The only way I'm going to get good at this system is to keep making mistakes. I really have no excuse for what happen in the first Willow-the-wisp posts other than, my book was not in front of me. I should still have known some of that stuff. Grr. I will use my aspect: Runs all the RPGs for his gaming group. I will get a plus 2 bonus on my follow up Willow-the-Wisp post.
Willow-the-wisp A.K.A: (Willowisp)
These creatures have been a staple in many RPGs. They appear as colored balls of light when not employing a veil. Other than that, they use veils to disguise their true forms as something like: A woman walking with a lantern. Etc... They can have the veil respond to most stimulus. They will lead you to your doom.
High Concept: Mischievous Spirit of Misfortune
Other Aspects: The False Light, Catch me if you can, Makes you wonder
Skills (Why have such high skills? Willow-the-Wisps are ridiculously hard to catch. With magic abound in this game they need something to fall back on that makes them hard to capture. Sure, you could make them immune to most magics, but that is rougher on your players who can not tag, or compel aspects around that. However, as with all of the awesome creations here in this thread; everything is subject to change per GM to suit your needs and players.)
Alertness: Fantastic (+6)
Deceit: Epic (+7)
Performance: Superb (+5)
Empathy: Great (+4)
Might: Good (+3) (Why have might? Well, once captured they could distort their spirit form long enough to try and break out of anything they may be physically put in. Dog crate, bag, etc...I dunno. Yes, my players would be prepared enough to ward a dog crate. Good luck slipping through the walls of that one.)
All other skills that would apply can fall anywhere you'd like really.
Greater Glamours [-4] (Thank you Deadmanwalking for point this out)

Spirit Form [-3]
Physical Immunity [-7]
The Catch: spirit magic works on them [+2]
(+1 from the spirit magic and +1 because it can be researched well enough).
Swift Transition [-2]
P: O O
S: O O
M: O O
Note: The opposite of a Willow-the-Wisp is known as a Feu Follet. They appear no different than a wisp, but will instead take you to something beneficial.
Total Refresh: -16