiskey. Much more universal. Molly invented fajita-flavor hashbrowns, not potato chips.

Offline MijRai

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« Reply #141 on: June 03, 2010, 02:50:38 AM »
Not really into blondes no. 
Raven hair, or Red.

Red is good.
Don't make me drop a turkey on you...

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Offline Ms Duck

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« Reply #142 on: June 03, 2010, 03:38:35 AM »
to unconfuse:

JB has stated that all the laws will be broken by Harry, including time travel

JB has stated that Harry will someday truly regret his bond with demonreach

it has been speculated that Demonreach is where the stone table rests, in the real world.

Jb has stated that Mab has never changed office, and is one of the original queens of fae.

allso that some of the other queens, not just Lilly, Have

JB has stated that 'people' and I specualte, 'wizards' became beings such as Mab and the Earlking, and I specualte Odin et al as well, by means of rights of ascension.

..such as Cowl, a mortal wizard, intended.

My thoery:

An accident/ A screwup/ Harry's gambit/ crowning momnent of aewsome whatvere sends Molly back in time unintentionaly while on demonreach (thus, Harry deeply regreting) causes Molly to fall thru time 75,000 + years, where she becomes trapped, becoming Mab.

It explains a lot about what Mab knows, what she wants, and some of the things she's done; as well as explaining some of the behind the scenes mysteries (why run PG as she did? why is Lea so interested in Molly? who messed with little chicago, and how did they pull it off?)

there. train now re un de railed.

nom nom potatoes.
Yeah, but Germans and Hungarians don't pull people's theories out of their sockets when they're challenged.  Ducks are known to do that.

That's been disabled. But I can still CALL you Fup Duck. -Shecky

Offline Striker83

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« Reply #143 on: June 03, 2010, 06:21:46 AM »
I think that if Harry travels in time would be to talk to the original Merlin(if he is truly dead) and maybe Molly gets stuck. I prefer Molly being Titania because:
- it will explained why she hasn't met Harry in person.
-why she didn't killed Harry. I always thought that if a Sidhe Queen wants you dead you chances of surviving would be very little.

Offline Curly

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« Reply #144 on: June 03, 2010, 09:32:02 AM »
Did we ever get this statement sorted out?

"Who NEVER uses whatsoever power they have to get what they want? = Who wouldn't use whatsoever power they have to get what they want."

Because they do not equal each other. "Who NEVER uses whatsoever power they have to get what they want? = Who is so pure that they have NEVER, EVER used power to get what they want?"

Cause I my eyes start to glaze over when people argue different arguments and they think they're arguing the same point.
They're partially similar, but you're right that they're not equivalent. Let's break it down to symbolic logic. I'll try to do it with words:
1) People have power. Innate ability, strings to pull, manipulation, etc. - everyone has access to a broad variety of tools to accomplish a given task. Whether or not they have chosen to use all or even most of those powers is, for the sake of the current discussion, irrelevant; the important point is that they have these powers available to them. For the moment, let us not consider powers that are available to them but of which they are actually unaware.
2) People want things, situations, etc.; there are conditions that they, at least in principle, find to be desirable.
3) Some of the powers/methods to get those desired things are less than kosher, at least by the ideals of society in principle.
4) There is a sliding, often HIGHLY subjective scale of kosherness that people are willing to sacrifice or ignore in order to obtained the desired things. Let us assign an arbitrary 0-to-10 scale of kosherness, 0 being inarguably saintly or noble or whatever, 10 being stated by pretty much everyone to be awful, psychopathic, evil or some such.
5) The first question, then, is whether there's anyone who would never venture above zero on the kosherness scale to achieve a desired thing. The second question is really a rhetorical restatement of the first, but with the subtle difference of being a thinly-veiled statement that the answer to the first question would be no. In the end, however, they point towards the same rhetorical device of a conclusion.

If the two of you weren't so far away I'd kiss you both. In a manly way.

Uh, a VERY manly way
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Quote from: Neurovore
Why are you assuming it has to be heartbreaking ?

Offline Conspirisy

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« Reply #145 on: June 03, 2010, 09:43:34 AM »
Molly/Mab IS potatoes. Sweet, yummy, tasty, satisfying potatoes.

Sweet potatoes...with butter and cinnamen! Yummy! My favs. ;D


Offline Shecky

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« Reply #146 on: June 03, 2010, 10:27:44 AM »
Sweet potatoes...with butter and cinnamen! Yummy! My favs. ;D


Sweet patater pah!
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Quote from: Stanton Infeld
Well, if you couldn't do that with your bulls***, Leonard, I suspect the lad's impervious.

Offline Aakaakaak

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« Reply #147 on: June 03, 2010, 12:47:25 PM »
Operation: Distract them with potatoes until the argumentative people lose their steam has been a success.

We may now proceed with theories on Mab Carpenter.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Clarke
"Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology." - Niven
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." - Neurovore
"Sufficiently advanced technology my ass" - Dresden

Offline Curly

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« Reply #148 on: June 03, 2010, 01:35:34 PM »
Operation: Distract them with potatoes until the argumentative people lose their steam has been a success.

We may now proceed with theories on Mab Carpenter.

Dammit we've been had!

I think it's been mentioned somewhere that only one of the Queens has abdicated once, maybe Molly is her replacement?  ;D
;) unless explicitly stated otherwise

Quote from: Neurovore
Why are you assuming it has to be heartbreaking ?

Offline Shecky

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« Reply #149 on: June 03, 2010, 02:47:44 PM »
Operation: Distract them with potatoes until the argumentative people lose their steam has been a success.

We may now proceed with theories on Mab Carpatater.

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Quote from: Stanton Infeld
Well, if you couldn't do that with your bulls***, Leonard, I suspect the lad's impervious.