Author Topic: Undertown RPG - Character Info  (Read 12154 times)

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Undertown RPG - Character Info
« on: May 16, 2010, 01:39:51 AM »
Since we don't have a better way to do this yet, a few of us thought it might be a good idea to open a thread where people could post some of their character ideas, to help us understand how we might play off each other.  (See, I learned something today!)

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2010, 01:49:33 AM »
Character: Gregory Evan Doyle
Player: KnightDisciple
Template: Pure Mortal
Musts: No supernatural powers; +2 refresh.
High Concept Aspect: Mortal Monster Hunter
Trouble Aspect: Fighting Monsters, Trying Not to Become One

Phase One: Background
Event: Raised in the Midwest by average family. Grew up on the very edge of city life, more “sub” than “urban”. Gregory grew up able to get around a city, but also able to survive in the country.
Phase Aspect: Good Ol' Country Boy

Phase Two: Rising Conflict
Event: Sister and her boyfriend attacked by Red Court Vampire. Sister infected, boyfriend killed. Sister saved by veteran monster hunter. Sister joined Fellowship of St. Giles. Greg recruited by monster hunter.
Phase Aspect: I Won't Let This Happen Again

Phase Three: The Story/First Adventure
Event: Alastair Smith, Expert Monster Hunter, who rescued Greg's sister, took Greg on as his apprentice. Greg spent several years on the road, learning the ins and outs of being a monster hunter. When Alastair passed on, he left all his knowledge and resources to Gregory.
Phase Aspect: Have to Know the Darkness to Fight the Darkness
Story Title: Learning the Ropes
Guest Starring:

Phase Four: Guest Star
Event: Albuquerque, New Mexico. Greg goes to get some of his weapons fixed up at a local shop he uses. When he comes to pick up his gear, not only is everything gone, they're all dead! Now he has to track down who killed the whole weapons shop. But is it as simple as it seems at first? Or will this shootout with a crazy woman give Greg a new ally in the fight against the darkness?
Phase Aspect: Not All Monsters Have Fangs
Story Title: It's All a Big Misunderstanding!
Whose Story was this? Who else was in it?: Keila Nidav (Aine's character)

Phase Five: Guest Star Redux
Phase Aspect:
Story Title:
Whose Story was this? Who else was in it?:

Superb (+5): None
Great (+4): (2): Guns, Lore
Good (+3): (3): Weapons, Athletics, Endurance
Fair (+2): (4): Contacts, Investigation, Discipline, Alertness
Average (+1): (5): Burglary, Driving, Resources, Scholarship, Stealth

Ear to the Ground: You have your fingers on the pulse of things, with plenty of friends who can give you a heads up. The difficulty of any Getting the Tip-Off roll is reduced by two.

I Know Just the Guy: When you’re looking to gather some information from your network of contacts, you have unerring instincts for finding the right person, fast. When using the Gathering Information trapping, your efforts are at a +1 and are 1 time increment faster.

Fast Reload: Provided that you have a supply of ammunition, reloads are rarely an issue. You take no penalty when reloading as a supplemental action ; if you’re in a race to see who reloads first, or anything else having to do with your speed or ability to reload, gain a +1 on the roll.

Finely Tuned Third Eye: Your “sixth sense” that can perceive the presence of a supernatural “ick” factor (see page 135) is unusually sensitive for a pure mortal. Gain +2 to your Lore whenever using it as an Alertness substitute to pick up on the presence of the supernatural.

Linguist: You may speak (and read) additional languages as if your Scholarship score was 4 higher than it is. You may take this stunt multiple times, adding four more each time. Up to half of the languages you speak may be obscure, rare, or dead, provided you can establish an opportunity to study them.

Languages: English (native tongue), Spanish, Latin, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian

Gear: Undecided. (Lots of guns and sharp things)
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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 02:25:13 AM »
Character:  Dale Woodland
Player:  Luminos
Template:  Changeling
Musts:  Appropriate high concept yada yada

High Concept:  Satyr Changeling Musician
Trouble:  "Honestly, I didn't know she was your wife"

Background:  Dale was raised by his single mom.  When he was a teenager, the fact that his dad was not only a deadbeat, but a Satyr, was revealed to him.  He did not take the news all that well, and left home shortly afterwards.
Aspect:  Honesty is seldom, if ever, the best policy

Rising Conflict:  Dale's attempts to make it big on the music scene didn't work out, and as a result, he has spent many years playing at whatever gigs he can while relying on the help of friends and other musicians to help him out when he needs it.
Aspect:  Struggling artists need to stick together

First Adventure:  Brighter Than the Sun
When Dale boasts that he is the best that there has ever been on a fiddle, he receives an unexpected challenger.  But when he ends up humiliting a scion of Apollo, can he stay ahead of the gods agents, or will he become the victim of Apollo's wrath?
Aspect:  Talent or Hubris?

