Author Topic: various more-obscure mythical creatures  (Read 91851 times)

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2010, 09:28:15 PM »
Nice one vulture!

The catch is probably -3 though, because it should be not to hard to research. By your design it wouldn't be I guess...

Really hard to *get* though. Dwarf forged items in Norse myth tend to be things of the gods or very legendary heroes. I got the idea because the only chain that could bind Fenrir was the dwarf-forged Graupnir.

EDIT: Pack instinct?! These things come in packs?! What the ...!!

Well, it's a wolf...

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2010, 09:29:57 PM »
Would you consider statting up the real Fenrir? He might be at plot device level physically, but he should be interesting in social combat. Remember, the Aesir tricked him into getting chained up.

Hmm. I could try, but yeah, his physical aspects are going to be way off the scale; his Strength and Toughness would need to be at least a step beyond Mythic, and Hulking Size only goes up to house-sized; Fenrir is WAY bigger than that.

Also: the Chimera still needs another box of social stress capacity.

True. Fixed.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #62 on: September 17, 2010, 12:55:31 AM »

Homunculi are miniature humans created through alchemy. They cannot survive exposure to air and so are usually kept inside glass jars or flasks. Their role is similar to that of Bob in the novels: to advise their creator on matters of magic. There are rumors of larger homunculus that can live outside of jars, but these are unproven.

High Concept: Little Man in a Jar
Other Aspects: Can't Survive Outside The Jar, Loremaster's Assistant, Not Always Honest

Great (+4): Lore
Good (+3): Scholarship, Deceit
Fair (+2): Empathy, Alertness, Discipline
Average (+1): Presence, Conviction, Rapport, Investigation

Living Library (Lore): A homunculus is treated as an Arcane Library with a rating equal to its Lore skill.
Magical Advisor (Lore): A homunculus can use its Lore skill to complement the Lore skill of another character.
Occultist (Lore): A homunculus gets +1 to Lore for a given field of the Lore skill and a further +1 for a specialty within that field.

Dimunitive Size [-1]
Some Homunculi may also have Precognition [-1], which is like Cassandra's tears without the penalty to convincing people that your visions are true.

Physical OO
Mental OOO
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -4 or -5

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #63 on: September 18, 2010, 01:21:19 PM »

These beings are heroes carried off by the valkyries and re-embodied after their death by Odin or another deity (Freya is said to also possess an army of einheriar).

High Concept: Fallen Hero Fights Again
Other Aspects: Servitor of Odin [or Freya, etc.]; Training for Ragnarok

Fantastic (+6): Weapons
Superb (+5): Alertness, Athletics
Great (+4): Fists, Might, Endurance
Good (+3): Conviction, Discipline, Guns, Presence
Other physical skills default to Fair, others to Mediocre.

Einheri will almost always have several stunts in skills such as Weapons, Endurance, Fists, Might, and the like. This set is merely an example.

No Pain, No Gain (Endurance)
Wall of Death (Weapons)
Way of the Bow (Guns)

Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Mythic Recovery [-6]

Mental OOOO
Physical OOOO(OO), Armor: 1, +1 mild consequence
Social OOOO

Total Refresh Cost: -15

Notes: The average einheri has been battling daily for centuries or more, thus their frighteningly high physical skills. A newly created einheri will have lower skills. Einheri created from more recent warriors may have higher Guns and lower Weapons.

Offline deathwombat

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #64 on: September 18, 2010, 02:16:32 PM »
Don't recovery and toughness require a "catch"?
Bad typists untie!!!!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #65 on: September 19, 2010, 12:01:40 AM »
I was thinking of writing up the Einherjar myself, but since you seem to have nailed it. The rules do say that you need a catch, but I personally don't feel it's necessary for anything less than Physical Immunity.

If you want to give the Einherjar a catch, there are a few possibilities. First, you could stipulate that their powers only work in Valhalla. Second, you could say that they only heal at sundown. Third, you could give Loki and his servants (like Jotun) the ability to ignore the toughness of the Eiherjar. The Eiherjar were portrayed as recovering from all wounds every night while training at Valhalla but dying in Ragnorok. These catches are intended to simulate that.

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2010, 10:54:41 AM »
(OW-style general writeup first, then some examples...)


Varies widely. Generally appropriate to the natural feature the landvaettr represents.

