Author Topic: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?  (Read 38939 times)

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What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« on: May 29, 2010, 01:40:38 PM »
So while we are planning on bringing the pub (MacAnally's) back in some form, we're likely to reorient it all on what this forum site's mission should be about: positivity, celebration, fandom, community.

Things like the angst corner (and the already retired touchy topics area) are going to go away. We saw that instead of creating a quarantine effect, those sorts of areas encouraged bad, contentious behavior. They sanctioned the idea that bitching and anger and itchy trigger fingers were okay here. They're not.

But there is something good we can take away from that lesson. If subject areas like that are prone to encourage and expand conversations of that sort, maybe we can look at creating a few more areas specifically dedicated to the positive patterns of the pub (Media Favorites has been a success, for example). Maybe we could start a board that's an Open Mike *Comedy* Night thing. Maybe we could create an area for folks to talk about crafting topics (beadwork, scrap booking, costuming, all that sort of stuff -- I'd need to hear from folks what qualifies as crafting, as it's so totally not my scene). Maybe something to talk about games (video and tabletop).

Or maybe not. :) What I'm interested in hearing about from people is what the good/positive/awesome stuff is that forms some of the favorite conversations and behaviors at the pub. Because if we know those patterns are there, maybe we can also figure out some ways to make sure that they repeat and become the real mode of the board and of conversation rather than the dark-cloud crap that's hung over it instead.
Fred Hicks
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 01:55:53 PM »
Though it hadn't see much use lately, I liked the Virtual Gallery that surfaced for a bit.  A place to share pictures or links to the creative stuff we're doing that isn't necessarily a work of Dresden fandom (as that would go in Fan Creations, excellent idea btw Admins/Mods.) 

The "Share why today was Awesome" was well...awesome.  (Apparently I need a thesaurus today.) 

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 02:13:32 PM »
Author Craft and Media Favorites I like, because I write as well as read and watch movies. I like some of the Games. Pub topics related to food and potent potables usually got my attention, as well as examples of creativity by members in things like art, jewelry, and poetry.
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2010, 02:24:43 PM »
I think a "Hobbies" section which would encompass all kinds of 'crafting', gaming, illustration, etc. that might not fall within the Dresden related categories would be most efficient. That way it's still a specific topic-related forum but without needing to create a billion child forums to accommodate a vast selection of hobbies.

The "Forum Games" section seemed like a good idea too. It would allow for more 'funny' or 'odd' postings without a general free-for-all atmosphere.
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2010, 02:26:59 PM »
Good stuff so far. What else?
Fred Hicks
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2010, 02:45:18 PM »
How about a "Fun Stuff Out There On the 'Net" section?  Always liked the LOLcats
What if there were no hypothetical situations?

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2010, 03:00:35 PM »
What if there were a volunteer organization with the Dresden name on it?  Stay with me, stop rolling your collective eyeballs.  It could have something as simple as links to Red Cross donation sites, or maybe someone could pick up sponsors for a walkathon.  People could post ideas of easy things to do to benefit communities, or even things they themselves have done and collect a few well-deserved kudos.

You make it a Dresdenish "organization" so that it stays somewhat topical.  Then you just make your donations in the name of whatever that organization is.  The Paranet maybe, though anything Para- tends to freak out the political right.  I refuse to let it be called Harry's Helpers or anything tragically mundane like that.

Edit:  I was looking through the rest of this board to see old suggestions and most of them have either been implemented (chat!) or aren't viable due to changing policies.  But one suggestion is now viable that wasn't:  an RP section.  The original reason for saying nay was that it bordered on fanfic.  That wouldn't necessarily be a problem anymore. 

« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 03:09:20 PM by Kali »
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2010, 04:07:34 PM »
How about a "Fun Stuff Out There On the 'Net" section?  Always liked the LOLcats

something like this. I agree. I liked the lolcats, pictures, demotivators, etc. I liked the jokes, too. this might fall into the comedy bar thing. :D

Maybe an introduction thing? I don't know which is better, a thread or a forum, but.. *shrug*

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2010, 04:11:17 PM »
Maybe an introduction thing? I don't know which is better, a thread or a forum, but.. *shrug*

An introduction...area... would be good. I like the 'mapping' thread as well, even though the map was inconsistent. Maybe we could find a better one, and combine it with intros?
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2010, 04:26:21 PM »
Along with the intros, a picture thread like we had before would be nice. It was nice to have others share their special moments and day to day stuff, it made it more like a community in my opinion.

