Author Topic: various more-obscure mythical creatures  (Read 91568 times)

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2010, 06:40:05 AM »
Fire Giant
High Concept: Herald of Muspellheim
Other Aspects: Breathes Fire; Walking Cataclysm


Superb: Endurance, Might, Weapons
Great: Conviction, Discipline, Fists
Good: Alertness, Intimidation, Lore
Fair: Athletics, Presence, Survival
Other physical skills default to Average, others to Mediocre.


Breath Weapon [-2]
Hulking Size [-2]
Mythic Strength [-6]
Mythic Toughness [-6]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
   The Catch [+1]: Cold/frost
Seelie (Muspellheim) Magic [-4]
World Burner [-1]: Fire giant can spend a Fate Point to make an attack affect an entire zone

Mental OOOO +1 mild consequence
Physical OOOOOO(OOOOOO), Armor:3, +1 mild consequence
Social OOOO +1 mild consequence

Total Refresh Cost: -24

Uses a tremendous flaming sword (normally Weapon:4, Weapon:10 due to strength). Its Seelie Magic is not truly from Summer Faerie, coming from the power of Muspellheim instead, but it is mechanically identical to true Seelie Magic.

This fire giant stands about 24 feet tall and weighs about 8 tons.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 06:44:07 AM by vultur »

Offline Myrddhin

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2010, 04:44:44 PM »

The Catch (+3) is cold iron and such

Given their mythical penchant for wearing iron-shod boots and fighting with iron weapons, that Catch might be rather debatable, but that's just my take.

High Concept: Siren Temptress
Other Aspects: A Voice Sweeter Than Honey; To Listen Is Madness

Great: Athletics, Deceit, Performance
Good: Alertness, Presence, Rapport
Fair: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance
Other Social skills, and Stealth, default to Average, rest to Mediocre

Incite Emotion (At Range of Sound, Lasting Emotion) [-5] Lust/Attraction
Human Guise [-0]
Wings [-1]
Claws [-1]
Feeding Dependency (flesh) [+1]
-Inhuman Speed [-2]
-Incite Emotion (Potent Emotion) [-1]

Physical OOO
Mental OOO
Social OOOO
Hunger OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -9

Notes: Greatly disdain combat and if forced into a fight will take to the air and assault their attacker's mind with song.

Offline evilnerf

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #47 on: August 08, 2010, 04:00:04 AM »
High Concept: Fae Raider
Other Aspects:  Restless, Breeds like rabbits
   Alertness: Average (+1)
   Athletics: Good (+3)
   Endurance: Good (+3)
   Fists: Fair (+2)   
   Might: Good (+1)
        Weapon: Fair (+2)
   Most other skills default to Mediocre
   Mountain Goat [-1] +1 to  athletics checks made climbing over rocks
   No Pain No Gain [-1]  Extra Mild Physical Consequence
   Glamours [-2]   
        Inhuman Speed [-2]
   Inhuman Strength [-2]   
        Inhuman Recovery [-2]
   Inhuman Toughness  [-2]
   The Catch [+1]   Cold Iron and the like
Mental: OO  Physical:  OOOO (OO)   Social: OO
Wyldfae that prey on passers buy.  They are known more for their hit and run raiding then they’re trickery, but like all fae, they are bound by the old ways.  They are also a frequent progenitor of  changleings.  Armor: 2, Weapon: 4 (Spears or Swords)
Refresh: -11
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 02:50:20 PM by evilnerf »

Offline Stormraven

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #48 on: August 08, 2010, 05:21:57 AM »
With all the fae being put up, I'm getting tempted to stat up Kevin Matchstick. :)
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Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #49 on: September 01, 2010, 02:52:15 AM »
I agree old ones = outsiders. However, things like deep ones, hounds of tndelous and Cthulu Ghouls may be interesting alternatives. 

I may do a thread with some of these Dresdenified. This thread is for mythological ones, though.

Offline HobbitGuy1420

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #50 on: September 01, 2010, 04:42:55 AM »
The Slender Man
High Concept: Mysterious Apparition
Other aspects: Fond of Children, Twister of Minds, Don't Take My Picture, Fo Und YoU Forever

Skills and powers are harder to work out, just because he's such a nebulous entity.  I'd give him some measure of Strength and Speed (exact levels to be decided) and probably Physical Immunity and/or supernatural Recovery (catch unknown).  Depending on the incarnation, I might give him Incite Emotion (anywhere from fear to madness), Claws (to represent his ability to easily and quickly damage folks) and some method of glamour or invisibility.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 08:18:09 PM by HobbitGuy1420 »

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2010, 07:16:33 AM »
High Concept: Fire-Breathing Monstrosity
Other Aspects: Volcano Dweller, Three Heads


Superb (+5): Fists
Great (+4): Endurance, Alertness
Good (+3): Athletics, Survival
Fair (+2): Might, Stealth
Average (+1): Conviction, Presence

No Pain, No Gain (Endurance)

Breath Weapon [-2]
Claws (Venomous) [-3]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
  The Catch [+1]: lead
Supernatural Strength [-4]


Mental OOO
Physical OOOO(OOOO), Armor:2, +1 mild consequence
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -17

All-around physical powerhouse, with Weapon: 6 claws and poison on top, immense toughness and some Recovery in case something gets past that. Plus it breathes fire. No wonder it took a hero to stop this thing...
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 09:30:07 PM by vultur »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2010, 11:16:08 PM »
Some suggestions for the chimera:
  • Give it a Many-Headed aspect
  • Make poison or lead the catch to its toughness. After all, Bellephoron killed it with a lump of lead at the end of a spear.
  • Give it 3 boxes of social stress capacity, since it has average presence.