What We Know:
Landvaettir are spirits of the land. Some embody small areas such as boulders or springs, others whole landscapes, and their power varies accordingly. Landvaettir can be helpful if they are not disturbed, but disturbance of the feature they represent tens to anger them. The form and power of landvaettir is at least as variable as any other broad supernatural category. Their link to the Nevernever is not as strong as many other supernaturals (ghosts, demons, etc.), and if they possess a body, it is made of the appropriate natural substance (water, stone, soil...) rather than ectoplasm.

People living near a powerful landvaettr's territory may sacrifice to it or take other measures to gain its favor, as a potent landvaettr can be a large problem if hostile, but if friendly might help out in a variety of ways -- using its control of the elements to bring rain to thirsty crops, rising up to defend the land from invasion, etc.

As variable as their appearance. Some have direct control over the element associated with their feature (Channeling [Water] for the landvaettr of a waterfall, Channeling [Fire] for a volcano spirit, etc.); this may even extend to Evocation for those whose features include multiple elements (a geyser spirit might have power over Earth, Fire, and Water). Some -- though not all -- landvaettir can manifest a physical body from the substance of their land; these may have the standard physical powers, depending on their type (watery spirits are more likely to have Recovery or Speed, stony ones Strength or Toughness). Others are inherently immaterial, and have powers like Spirit Form (possibly with upgrades) and maybe even Physical Immunity. Landvaettir of solider substances (boulders, mountains etc.) tend toward physical form; incorporeal landvaettir tend to be the spirits of things like winds. Due to their link to natural environments, landvaettir tend to lack powers from the Nevernever Powers category.

Weaknesses: Also variable. Tend to be appropriate to the feature type; a volcanic landvaettir might be vulnerable to cold or large amounts of water, the landvaettir of a mud flat might be vulnerable to being dried out by fire or other strong heat sources, etc.  Some are just tough -- a stony one, for example, might not have an easily exploitable weakness.

Offline vultur

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #67 on: September 20, 2010, 12:30:04 AM »
High Concept: Volcano Spirit


Great (+4): Fists, Conviction
Good (+3): Discipline, Endurance
Fair (+2): Alertness, Athletics, Lore
Average (+1): Intimidation, Might, Presence, Survival


Breath Weapon -2
Channeling (Fire) -2
Claws -1
Inhuman Recovery -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
  The Catch +1: extreme cold or large amounts of water
Inhuman Strength -2

Mental OOOO
Physical OOOO(OO) Armor: 1
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -10

Notes: A rather powerful and rare landvaettr, the spirit of an active volcano. Its form tends to be reminiscent of something large and fierce -- a lion, dragon, etc. made out of lava.

High Concept: Embodiment of Earth


Great (+4): Might, Endurance
Good (+3): Conviction, Discipline, Fists
Fair (+2): Alertness, Lore, Survival
Average (+1): Athletics, Intimidation, Presence


Channeling (Earth) -2
Claws -1
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
  The Catch +0: unknown

Mental OOOO
Physical OOOO(OO) Armor: 1
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -7

Notes: A landvaettr embodying the deep earth. Its form is a giant burrowing animal -- badger, mole etc. -- made of stone.

High Concept: Geyser Spirit

Great (+4): Conviction
Good (+3): Discipline, Lore
Fair (+2): Deceit, Rapport, Presence
Average (+1): Alertness, Athletics, Stealth

Evocation -3 (Air, Fire, Water)
Physical Immunity -8
  The Catch: +3 Large quantities of cold water or other extreme cold, as well as any magic, ignores the landvaettr's Physical Immunity
Spirit Form -3

Mental OOOO
Physical OO
Social OOO

Notes: A less corporeal landvaettr, inhabiting geyser regions
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 12:38:43 AM by vultur »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #68 on: September 27, 2010, 11:20:29 PM »

Nukekubi are japanese monsters that appear human except for a few discreet marks on the neck. At night their heads seperate from their bodies and fly around. If the head is unable to return to the body by dawn, the Nukekubi dies.

High Concept: Detachable Neck Monster
Other Aspects: Pretends to be Human, Marks on the Neck

Good (+3): Deceit
Fair (+2): Alertness, Stealth
Average (+1): Presence, Rapport, Fists

Human Form (Rare Change) +2
Diminutive Size -1
Wings -1

Mental OO
Physical OO
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -1

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #69 on: October 02, 2010, 09:24:22 PM »

A lich is a wizard who places his soul in an object called a phylactery and so gains eternal life as long as the phylactery remains intact. This runs up against the laws of magic, but most liches aren’t the sort to care about that anyway.

