i was planning on adding this to the silly comspiracy thread in games, but its just too good.
JB has stated that Harry has not brokent the time travel law yet, and therefore he will someday.
many folks use this to assume Harry is cowl, or the gatekeeper, or mac, or fred flinstone/kang the conqueror
Duck thinks NOT
it's too easy
Lea was interested in Molly since her first appeaance, in GP. why?
Molly was the focus of PG, why? there had to be a dozex other less complex ways Mab could have played out that game.
Molly's skills are in mind control, illusions, and complex magics
Mab is very interested..i might argue obsessed..with boinking Harry. Not just making him the knight, but boinking himand making sure all of faerie knew it. Did Titania do a poro with fix, and invite 6 billion folks to watch? I think not.
and that whole 'MINE' thing..it's not buis, it's personal.
Mab was probably a human wizard at one point, whom ascended via ritual...in the far far distant past.
the scenario..Molly goofs up again, falls into a gateway, ends up in the paleolithic...
Molly is Mab.
disprove as you will...Im probably capital N U T Z - NUTZ...but the last time I made one of these wild conspricay ideas during academ's fury..i was right.