Author Topic: Dresden Files RPG Notebook Wiki Tool  (Read 7190 times)

Offline CableRouter

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Re: Dresden Files RPG Notebook Wiki Tool
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2010, 03:01:46 AM »
This is pretty nifty.  Now I just need an ultramobile pc or a tablet pc.

CableRouter.  You might want to see about using some sort of database look up to avoid duplicate names.  "Another Mr. Smith?  Where is ****ing Neo when you need him?"

Random selection is pretty good, there should be enough variety.  Besides, if you get a name you don't like, just hit the button and generate another. :)

Ok, tested and complete.  I can't attach a text or zip file here, 20k character limit... Off looking for a easy free file share......
Back.  Ok, here we go.

Random Name Tiddlers.txt

Offline huntsfromshadow

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Re: Dresden Files RPG Notebook Wiki Tool
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2010, 06:46:31 PM »
I am in the middle of work but hopefully in a few weeks I'll have an update. I've added some minor functionality that I'm testing in my own campaign.  Obviously this is done for fun and real work pays.

If you can shoot me an email with all your changes your making and I'll see what I can roll into the next release.
You'll find the email in the File's Credit's section.

Offline CableRouter

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Re: Dresden Files RPG Notebook Wiki Tool
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2010, 08:51:45 PM »
I am in the middle of work but hopefully in a few weeks I'll have an update. I've added some minor functionality that I'm testing in my own campaign.  Obviously this is done for fun and real work pays.

If you can shoot me an email with all your changes your making and I'll see what I can roll into the next release.
You'll find the email in the File's Credit's section.

Actually the contact section, but I found it. :-)

To everyone out there.  Feel free to suggest anything you'd like to see added.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 08:54:36 PM by CableRouter »

Offline Ravangames

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Re: Dresden Files RPG Notebook Wiki Tool
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2010, 06:06:38 PM »
Couldnt get the dice roller to work...

Copy and pasted your code.... I got the tags..

Offline CableRouter

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Re: Dresden Files RPG Notebook Wiki Tool
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2010, 08:48:24 PM »
Couldnt get the dice roller to work...

Copy and pasted your code.... I got the tags..
Not knowing what, if any, error messages you got, I'll list both of the two less obvious things that could
be wrong (I'm assuming that everyone here can cut/paste properly  ;D)

The dice roller Tiddler doesn't do anything by itself, it's just the code the computer uses when you do call the macro.
You need to call it from another tiddler with

You also need to save and reload your Wiki from the topmost menu before a macro will work.

Offline CableRouter

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Re: Dresden Files RPG Notebook Wiki Tool
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2010, 01:14:08 AM »
Another update!

For those who've implemented any of my changes, I wasn't really happy with the dice roller.  Sure, it's functional, but bland.
Now that I've had time to hammer on it a bit, here is version 2.0.  Now with Fudge Dice images.

First, you'll need the images.
Unzip these into the same directory you're keeping your TiddlyWiki file in.

Next you need a way to generate and display a roll of Fudge dice, create a new Tiddler called DiceRoller, also give it the systemConfig tag as it's a macro.
For those of you already using my original dieRoller, just replace this Tiddler and you're good to go.  For anyone else just discovering Tiddlywiki, I've
included the rest of the instructions below.

Code: [Select]
config.macros.diceRoller = {
  handler: function (place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler)
var pics=[4];
var x = 0;
var total = 0;
var quot="'";
var str;
var offsetx = (screen.width - 360) / 2;
var offsety = (screen.height - 140) / 2;

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
total += x;
if (x < 0)
else if (x > 0)

str =  "width=360,height=140,status=1," + "screenX=" + offsetx + ",screenY=" + offsety;
win3 ="", "",str);

str = "<img src="+pics[0]+">"+"<img src="+pics[1]+">"+"<img src="+pics[2]+">"+"<img src="+pics[3]+">";
win3.document.writeln('<h2><a href="javascript:self.close()">Close Window</a></h2>');
The triple brackets around the script blocks are a Tiddly formatting code for script and will display it in a colored box to identify it.

Now you need a way to close a single Tiddler (including the one you're calling it from), create a new Tiddler called CloseWindow, be sure to give it the systemConfig tag as it's a javascript macro
Code: [Select]
config.macros.CloseWindow = {
  handler: function (place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString, tiddler)
      var title = params.length > 0 ? params[0] : null;

Finally you need a simple way to call your roller, make a new Tiddler called FudgeDice, it will call for a Dice Roll then close itself.
Code: [Select]
<<CloseWindow FudgeDice>>

Lastly, to put it on your menu bar, to go the MainMenu Tiddler and add
Code: [Select]
[[FudgeDice]]where ever in the list you want it to appear, save and reload your Wiki and you're good to go.