Lich A lich is a wizard who places his soul in an object called a phylactery and so gains eternal life as long as the phylactery remains intact. This runs up against the laws of magic, but most liches aren’t the sort to care about that anyway.
High Concept: Ancient Undead Wizard
Other Aspects: Life Contained in Phylactery, Terrified of Death, Grasping and Paranoid, Citizen of Ancient Egypt
Fantastic (+6): Lore
Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline, Resources
Great (+4): Scholarship, Presence, Contacts, Deceit
Good (+3): Intimidation, Alertness, Empathy, Rapport, Investigation
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Kemmlerian Necromancy [-2]
Lawbreaker (1st) [-2]
Lawbreaker (4th) [-1]
Lawbreaker (5th) [-2]
Refinement [-7]
Item of Power (Phylactery) [+1] granting:
Living Dead [-1]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Evocation (Air, Earth, Spirit): Power: Air +3, Spirit +1 Control: Spirit +2
Thaumaturgy: +1 Crafting Frequency, +2 Crafting Power, +3 Necromancy Complexity, +4 Necromancy Control
Foci: Staff (+4 Air Power), Crown (+3 Crafting Frequency)
Enchanted Items (All have 5 uses/session): Robes (8 shift block against attack), mummy wrappings (Armour 4), 4 slots remaining (power

Mental OOOO, +1 mild consequence
Physical OOO
Social OOOO
Total Refresh Cost: -24
Notes: 12 shift air evocations cast to kill, 9 shift necromancy at the drop of a hat, and a whole bunch of really powerful enchanted items make a lich pretty dangerous. The only way to kill one permanently is to destroy the phylactery, so that’s what the players should do. If you’re worried about a lich killing your entire group, remember that its aspects can be compelled to make it run away from a fight that it can win easily.