High Concept: Ancient Undead Wizard
Other Aspects: Life Contained in Phylactery, Terrified of Death, Grasping and Paranoid, Citizen of Ancient Egypt

Fantastic (+6): Lore
Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline, Resources
Great (+4): Scholarship, Presence, Contacts, Deceit
Good (+3): Intimidation, Alertness, Empathy, Rapport, Investigation

Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Kemmlerian Necromancy [-2]
Lawbreaker (1st) [-2]
Lawbreaker (4th) [-1]
Lawbreaker (5th) [-2]
Refinement [-7]
Item of Power (Phylactery) [+1] granting:
Living Dead [-1]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]

Evocation (Air, Earth, Spirit): Power: Air +3, Spirit +1 Control: Spirit +2
Thaumaturgy: +1 Crafting Frequency, +2 Crafting Power, +3 Necromancy Complexity, +4 Necromancy Control
Foci: Staff (+4 Air Power), Crown (+3 Crafting Frequency)
Enchanted Items (All have 5 uses/session): Robes (8 shift block against attack), mummy wrappings (Armour 4), 4 slots remaining (power 8)

Mental OOOO, +1 mild consequence
Physical OOO
Social OOOO

Total Refresh Cost: -24

Notes: 12 shift air evocations cast to kill, 9 shift necromancy at the drop of a hat, and a whole bunch of really powerful enchanted items make a lich pretty dangerous. The only way to kill one permanently is to destroy the phylactery, so that’s what the players should do. If you’re worried about a lich killing your entire group, remember that its aspects can be compelled to make it run away from a fight that it can win easily.

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #70 on: October 03, 2010, 09:14:58 AM »
Regarding the Lich:

I'd add a recovery power to reflect that he regenerates stress over time, so that when he loses a limb it regenerates. It possibly can/should be tied into a item of power that is the phylactery.
in omnia peratus! ... wait a minute! ... to give anybody a rucksack? ... DAMN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #71 on: October 03, 2010, 04:29:30 PM »
He already has supernatural recovery. It's tied to the phylactery.

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #72 on: October 03, 2010, 05:04:12 PM »
um ... must have skipped that line ... sorry *g* *facepalm*
in omnia peratus! ... wait a minute! ... to give anybody a rucksack? ... DAMN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE!

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #73 on: October 03, 2010, 05:20:44 PM »
Encantado - "Enchanted One"

Brazilian dolphins that can turn into humans.  They originate from a nevernever realm called encante that bares a resemblance to tales of Atlantis.  They come onto land at night as humans whenever there is a party near the shore, and attempt to seduce any beautiful women they find with their superior musical ability.  Some have magical abilities allowing them forms of mind control, and the ability to inflict insanity.  Some rare stories even mention limited weather control in their arsenal.  They may simply be a type of wyldefae, but I prefer to interpret them as their own thing.

Common Encantado - just your basic shapeshifting nevernever dolphin package

Enchanting Dolphin Creature
Love is my Obsession
My Melodies are Hauntingly Beautiful

+4: Performance
+3: Deceit, Athletics
+2: Rapport, Presence
Assume remaining skills are average or mediocre

Stunts & Powers:
Sex Appeal -1
Human Guise -0
Incite Emotion [mania] -1
Aquatic -1
Inhuman Speed -2

Total cost: -5

Encantado Highborn:  A lord among Encantado's, this one possesses potent magical abilities

Supremely Enchanting Dolphin Creature
Love Drives me Crazy
My Musical Abilities are Unmatched
Noble among My Kind
The Skies Bend to My Will

+5: Performance, Discipline
+4: Conviction, Deceit
+3: Athletics, Rapport, Presence
Assume remaining social skills are Fair, other skills can range from Fair to Mediocre

Stunts & Powers:
Sex Appeal -1
Flesh Mask -1
Encantado Magic -4
Incite Emotion [Mania, Insanity, Lasting Emotion, At Range, Potent Emotion] -5
Aquatic -1
Superhuman Speed -4
Superhuman Recovery -4
  The Catch is True Faith +2

Refresh: -18
Lawful Chaotic

Offline deathwombat

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Re: various more-obscure mythical creatures
« Reply #74 on: October 03, 2010, 05:26:07 PM »
Bad typists untie!!!!