Guest Star:  Who knows?

Guest Star Redux: Who knows?

Superb (+5): Deceit
Great (+4): Empathy
Good (+3): Performance, Athletics, Presence
Fair (+2): Weapons, Discipline, Lore, Stealth
Average (+1): Endurance, Conviction, Alertness, Rapport

All the worlds a stage (pending approval) (Performance):  Dale's Performance is considered Fantastic (+6) when used to restrict, supplement, or otherwise modify a social skill.
Sex Appeal (Rapport):  Dale gains a +2 on all seduction attempts against targets that might be receptive towards his advances.

Powers: (Pending Approval)
Glamours -2

Adjusted Refresh: 4
« Last Edit: May 16, 2010, 09:43:18 PM by luminos »
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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 03:07:36 AM »
Book mark til i can get around to posting mine.

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2010, 03:32:40 AM »
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.


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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 05:30:32 AM »
Character: Aiden Donaghy
Player: Themostocles
Template: Sponsored Shapeshifter
Musts: Beast Change(-1), Echoes of the Beast(-1), Human Form(0), Atleast two points of options listed(-/)
High Concept: Consummate Werefox Thief
Trouble Aspect: Bound to the Service of the Summer Court

Phase One:: Background
Event: Born and raised in Boston, 4th son of a poor immigrant irish family.  Began stealing at an early age to support the family.  Beaten and disowned when caught, due to strict Irish Catholic strictures.  Took refuge among other thieves.
Phase Aspect: Stealing to Survive

Phase Two: Rising Conflict
Event: With natural talents for stealth and burglary, he apprenticed under a master.  Learned the basics, and started to master more advanced techniques, when he was forced due to relocate to power trading hands in Boston.
Phase Aspect: Swift and Silent

Phase Three: The First Story/adventure
Event:  Hired to break into an office of a wealthy financier, he finds himself caught in the act.  Instead of turning Aiden in, he offers him a bargain: service in exchange for power. Transformed into a fox, on the spot, gaining knowledge and skill beyond mortal means, Aiden takes service in the name of the Summer court.
Phase Aspect: Supernatural Rookie
Story Title:
Guest Starring: Puck

Phase Four: Guest Star
Phase Aspect:
Story Title:
Whose story was this:

Phase Five: Guest Star Redux
Phase Aspect:
Story Title:
Whose Story was this?

Human Skills:
Superb(+5): Burglary, Stealth
Great(+4): Alertness, Athletics
Good(+3): Contacts, Resources
Fair(+2): Fists, Discipline
Average(+1): Investigation, Weapons

Beast Skills:
Superb(+5): Alertness, Stealth
Great(+4): Athletics, Endurance
Good(+3): Fists, Survival
Fair(+2): Might, Discipline
Average(+1): Investigation, Presence

Stay Close and Keep Quiet(-1): When sneaking around with a group, you are able to use your Stealth skill to compliment everyone else's Stealth skill.

Supernatural Powers:

Expanded Catch: Cold Iron(+2); affecting all
Beast Change(-1)
Echoes of the Beast(-1)
Cloak of Shadows(-1)
Inhuman Speed(-2)
Human Guise(+/-0): affecting:
Inhuman Recovery: (-2)

Tools of the Trade: Tool kit, prybar, ropes, lock picks, work shop, knives, etc....

*will edit as I finish*
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 03:21:11 AM by Themostocles »

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2010, 06:31:16 PM »
here is one I am working on. kind of like the man with no name from the spaghetti westerns. Once I get the rules down I may start on online Dresden game for Houston, TX. (used to live there)

Name: Preacher

HIGH CONCEPT ASPECT: When will God let me rest?
Preacher was born in 1790.  He was one of the first Texas Rangers back in 1823.  He agreed to help the city of Cowland, Texas who was under constant attack from a group of bandits. When the time came for the fight the townsfolk decided not to help and he was trapped in the local church and burned alive. That should have been it for him, but it wasn’t. He crawled out of the wreckage and killed the bandits and everyone in town. He now helps those in trouble hoping to atone for whatever sins he committed to cause God to curse him so.

