I know the Rotes topic has been discussed again and again, but i have yet to find a clear answer.
I it's here somewhere and i have simply missed it, point me at it and i'll go away.

The RAW in YS(257) state that "Any change in the parameters of the spell disqualifies it from being a rote."
Well enough.
Unfortunately some writeups in OW as well as some examples here on the boards seem to disagree.
For example: Carlos's Shield rote
Entropy Field: Ramirez must have his gauntlet in order to cast this rote. Attacks that pass through the field face Armor:3 in the form of disruption and disintegration or can serve as a Fantastic (+6) block. Ramirez sometimes devotes one or two of his basic six shifts to persistence—reduce the block or armor value accordingly when he does.
Now, changing the duration is a change in parameters, at least thats what i thought. So how can the whole thing be a rote?
What i'm looking for is clarification of what constitutes "a change in the parameters"
Can i use a +6 block rote to shield myself at +6, and then another time use it to shield a zone at +4
or to create a +4 block with 2 shifts of duration ?
Or maybe even use it a a zone border instead of a ususal block ?
Can i split my +6 attack up into two +3 attacks ? can i use my +6 attack rote to attack an entire zone at +4 instead?
Can i chose if the aspect a certain maneuver is placing will be a scene aspect or an aspect applied to a specific target ?
Personally i think doing any of these things mentioned here would be a "change in the parameters".
But at the moment it sems to me like a lot of that stuff would have to be possible to fit some of the writeups.
The one thing i would allow is the choice between Block/Armor for block rotes. Seems to me if enchanted items can be both, then a spell should too.Anything more than that, Changing targets, duration, effects... -> no more rote.
So, I would hereby like to request an official ruling as to "what makes a rote?" specifically clarification on what constitutes "a change in the parameters".Provided any of the devs find the time to read this... i know you've got your hands full with more important stuff right now.

So long,