Author Topic: Need help with Mortal Stunt for vigilante character...  (Read 2408 times)

Offline The Codex

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Need help with Mortal Stunt for vigilante character...
« on: May 21, 2010, 02:11:30 PM »
I have an idea for a vigilante type character who acts a muscle as required to the members of the Paranet. As such I want him to be a mortal, who has lost his little sister (who is/was minor talent/focused practioner) who was/is being pursued by an sorcerer/warlock for her power.

Part of the concept for the character was based a little off of the Phantom. What I really wanted to do was to 'Aspect' (can I use aspect as a verb!!!) an oppoenent by Marking them (kind of like Zorros Z except by punching them really really hard with a specific ring, design to be decided, a skulls a little cliche though)

I was thinking that killer blow and an Aspect like 'Sworn Ring of Vengance' would work, but I don't like the idea of killer blow. I am not trying to kill my opponent but mark them for others to see....

Also what else would you recommend for a vigilante type character, not sure about using guns as based in the UK and guns are a big no no

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Need help with Mortal Stunt for vigilante character...
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 02:39:58 PM »
I you plan to mark them in a semi permanent fashion, then that would probably best be modeled as inflicting consequences on them.   Did you plan to do this after/ as you were defeating them?  Or something closer to mid-way through the fight?

If you planned to do it as part of a defeat, then you can probably just narrate them getting "marked by you" as a (long term) consequence.

If you plan to "mark" the baddies as something that happens mid-way through the fight, you could try something like getting the lethal weapon stunt and the killer blow stunt.  Then, with a fate point, your fists would be weapon: 5 for a single strike.  Instant consequence land for mortals.

Yet another option, if you are going for a more cinematic feel (any you want to be able to use it against monsters that heal really fast as well) is to try convincing your GM to let you have a rules hack stunt mechanically similar to addictive saliva.  Where, instead of licking people and putting the "addicted" aspect on them, you punch them and put the "marked by you" aspect on them,


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Re: Need help with Mortal Stunt for vigilante character...
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 02:21:12 AM »
Quote from: Spirit of the Century SRD
Crippling Blow [Fists]

Requires Dirty Fighter.

When you injure an opponent with your Fists, you may spend a fate point to force the target to take a consequence rather than check off a box. This can only be done once per opponent in a given fight scene. The target may choose not to take the consequence if he is willing to concede.

This would work perfectly for your purposes, you just have to retool it a bit to fit your character, you can find the Spirit of the Century SRD here.