Author Topic: Couple of thoughts on Soulfire  (Read 3102 times)

Offline feliscon

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Couple of thoughts on Soulfire
« on: May 15, 2010, 06:45:14 AM »
I was thinking yesterday, and came up with a situation using Soulfire that I thought might be hard to model using the rules as written.
Fortunately, I also came up with a possible solution  8)

So, we have a Soulfire user facing off against a couple of Black Court and Renfields with a friend. Due to the dire nature of the situation, he uses some of his soul-stuff to 'reinforce' a Spirit (force) evocation and manifest two giant silver hands  :P

Over the next three exchanges he uses one of the hands to shield his friend from the Renfields gunfire, and the other to crush one of the vampires to Soulfire-burned paste. On the fourth exchange, he stops both of those things and uses both 'hands' to rip the other vampires head off.

Now, the effects of that aren't out of the scope of the evocation rules as written (one block/armour spell with additional duration, one 'magical grapple' similar to the Orbius spell, and one straight (if powerful) attack) but according to canon interpretation, that's all one spell with a single power input...

So, how to model this without it being horribly overpowered? I was going to put it to the forum, but then I had my own idea. Using Archmage_Cowl's variant Soulfire rules (which I would rather use anyway, as I think they are more true to the books) we can consider this:

The Soulfire user's player wants to do the above effects with four shifts of power going into each 'hand'. Ignoring the duration factors for now, this gives him a +4 block/armour 2 on his friend, four shifts worth of 'grappling' each exchange on the first vampire (adjudication of exactly how this would work is likely to vary between GMs) and finally a single Weapon: 8 attack on the second vampire at the end. Now, my idea is that he can do this, and make the effects persistant for a total of four exchanges, by first summoning 8 shifts of power and successfully controlling it, then sacrificing two aspects for the length of a moderate consequence, as described in Archmage_Cowl's system. This works on the basis that instead of sacrificing for additional shifts of power, you can sacrifice to create effects of equivalent power but lasting for a number of exchanges equivalent to the shifts of power you would have gained. In this case, 4 per 'hand'.

To give an example from the books:

(click to show/hide)

So, what do people think?

Also, on the question of what a death curse backed by Soulfire looks like... Again using Archmage_Cowl's variant Soulfire system, let's run the numbers. Say a soulfire user has Great conviction, has taken all possible physical consequences, and their entire soul is currently fresh and ready to be used. So that's a maximum of 7 shifts base (4+3 is the most power they can summon at once, tekes them to the end of their mental stress track), plus 20 for mental consequences including extreme (I'd say a death curse justifies taking an extreme consequence!), plus 6 for tagging all the physical consequences (that's all normal death curse territory so far, any caster could do that... Think about it  ;)). Now for the Soulfire... 6 aspects at Severe each gives an additional 36 (!) shifts of power.

So, that's a total of 69 shifts of power for this particular Soulfire death curse... Enough to permenantly banish a Denarian from its coin, you think?  ;)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 07:17:26 AM by feliscon »

Offline surarrin

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Re: Couple of thoughts on Soulfire
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 06:49:09 AM »
No, that wouldn't be enough.

You need atleast 100 shifts to even look at the White God.  :P

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Couple of thoughts on Soulfire
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 04:03:02 AM »
Wow. I am totally wow'ed. This is amazing, seriously. I didnt think anyone took my system idea seriously and here you are prefecting it for use in the game. So my only response can be... wow awesome work ;D

P.S. thanks for the recognition ;D

P.P.S. I am slightly confused about your math at the bottom. My mathematics on a soulfire death curse would be for someone with great lore: 4(for lore)+2(for mild consequence)+4(for moderate)+6(for severe)+8(for extreme)+0-6ish(for any fate points you might have to spend on invokes)+0-8ish(for any scene aspects to be tagged)+36(six aspects removed with extreme consequences via soulfire)=60-74ish
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Offline feliscon

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Re: Couple of thoughts on Soulfire
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2010, 07:21:47 AM »
Yeah, my brain obviously wasn't working properly when I tried to add that up  :-[

Edited now, actually comes to 69, but still... That's a heck of a lot of power. Also, I used the Evocation rules for the death curse rather than Thuamaturgy. It's not like you'd have time to draw a circle out as you're dying  :P Still think you could have Thaumaturgy effects for it, but using the Evocation power mechanincs makes much more sense.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Couple of thoughts on Soulfire
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2010, 09:00:34 AM »
Well, first off I should note that the normal Soulfire rules seem perfectly serviceable to me, so I don't use Archmage_Cowl's system.

That said, aside from that, I honestly don't think what you're doing is mostly even implied to be against the rules. You're clearly allowed to split shifts between multiple effects, and are equally clearly allowed to redirect spell energy. So, assuming you buy the full Duration on both effects, you're pretty much good.

In short, that doesn't look overpowered at all to me, just a clever use of existing rules.

For the example, I'd say that he took a Moderate Consequence (Numb Hand) instead of sacrificing Aspects but otherwise did exactly that.