Compel: Will try to help those in need despite the cost

TROUBLE ASPECT: Try pickin’ on someone your own size
Can’t tolerate those that prey on the weak and defenseless
Compel: Can’t stand bullies and will fight them at the drop of a hat

BACKGROUND ASPECT: Don’t mess with Texas
Has an almost irrational love of Texas (don’t most Texans?). Any insults to the state or it’s honor are fighting words.

Compel: Loses temper if Texas or the Rangers (cop’s not the baseball team) are insulted.

RISING CONFLICT ASPECT: Born in a different time
Still thinks and sees things from the point of view of a man in the 1800’s. No such thing as women’s rights back then.  ;)

Compel: In social situations his old fashion ways can become an issue

Guest Star:

Great (+4): Athletics, Endurance
Good (+3): Guns, Fists
Fair (+2): Investigation, Intimidation, Might
Average (+1): Resources, Might, Survival, Presence, Discipline

STRESS: Physical OOOOOOOOOO   Social OOO Mental OOO


Superhuman toughness -4
Inhuman recovery -2
The Catch Fire +3
Inhuman strength -2
Living dead -1
Human guise (0)

Refresh total: -6

Offline Soulless Mystic5523

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 07:52:47 PM »
Please keep in mind the formula for your first adventure
 When [something happens], [your protagonist]
[pursues a goal]. But will [your protagonist]
succeed when [antagonist provides opposition]?

this formula is what gives the ability for a guest star to use your story for his guest role

That's more of a guideline for those that aren't as spontaneously creative as others, not a set formula.

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2010, 11:18:15 PM »
Filii D'el Camino
Faithful Guardian of the West
I Must Protect the Innocent

P1: Found abandoned on the doorstep of the monastery young Filii (or Fil) was raised among the priests there and taught their ways. When he was 18 he was introduced into the Eye of Thoth, a secret organization in the church dedicated to protecting the innocents from the predations of the supernatural. - To Protect the Family Secrets
P2: When Fil takes a wrong turn while helping the Eye of Thoth, he finds himself cornered by a Red Court Vampire with evil designs. Praying for escape Fil channels a holy power that leaves him with a death on his hands.  Confused he seeks council from his mentor, is death an escape or a beginning? - A Time to Kill.
P3: After several years of service to the Eye of Thoth he was entrusted with the care of El Campana Real, a bell designed to protect people from Supernatural Threats, and was told to venture into the night to protect the flock. - El Campana Real
P4: One night at a late mas, a Federal Agent approached Filii trying to track down a man with connection to the White Court running the city. Filii recognized that Edward could be a great power for good. - The Rule of Law

English, Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, Greek

Superb (+5): Conviction
Great (+4): Scholarship, Empathy
Good (+3): Discipline, Presence
Fair (+2): Contacts, Lore, Rapport
Average (+1): Investigation, Resources, Weapons, Fists, Endurance

Counselor (-1)
Bless this House (-1)
Guide my Hand (-1)
El Campana Real (-3)

El Campana Real:
Description: A tall Sheppard’s Crook of a strange wood with a bell dangling from the end of the crook. Copies of this crook were placed all along the Camino Real to signify that one was close to safety.

Effects: Wall of Faith: When struck on the ground, the bell sounds, but as deep and loud as a cathedral bell, unlike its normal higher pitched ring, and cause other nearby bells to rings as well. When spending a Fate Point It emits a holy glow that drives back the evil, dealing damage like Holy Touch but at a distance and to multiple targets.
Divine Protection: El Campana Real may only be used in defense. If used to attack first the bond between bearer and Crook is broken, and may only be restored by undergoing a Trial of Faith. When sued in a leading attack, any attack made fails automatically. If another uses it to make an attack, the bearer is still responsible for the actions and the result is the same as if he had made the attack.
Holy: This weapon is a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like holy water or that of a cross or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.
Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
Spare the Rod: When used for defense it gives Armor:1 against physical stress.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 08:16:36 PM by Soulless Mystic5523 »

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2010, 11:23:31 PM »
Character: Keila Nidav
Player: Áine
Template: Emissary of Power
Musts: Marked by Power [-1]
High Concept Aspect: Amazon Emissary of Ares
Trouble Aspect: Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean There Isn’t a Cult of Hephaestus Trying to Kill You.

