Author Topic: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?  (Read 38974 times)

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #60 on: May 30, 2010, 01:37:25 AM »
Okay, folks, I've created a bunch of new boards, and I've done some reorganization in general. Am I done yet? Not necessarily. The new boards are open for business, but the pub itself is staying closed while I contemplate whether or not we really need a "catch-all" for the new set-up.
Fred Hicks
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #61 on: May 30, 2010, 01:38:48 AM »
I'm thinking "Loo Tender." :D

And if someone is having a "Jesus, CALL A DOCTOR NOW" situation, they probably shouldn't be posting on the forum.

You know that, I know that, they might not know that.  ;)  'sides.  Might be a mental health practitioner sort of doctor they need to be calling.
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #62 on: May 30, 2010, 01:41:27 AM »
"This board has grammar-checking.  We call him 'Shecky'."
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #63 on: May 30, 2010, 01:43:53 AM »
Wardens?  Eugh.  Who wants to associate with that stuffy old bunch?

*eyes shecky with his grinchhammer and pg with his muppet sword*
*backs away*

Okay, guys.... Easy, easy.... Whatever you do, just leave my hands alone!  I play piano for a living!  And my right foot!  I need that too!

As the the current layout looks good, Fred.  It just has a lot more threads on the front page than I'm used to.

"This board has grammar-checking.  We call him 'Shecky'."

Quite.  We also has garbage disposals.  We call it the Grinchhammer and the Banhamsters.

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #64 on: May 30, 2010, 01:44:38 AM »
Jokes aside, I hope that I have been a help to a few of the younger folks on the board, just as someone to talk too.

may I sugest:

an annoucements board? for postings of birthdays, weddings, facehugger hatchings?

a stated request that everything be kept at a pg level? this includes jokes, comments, ineundos,etc..I have accidentally offended a few people from time to time, and with my sense of humor will be idfficult, but hey its a challenge.

I did wonder what is the percentage of headaches that arrise from the book discussions itself; JB's fans can be quite passionate and I know from personal experience we dont let our pet theories die without a complete embalment, funeral, and eventual reserection of hard feelings popping up elsewhere in oother thread.

maybe break the dresden spoilers up into a few catgeories?

we tend to recycle theories as new posters show up and reinvent them, and then one of us olf farts has to explain for the 17th time that Justin is D E D, and the new poster gets a feeling we are ebing unfreindly... may I sugest:

a who is cowl section?
what do the blackcouncil?
who blew up Murphy's car etc?

these are common thread that just get repated over ad infintum.
Yeah, but Germans and Hungarians don't pull people's theories out of their sockets when they're challenged.  Ducks are known to do that.

That's been disabled. But I can still CALL you Fup Duck. -Shecky

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #65 on: May 30, 2010, 01:46:11 AM »
Wow, the new layout is looking very thorough!  I look forward to getting to know this new setup.  You freaking rock, Fred. 

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #66 on: May 30, 2010, 01:48:03 AM »
This is going to take awhile to get used to!
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Offline iago

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #67 on: May 30, 2010, 03:16:08 AM »
I've split the FAQ discussion into a new topic.
Fred Hicks
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #68 on: May 30, 2010, 03:25:06 AM »
Gallagher has a simple solution to what I perceive to be the actual problem.

He wanted dart guns with darts and red flags. The concept was if enough people with their one shot against someone broke a limit, then the person driving with all the darts and flags would be puled over and ticketed.

If you want a board that stays pablum fun, then just institute a complaint ceiling. More mods have not, and won't be an answer (as evidenced by the "policing problem"). Ya'll know what you want your board to do, so just buckle that sword in that Lea fashioned sword hilt, and start hacking heads.

And yes, I fully understand I'm in the crossfire for the snicker-snack of the vorpal blade.

You know what you want to see and what you will tolerate . Just cut to the chase and do it.
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #69 on: May 30, 2010, 03:32:25 AM »
Looks promising.  I'm very, very glad to see the Advice Column, I think it'll be of great help to people, and I think the extra "orientation" materials on each board are going to help.  Everything's clearly labeled, so even a simple creature such as myself can find it's way about and grasp what behaviour is expected in the diverse nooks and crannies.  I know these types of extra boards mean more work for you guys, and I appreciate that you're willing to give it a shot to preserve the community feel.  And the kittens.  Because everything is better with kittens.

