Important information left out on Intellectus.
1) only has been used for military vehicles. That is at most a one point stunt: can use military vehicles.
2) the sponsored Magic makes no sense. Declarations about leading come from Presence and not from a fighting skill. Declarations/assessments about physical combat come from a fighting skill. For instance a declaration like "hitting the flank" has the fate point expenditure. All three skills (fist, guns, weapons) can create a flank maneuver. Your interpretation of declarations and assessments are too restrictive. Any character can do so with fate points, requisite skill, and GM assent. Should not have to spend two refresh to be able to make declarations and assessments when other players can do so without refresh expenditure.
3) said character possesses skills of guns, fists, and drive and skill points were spent. It does not give access to trappings without having the skill to get trappings. Only helps on "attacks."
4) as Sancta pointed out 3 refresh to power is not equivalent to 3 stunts. 3 refresh is a considerable investment for a character.
5) party is at 16 refresh. Fights beings that are at 20+ refresh with frequent mental attacks. So party fights at challenging level of npcs.
6) before you cry "broke" or "munchkin" consider this fact: with foci/specializations the four wizards in game aim at +8 to + 10 with weapon 5 to 6 attacks via rote. More times than can be counted four wizards hit for 11 to 16 shifts of damage at range and sometimes zone AS PER RULES. Context is very critical in power balance. Mind you the poster is doing such wizardly damage with soulfire and it's accompanying toughness downgrades. Wizards quite simply overshadow physical based characters. The physical characters do great vs cannon fodder, lieutenant monsters. They struggle vs boss monsters and the tougher baddies. In very particular they get beat by magic users and incite emotion.
7) get down to it stunt wise it costs three for fists, guns, drive military weapons. One for capacity to drive military weapons. Maybe 1 for making tactical assessments.

poster grumbled at another character doing wall of death with a sword of cross type item on cannon fodder minions. Dresden needs to be more than a wizard game with a group of six players.
Context is key.