All I hear is, that the first hype has worn of Google is eager to get more testers...
I had no idea what the current status on it was, just that I got an invite very early on and have only recently started using it for DFRPG and only sent invites to my players, thus I have quite a few spare going on.
I would love to get a google wave invite.
Hey Tambryn, is that at, .com,
You should get a few invites already built in, certainly enough to get your players in on wave too.
A little more info on the Fudge Dice rolling utility or app would be awesome as well
The dice rolling bot is called Random Lee, you add it to your contacts list through the email randomleetwenty at appspot dot com. It reads what you write so if you post 4df+5 it will roll four fudge dice add the multiplayer of your skill and caculate the result for you. (it also shows the die themselves after the caculated result, eg + - 0 +)
The one condition is that as a participant it reads everything and will collect and send data should the program crash. You can read the terms on the website and it is a reasonable thing but if your concerned about privacy there is another option which is 'Wave Dice Gadget'. There is a specific version you can add which had fudge dice support added by entering into the extensions gadget that is in the featured list of gadgets built into wave.