Phase One: Background
Events: Raised in Israel in a family and sisterhood dedicated to keeping the line of Amazonian blood and traditions alive, she has a happy and stable, if somewhat martial, childhood.  As with all members of the sisterhood she is expected to serve, and she chooses her time away to serve her country in the Israeli military. 
Phase Aspect: Service Above Self

Phase Two: Rising Conflict
Event: While home on leave, she is abducted by assailants unknown and, during a sacrificial rite, she manages to fight off her attackers and escape.  After her escape, the War God Ares (ancestor of the Amazons) appears and tells her a Cult of his longtime rival, Hephaestus, has been charged with hunting down the last of the Amazons and using their blood to power their weapon- and armor-crafting rituals.  Ares tells her her fight and subsequent escape has proven her worth to be his Emissary in this matter and he gives her Hippolyta's Belt and commands her to find the Cult, destroy them, and protect her fellow Amazons.
Phase Aspect: Wearer of Hippolyta's Belt

Phase Three: The Story/First Adventure
Event: Learning of mysterious disappearances from the Sisterhood in the Southwest United States, Keila follows the trail to Albuquerque, NM, where a weapons shop holds dark secrets.  Avenging the fallen, she leaves the shop in shambles and takes with her everything that isn't bolted down only to discover she is being followed.  Did she leave a Cult member behind her to seek vengeance of his own?  Will they both survive the shoot out long enough to find out?
Phase Aspect: Waste Not, Want Not
Story Title: It's All a Big Misunderstanding
Guest Starring: Greg Doyle (KnightDisciple's Character)

Phase Four: Guest Star

Phase Five: Guest Star Redux


Superb (+5): None
Great: (+4): Weapons, Guns, Athletics
Good: (+3): Alertness, Might, Endurance
Fair: (+2): Survival, Contacts, Discipline
Average: (+1): Stealth, Intimidation, Presence


Grace Under Pressure: Training and concentration ensures that not much flusters you: bullets whizzing, bombs exploding, zombies putrefying.  In intense situations, gain +1 to Athletics skills. [-1]


Item of Power: Hippolyta's Belt (Inhuman Strength [-2] Inhuman Recovery [-2] The Catch: Ineffective against Mortal Females, Indestructible, Can not be loaned. Discount [+1])

Marked by Power: [-1]

Items of Power, not yet aquired:

Ares' Shield: Conveys Ares’ Blessing/Curse: a prayer to Ares to bless your party with courage or curse your enemies with fear [-2].

Ares' Gauntlets: (Inhuman Toughness [-2], +1 Armor)

Adjusted refresh: -5

« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 11:43:00 PM by Áine »


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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2010, 11:12:34 PM »
Nevermind, changed to Not yet aquired IoP, see above.   ;D
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 11:41:43 PM by Áine »

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2010, 03:23:19 AM »
I realize I'm a little late, but as it seems we haven't begun yet, hopefully that will be forgiven.  I have two characters, I plan to pick which one to use based on the group I'm with so I don't overlap too much with other people, if I need to "just get off the fence" let me know.

Char:  Gunter Markov
High Concept:  Seeker of Osiris
Trouble:  The Dead are Calling
Phase One:  Background:  World Wanderer
Gunter was born into a family that traveled the world, experiencing various cultures, and inspiring Gunter’s lifelong interest in travel and all elements of the world.
Phase Two:  Rising Conflict:  The Rod of Osiris
Gunter Found the Rod, it’s a carved wooden staff empowered by the God Osiris, and used to mark his champions.  It assigns them duties as a shepherd of the dead, protecting the living, and helping the dead move on to the underworld.
Phase 3:  First Conflict:  “You Rang?”
Gunter is Always on call for his God, the dead, and other mortals.  More detail about the specific conflict later.
+5  Weapons
+4  Conviction, Athletics
+3  Endurance, Alertness
+2  Lore, Stealth, Might
+1  Resources, Contacts, Scholarship, Rapport, Presence

-1  See the Dead
-1  Guide my Hand
-1  Holy touch
+2 Obvious Item of Power, Rod of Osiris, a large wooden staff covered in Hieroglyphics
-2  Inhuman Speed
-2  Inhuman Stregnth
Total Refresh Adjust, -5