Now that that's over and done with, here's my take on the unicorn.

High Concept: Living Symbol of Natural Purity
Other Aspects: Elusive, Beautiful

Superb (+5): Athletics, Survival
Great (+4): Alertness, Fists
Good (+3): Presence, Endurance, Might
Fair (+2): Stealth, Rapport, Empathy
Average (+1): Conviction, Discipline, Investigation

Vanish Into The Woods (Survival): A unicorn may use survival instead of stealth for hiding and skulking while in an unpolluted natural forest environment.

Inhuman Strength [-2]
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Echoes of the Beast [-1]: +1 Alertness in an unpolluted natural forest environment, leave no footprints, talk to other unicorns
Claws [-1]
Neutralize Poison [-1]: Renders all poison within several meters harmless.
Entrancing Beauty [-4]: All who look upon a unicorn must roll their Discipline against the unicorn’s Presence. Failure means that the character gets the “Entranced” aspect. Entranced characters cannot attack the unicorn. Furthermore, the unicorn gets +2 to all social skills against entranced characters. Entranced characters may reroll their discipline each exchange in order to resist.

Mental OOO
Physical OOOO
Social OOOO

Total Refresh Cost: -14

Notes: A unicorn normally lives in the Nevernever. It can only be lured out into the real world by a virgin girl. A unicorn dies if its horn is removed. This horn provides the Neutralize Poison power to the user at no refresh cost.

PS: I’m really not sure about the cost for Entrancing Beauty.

Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2010, 11:59:32 PM »
IMO: The +2 and narrative affect granted by entrancing beauty is unneccessary, you should just utilize normal tag/invoke rules for aspects.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2010, 03:00:42 AM »
You have a point. The discription of entrancing beauty is far from elegant and could use some tightening up. Problem is, I want entrancing beauty to be a persistant effect that requires no effort on the unicorn's part. The unicorn probably won't have any fate points to spend. So what should I do? Reapply the aspect every round and allow a free tag each time? I would really appreciate some advice.

How does it look otherwise? Any other changes you suggest?

Offline lordoracle

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #55 on: September 12, 2010, 05:28:53 PM »
 I agree. Pucks (since depending on mythology/writer, it could be a race of fae and not an individual) believe in living life to the fullest, they should be considered Summer (or Wyld at the very least).

Puck was a servant of King Oberon, though he was not necessarily a satyr (just commonly depicted that way). Given Oberon's connction with Titania, I'd put Puck firmly in Summer's Court.
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Offline gaelvin

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #56 on: September 15, 2010, 07:09:34 AM »
Given their mythical penchant for wearing iron-shod boots and fighting with iron weapons, that Catch might be rather debatable, but that's just my take.

Well, my explanation for my game is that Faeries forge items which appear to be made of iron to the untrained eyes of mortals. In reality, they use faerie metals and alloys. I decided to follow the canon, which seems to be that all beings of Faerie are subject to the Cold Iron Catch, but that's easily changed for individual use.

Any thoughts on the Faerie Item Power?

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2010, 05:58:12 PM »
Not an *actual* mythical creature, but definitely myth inspired...

Whelp of Fenrir

Looks like a wolf. Except that it is twice as heavy as the largest grizzly bears, muscled to match, and its teeth look like a saber-tooth tiger's; but *every* tooth in its jaw is that way, not just two.

High Concept: Enormous Wolf of Doom
Other Aspects: Divine Ancestry


Superb (+5): Fists
Great (+4): Endurance, Survival
Good (+3): Alertness, Athletics
Fair (+2): Conviction, Intimidation, Might, Presence
Other skills default to Average (physical) or Mediocre (otherwise).

No Pain, No Gain (Endurance): +1 mild physical consequence

Claws [-1]
Echoes of the Beast (Wolf) [-1]
Hulking Size [-2]
Pack Instincts [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
  The Catch [+0]: dwarf-forged items

Physical OOOOOO(OOOO), Armor:2, +1 mild consequence
Mental OOO
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -15

Notes: A physical powerhouse of nightmarish proportions, with Weapon: 6, Superb skill claws and an immense physical stress track -- though not as fast as a natural wolf. If you face a pack ... pray.

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2010, 06:12:59 PM »
Nice one vulture! That thing is a nightmare and might fit nicely into our campaign.

The catch is probably -3 though, because it should be not to hard to research. By your design it wouldn't be I guess...

EDIT: Pack instinct?! These things come in packs?! What the ...!!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 06:16:56 PM by Papa Gruff »
in omnia peratus! ... wait a minute! ... to give anybody a rucksack? ... DAMN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2010, 08:49:01 PM »
The Whelp of Fenrir looks good. Can't see any rules problems with it.

Would you consider statting up the real Fenrir? He might be at plot device level physically, but he should be interesting in social combat. Remember, the Aesir tricked him into getting chained up.

Also: the Chimera still needs another box of social stress capacity.