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #70 on: May 30, 2010, 03:38:18 AM »

Mostly, we should be more appreciative of Fred's grace in hosting these boards, and we should all remember to apply some of the rules of courtesy that the world at large has forgotten about.

There's an old phrase by a very wise woman.  "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by ignorance.  Never attribute to ignorance what can be adequately explained by miscommunication.  Assume everything is miscommunication."

And a re-post from the FB discussion:

I've been a moderator for a corporate gaming board for many years (11 as a member, 7 as a mod). And a mod/admin of many fan forums (non-Jim related). I've seen (and unfortunately participated) in many of these before.

It's up to us long time members to step up and "pre-mod" things, remind members of the rules of "Neutral Accorded Ground" and such. Make sure the WC has less work to do!

I'm wondering if it would be advisable for the White Council (forum staff) to add some Mac's only mini-moderators (Wardens) of people who have shown themselves to be long-time members of good standing. They wouldn't be able to ban people, but they could move threads/posts to a special board for the WC to review and work with as they see fit.

Mac's does need more "eyes" since it's a big place, but if we don't keep an eye on it, who will?
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #71 on: May 30, 2010, 04:33:42 AM »
Hmmm...  Is there someplace for things like the chocolate worship thread?  Where would be a good place for that sort of thing?
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #72 on: May 30, 2010, 04:55:33 AM »
I think there are really some good ideas here. For one thing, increased numbers of mods can provide a more consistent presence. I believe in the past discussions just rambled on into trouble until crisis stage, then a mod was called, and then Ashton just stomped it to dust. Unless a mod had a personal interest in the topic, they never noticed it until trouble came.

And in more recent events, I saw what looked like a lot of bad feeling that had built up over a long time until it exploded. Hurt feelings fester. If a mod who appeared more approachable was available, like Shecky, maybe some drama could be avoided. Of course Shecky will have to quit any semblance of a day job and just devote his life to this.

I've been amazed and humbled at some of the things people put out there on this board. Deeply personal and hurtful (to them) situations. As a firmly repressed white woman from the frozen north, I was first appalled, then charmed, and then jealous of the torrent of warmth and caring provided by other board members. Mac's Pub provided a window into different worlds, if only in terms of the weather. I've seen other perspectives and been made keenly aware the world consists of more than the 3 square miles around me. I've seen genuine kindness, (as well as a very few total jerks).

This board is a tricky balancing act, and like humor itself, these opinions can and will be totally subjective. If the mods, having had eggs instead of French toast for breakfast, are offended they can take action - or at least issue a warning. I think short-term banning powers would be good, but tell the offender what happened and why.

And there are people who like to argue and stir the pot just to see what happens. Sometimes I'm one of them. I can certainly understand why Fred doesn't want that. It's annoying, time consuming and he's a dad but he's not our dad. (How's the baby, btw?) And of course he shouldn't have to.

FWIW  :-*

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #73 on: May 30, 2010, 10:41:18 AM »
As a corollary to PG's post, I'd like to suggest:

Fun Banter (Check 'tudes at the door)
- Come in and yammer to your heart's content. But if you bring attitude, there'll be no yammer and all hammer.

Advice, Please
- Not for real venting or complaining. Just for people who genuinely don't know what to do (look at the Advice About Sick Pets Etc. thread for an example) or can't figure out what's wrong. Or you really need a shoulder to cry on.

Seconded, I haven't been doing much posting for a while for the same reason's as Noey but I hope the changes bring back the atmosphere that existed int he earlier time when I joined.
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #74 on: May 30, 2010, 06:11:28 PM »
Is there a place left for general weirdness and socializing, or would that be spread throughout the rest of the threads and/or the chat? Putting in the chat is, as was mentioned earlier, going to cause synchronicity problems for people. I've seen posts from folks in Europe and on the West Coast of the US. Between time zones and jobs, chat alone won't be good enough.

Is the weirdness aspect necessary? Maybe not, but it's positive. When not abused, Weird gave the board a friendlier feel.

This might be the wrong spot, but could each board area maybe have a different color scheme or decor pattern? A little change of shade every now and then would be a mercy on the eyes. Some mild JB artwork in the background would be cool. Depending on the details, it could also remind forum goers of the atmosphere we're going for.