Char: Jessica Marquiel
High Concept:  Shapeshifting Freelancer
Trouble:  Got A Hand In Everything
Phase One, Background:  I Shall Fear No Evil For I Have a Great Ass.
Born with traces of what would become her full abilities Jessica has always been attractive.  More importantly, she learned one of life’s lessons early on, a good body, a smoky look, and a breathy voice will take you far in life.
Phase Two, Rising Conflict:  A Tool For Every Target.
She began working as a thief, using her skills to infiltrate residential homes.  Her abilities allowed her to shift into different forms for every project.  She learned very quickly that changing to the appropriate form at the right time makes life significantly easier in every way.
Phase Three, First Story:  Eye For the Shiny
A brutal introduction that she is not alone, Jessica made the mistake of stealing a Mayan artifact belonging to the Reds.  They returned, demanding blood in payment, forcing Jessica run, hide, and fight (in that order). 

Skills:  Default Form
+5  Alertness
+4  Deceit, Athletics
+3  Endurance, Might
+2  Rapport, Stealth, Fists
+1  Presence, Conviction, Contacts, Survival, Burglary

Stealth Shift:
+5  Stealth
+4  Deceit, Athletics
+3  Burglary, Alertness
+2  Rapport, Survival, Might
+1  Presence, Conviction, Contacts, Fists, Endurance

Combat Shift:
+5  Fists
+4  Deceit, Athletics
+3  Endurance, Alertness
+2  Rapport, Might, Stealth
+1  Presence, Conviction, Contacts, Burglary, Survival

-4 True Shapeshifting
-3 Modular Abilities.
-7 total refresh

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2010, 03:54:15 AM »

nice characters...

of course, now I need to get my ass in gear and get mine made. not going to be as good as yours *grumble*
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2010, 04:47:58 PM »
Ok, I'm going to start posting some bits and pieces about my character... it's not fully fleshed out - what I have needs a lot of refining, and clearly there's a lot missing, so please give me feedback and ideas!

Character: Erin Stephens
Template: Focused Practitioner
High Concept: Helping those less fortunate  ** this is supposed to include what my focus area is - I'm not sure how to express it succintly, though - I want to be good at potions, salves, etc.... mixtures, I guess... I use them primarily to aid in healing...
Other Aspects:

Skills  *** I'm over here, need to make some decisions
+4 Discipline  (high discipline = concentration and emotional control)
+4 Lore (knowledge of potion ingredients, herbs, chemicals, etc)
+4 Empathy
+3 Conviction (gives 2 additional mental stress boxes)
+3 Alertness
+3 Athletics
+2 Driving
+2 Resources
+2 Scholarship
+1 Weapons
+1 Investigation
+1 Rapport
+1 Presence

-2 Ritual

-1 Scholarship - Capable researcher
-1 Scholarship - Medical training (not quite doctor; maybe medic-level?)
-1 Stealth - Swift and silent
-1 Survival - *** I think I'd like to make a new trapping - or maybe it's extending the existing trappings - based on a background of spending time each summer camping, hiking, boating, and recreational shooting and archery....

Focus Items/Enchanted Items

Phase 1 - Background
Only child, raised in Manhattan, played lots of sports, very competitive in nature.  Large portions of the summer spent at a family cabin somewhere relatively remote - camping, hiking, boating, fishing, learning to shoot, learning archery, etc.   [more to come?]

Phase 2 - Rising Conflict
Had to learn a lot of first aid because of sports injuries and so much time doing crazy stuff outdoors.  Decided on education related to sports and medicine - goal to be a sports therapist.  [more to come...]

Phase 3 - Story
I'm thinking either something happened when friends and I were stranded somewhere in the wilderness, or when I was out of town with a sports team.... raised my awareness of the supernatural and a skill I had in mixing ingredients that helped with healing. 

That's really all I have for now.... as I said, still needs a LOT of work... I'm hoping some of you folks can give me some ideas to bring the ideas together and polish it up!
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 04:55:51 PM by BookLover♥ »

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Re: Undertown RPG - Character Info
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2010, 07:46:42 PM »
You could use Something along the lines of "Tea for the Weak", or "A Good Brew for When Your Down" for your High Concept.

Death    Reaper Man   Terry Pratchett

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