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2010, 04:31:21 PM »
I'd like to note that this community, like much of sci-fi/fantasy fandom, is an Island of Misfit Toys.  We're weirdos, geeks, freaks, oddballs, goofballs, with the odd curmudgeon sprinkled in, most with varied amounts of wear and tear.  Many are rather isolated in their "real world" situations, either from a lack of social skills, or being stuck in an area where there are few who share our interests, most often some combination.  "Huh... whatcha readin' books fer?" "How come you can't, like, you know, like normal things?"

A goodly number of people here have extremely limited "real life" networks of friends or less than supportive family to talk to when life goes south of cheese.  Sometimes people need support, advice, help or just a little comiserating.  That's been a regular event in the Angst Corner, it hasn't been just pissing and moaning.  Sure, there's the occassional chronic "Hey, look at me!  Look at me!  I'm sad again, pay me attention" whining poster, but that's not been the bulk of posters in the Pub or Angst even.  And when it's been a serious and grave matter out of the communities field of expertise, there have invariably been heaps of responders offering some advice while also saying emphatically "You need to talk to a professional counselor/doctor/veterinarian/dietician/whatver, we're your friends and can offer support, but we're not qualified for the help you need in this situation."  

Being "friends" includes being there to offer support and advice when someone has a breakup, job loss, sick pet, not just when that person has "fun!" things like beads to talk about.  The difference between this forum and other forums I've been to is that friendship and community are just heaped all over the place.  I don't even like people, but I've made many friends here despite myself.  This place actually has a sense of communtiy, as opposed to being just a place to talk about Episoded 12 or the newest patch, or if the Enterprise could take out a Star Destroyer.  Because those arguements are always just chok full of "postitive" and "constructive."

I feel that the fact that the Pub has provided a venue for people to find helpful and supporting friends and advice has been a positive pattern. I think that's why people stay here and keep coming back. Most peole aren't here because they want to debate the relatvie merits of oak or ash for a blasting rod, or the unprinted specified details of how the Accords address an miniscule matter the author hasn't even thought of.  They're here to be with the friends they've met through Jim's books, to talk about those books certainly, but also to talk about other interests and issues, and, most importatly, to be with friends.

Make a "Help, amatuer advice and commiseration" corner or "huggy shoulder crying place" or something, but if people can't turn to their friends here for support when shit happens or they just feel a little blue, then how much of a "community" will this place be at that point?  

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2010, 04:46:36 PM »
another idea...
Bob's oddity emporium - another thread that didn't see a lot of action lately, but could be brought back. I was thinking it could be a child board for the internet-funnies stuff (lolcats, demotivators, weird news stories, etc)

Also, well said, paynesgrey.  :)
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2010, 04:55:57 PM »
Thanks, Nim.  And I like the "oddity emporium" idea.  

Hell, I'd even volunteer to help "police" things on "pub" threads.  My nearest dearest emotional involvement generally doesn't go into debates on books or "personal life" matters because I don't have a dog in those fights, emotionally speaking.  A viewpoint maybe, but not investment.  I save that for political and social issues, as those can concievably affect my own real world existance, and those are verboten liebe with the death of TT anyway.  I'd just have to blow the dust off my old sergeant stripes.

Maybe if we had a few "doormen" for the Pub, just to remind people to "take it out to the parking lot" when the material is innappriate or just getting bitchety.  So the managers don't need be pestered with the little stuff like spilled drinks and unruly patrons who don't know the rules yet.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 05:03:27 PM by paynesgrey »

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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2010, 05:24:24 PM »
Just copy/pasting some of the stuff folks have said on twitter:

* Crafting! Shared arts (like the Virtual Gallery and the Photo Gallery) Family pix and congrats like birthdays, special events
* a poetry corner?
Fred Hicks
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Re: What are the Pub's Positive Patterns?
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2010, 05:55:09 PM »
I haven't been around much lately because of the dark cloud atmosphere, but I might start spending more time here if things perk up a bit. One thing that might be unpopular, I'd like to ask that the Penis and Horny threads not be allowed to resurface. Adults frequent this forum and will naturally gravitate to some adult topics, I know, but there's kids on this forum, too. Plus, I admittedly find it tacky, and in bad taste on a forum dedicated to an author that's so, so not Laurell K. Hamilton (thank goodness). While we can discuss adult matters with the books, those particular threads were offputting to me. If nothing else, it was impossible to check the forum at work because having the thread topics pop up in Unread really isn't conducive to a boss walk by. If the general consensus is to allow threads dedicated to adult topics, can we please at least make sure the titles are work safe?
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