It might be worth my while compiling a list of ritual objects and how much they affect the complexity of a ritual. Just for ease of reference.
That's simple, the set of possible ritual objects is exactly the same as the set of all objects and they all provide a +2 bonus when tagged.
It's up to the GM if a given object applies to a given ritual, what skill it requires and what the Declaration difficulty will be.
As for what items you need to perform what rituals, also a non-starter. While it's common to track a target with hair or blood, you could
probably also do it a soldier's dog tags, a priest's crucifix, ect. Anything that is essentially part of who that person is can point back to
that person. Compiling a list would be a pretty impossible task, mainly because rituals can do anything you can think of. Come on, really,
would it even be possible to make such a list when we'd end up trying to determine what you need from the target to cause a frozen turkey
to fall from the sky and kill him, cause his hair to fall out, make him deaf for an hour, turn a house into a cinder, turn a city block into a
cinder? Then we'd need the reverse on a lot of those, like turning a pile of cinders back into a house! Far, far easier for each GM to
decide on the spot of the supplied components are adequate or not.