Author Topic: WCV faction for Port Arthur, Texas game. House Costa  (Read 2633 times)

Offline DesertCoyote

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WCV faction for Port Arthur, Texas game. House Costa
« on: May 21, 2010, 05:12:27 PM »
Alright, my group is getting together later today for the first time and I was curious what the rest of you might think of this.

House Costa

Face: Pierre Costa, a handsome and charming "young" man, business associate with many in the community and friend to the politicians.

Background:  They were once a rising power in the white court and were moving into position to take the place of one of the other three major houses.  To help ensure their ascension to power, their leader at the time, Adriano Costa, bartered a deal with Titania of the summer fae.  The deal went sour and Titania leveled the stronghold of House Costa, New Orleans.  Having gotten wise to the scheme, the other major houses used their influence to cripple the government response to the crisis.  House Costa has since fallen into disgrace and infighting with localized factions scattered across the gulf coast of the United States.

Feeding Habits:  As all white court vampires, House Costa can technically feed on any emotion, but prefers greed.

Primary Weakness: Significant acts of charity.  Giving a dollar to a bum doesn't count for much.  Neither does having money taken out of your paycheck and having it automatically donated to children in Darfur.  It has to be a conscious act of selflessness for another.   However, something like sitting down with a bum for a moment and sharing your lunch with him counts.  Or volunteering at a soup kitchen for selfless reasons... something along these lines.  You lose the protection this offers when you do something greedy. 

Side note: If you're down on your luck and somebody gives you something that would have given them protection from House Costa, that item would have similar effects on House Costa as House Raith touching the wrong wedding ring.

Local Enemies:  There is a Buddhist Temple in Port Arthur where an order of monks struggle to hold back the tide of greed and corruption House Costa has brought to the city (both have been here since before Titania's storm).  Also, because House Costa has repeatedly attempted to get a license to open a casino, they've also made enemies among the local Native Americans, though there isn't a huge presence of them in the city.

Local Stronghold:  Pierre Costa owns and operates Central Mall and many of his children work as security guards there.  The guards roam the mall compelling people to want things, occasionally causing people to shoplift.  When they catch a shoplifter, he or she is led back to the security area in the mall where they are fed upon.  Pierre is above such small game and does all of his hunting at the nearby golf course where he manipulates local politics and business through greed.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 05:14:53 PM by DesertCoyote »

Offline dwightfry

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Re: WCV faction for Port Arthur, Texas game. House Costa
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 11:04:33 PM »
he's got to have something to do with ford park lol the biggest economic sinkhole in jeff cnty but keep in mind the largest and greediest entities in this area are the oil and chemical companies so there maybe should be some tiein there (unless you have another thing planned for them like i do) but that could make him too powerful so not sure how you want to play that.

Its agood write up but imo a bit underpowered of course that depends also on the power level of your game.

Offline DesertCoyote

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Re: WCV faction for Port Arthur, Texas game. House Costa
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2010, 01:45:17 AM »
We're only starting at "up to our waist" as the party gains power, it's likely Pierre will as well.  He wasn't anything special in his house prior to it's collapse.

I'm guessing you're also in Beaumont Area?

Offline dwightfry

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Re: WCV faction for Port Arthur, Texas game. House Costa
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2010, 10:43:46 AM »
yeah bridge city, i'm trying to stat up the whole area using the golden triangle as my "city" as well as parts of texas west including houston and east in to La at least to Lake Charles and maybe as far as laffayette. the parts outside of the GT only in general though just so i know whats thereand how it effects teh GT.

Offline DesertCoyote

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Re: WCV faction for Port Arthur, Texas game. House Costa
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2010, 11:02:02 AM »

We're all in the Port Arthur area.  Our "city" includes Port Arthur, Groves, Nederland, and Port Neches.  I figured that's large enough for most stuff I can imagine.