Author Topic: Items of Power and Aspects  (Read 3554 times)

Offline The Codex

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Items of Power and Aspects
« on: May 21, 2010, 02:52:29 PM »
Ok this is a strange and random thought but can/would/should some items of power have there own aspects?

I know you need an aspect as part of the conditions of having an Item , but would specifically powerful relics (possibly th eterm to use) have there own aspects and if a player gets hold of one of these Items?

Using an exaple Desendant of Jim Bowie has his knife and uses it to hunt the supernatrual, He has the aspect "the Bowie family legacy" in both connection to the Item and his family history specificly to hunt down and destroy evil that effects his lan of Freedom. But could the Knife itself have a Aspect like "a history of Blood and violence" or "everyone knows what it is and what it does" and "Cuts to the Heart" or would these be stunts that would be part of the knife???

Offline bcillustration

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Re: Items of Power and Aspects
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2010, 03:08:34 PM »
In our game a character has an item of power ( a mjolnir-type hammer.)
I'd rather the item have aspects and powers than static bonuses, which one could get from a standard enchanted item. ( this is a contentious issue in our game... :)

not sure on the actual ruling, but I would say the more powerful & older the artifact, the more likely it would be to have it's own aspects... as an example, the swords of the cross all have powers, not bonuses, and they're (-3) (including the +2 built in)

Offline digital3lf

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Re: Items of Power and Aspects
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2010, 03:55:27 PM »
Very interesting idea. I would personally be VERY conservative about giving aspects to items, but it would certainly make sense in some cases. By giving an item as aspect, it goes from a mere item to some degree of an NPC. It gains a will of it's own and is no longer just an implement. For example: Lord of the Rings One Ring would absolutely most definitely have Aspects. Harry's Duster would not. Your Mjolnir could easily swing either way. I'd ask: is the hammer going to start making decisions, taking actions, and driving your story forward without input from the PCs? If so, then it should have Aspects, and probably even go though the whole NPC creation process.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Items of Power and Aspects
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2010, 03:59:35 PM »
I agree with digital3lf. Aspects are powerful, and shouldn't just be given to a player by means of an item...but an item with a will of it's own, that might oppose the player or do things on it's own? That might easily be an NPC in it's own right with Aspects (and perhaps skills of it's own) to match.

Offline bcillustration

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Re: Items of Power and Aspects
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 05:22:27 PM »
Awesome idea!

Offline Bubba Amon Hotep

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Re: Items of Power and Aspects
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2010, 07:16:02 PM »
If so, then it should have Aspects, and probably even go though the whole NPC creation process.

I didn't read the N in NPC. 
And thought to myself.  Wow. 

A character playing as the weapon that another character is wielding.  And thereby controlling the person through compels/insights/declarations.

mind blowing.

Offline digital3lf

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Re: Items of Power and Aspects
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2010, 07:23:22 PM »
I didn't read the N in NPC. 
And thought to myself.  Wow. 

A character playing as the weapon that another character is wielding.  And thereby controlling the person through compels/insights/declarations.

mind blowing.

LOL, nice!

It just crossed my mind that someone could probably make a living DFRPG game that is online in sort of a sandbox environment where players can interact, compel, declare, even exchange Fate points, all without a GM overseeing it constantly. It would take some pretty solid agreements between individual players/admins/GMs in terms of what is allowable, but it could be neat!