Author Topic: Transcripts from an AIM Game, Learning to Play  (Read 2869 times)


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Transcripts from an AIM Game, Learning to Play
« on: May 13, 2010, 09:55:03 AM »
Me and a few friends are running an AIM game, and I figured Id post some transcripts, this doesn't have all of the chat log as sometimes we flip out of the group chat to discuss the strategy and other such stuff, but I think it might be helpful to some people. Levi is a bible thumping white court virgin, Luscious is a tricked out rastafarian demonic werelion, Tim is a Focused Practitioner with channeling and thaumaturgy. We are playing at Ankle Deep.

Right now we are about to assault a bunch of summer court who have been brokering tricksy deals with parents of talented children, basically the legalese has a trick to get the fey ownership of the children.

Oh, and we are using a rolling variant, 1d6-1d6 instead of 4dF. Gives a spread of -5 to +5.

Levi: Outside Warehouse – North Side
Outside Warehouse – West Side
Warehouse Entrance - Aspect: Locked and Rusted
Warehouse floor – deserted
Warehouse level 2 – break room and lockers
Warehouse Level 3 – Offices
Warehouse Roof – Windy, Cold, Dawning ))
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Levi: Outside Warehouse – North Side
Outside Warehouse – West Side
Warehouse Entrance - Aspect: Locked and Rusted
Warehouse floor – deserted
Warehouse level 2 – break room and lockers
Levi: Warehouse Level 3 – Offices
Warehouse Roof – Windy, Cold, Dawning ))
Tim: Tim spreads his fingers wide, and runs them about in the air in front of the door. (Checking for wards rolled 1d6 and the result was: 2 rolled 1d6 and the result was: 6 +3 )
Tim: (-1, Yeah buddy, gotta hope theres no wards, )
Levi: ((You started in Streets around, Levi parked in Street in Front Of, and you've wandered around to the eastern entrance))
Tim: Tim whispers, very softly, "I don't think there are any wards, at least I cant feel them, if there where some the sunrise probably killed them."
Tim: Then he closes his eyes, and mumbles "Anoichtó Anoichtó Anoichtó", once again using the equivalent of a magical "bump key"
Lucius: Lucius looks for a window in the door to peek in first.
Tim: Tim reaches down, and twists the doorknob.
Levi: A bolt of lightning flies from the door and strikes Tim, knocking him backward and leaving the front of his suit smoking.
Lucius: Lucius blinks and stiffles a laugh, content to grin in the darkness.
Tim: Tim grunts, looks down at his suit, and brushes it off, the suit doesn't look worse for wear, but the shirt looks ruined.
Tim: "Assholes, this is a 150$ shirt."
Levi: Levi points the gun at the doorframe, and goes to check on Tim. "You okay, man?"
Tim: He gets up and brushes off his backside.
Lucius: "No wards?" Lu growls.
Tim: "Next time I'll let you check for wards."
Levi: Levi smiles. "Yeah, that asshole that told you there were no wards owes you a new shirt."
Tim: Tim twists the doorknob and opens the door, letting it open all the way, to make sure nobody is hiding behind it.
Levi: "I see you found the door," a booming voice asks.
Lucius: Lucius crouches, ready to pounce if necessary.
Levi: It's hard to ignore the snicker in his tone.
Tim: Tim snorts "No, this is just a really tall window, with a funny shutter."
Levi: ((The interior of the warehouse is darker than outside- you'll have the temporary aspect 'adjusting vision' for this pass))
Lucius: (Does my beast mode do anything about this?)
Levi: The man from before, the one who called himself Marcus is speaking, from a catwalk on the second floor. There are rooms on the second and third floor- this is a BIG warehouse
Lucius: (cat eyes and all that)
Levi: ((You still have to adjust, we'll jsut say your eyes adjust after your action this exchange, and their eyes adjust before their action next exchange))
Lucius: Lucius steps inside and glares at the man, squinting to see him.
Levi: Levi follows Lucius, gun held low but ready.
Tim: Tim waits till Lucius is in, then he moves in as well, looking for something to give himself some cover till his eyes adjust.
Levi: There's a large stack of pallets off to one side, but as Tim moves to take cover behind it, he notices someone large already back there
Tim: (How large is Large? )
Levi: "I didn't appreciate you breaking into our home and threatening us." Marcus speaks from above. "I gathered some friends who felt similarly."
Levi: ((He's a football player type, the kind with big shoulders and no neck. He doesn't look intelligent at all.))
Lucius: Lucius grunts and growls something in response to the man
Tim: "Must be because you are a chicken shit who needs help to solve his problems," Tim shouts back.
Lucius: ("We don't appreciate you being a dick")
Lucius: Lucius follows up his unknown words with a loud roar, filling the warehouse.
Levi: "Said the little man who was so brave pointing a scattergun at someone's face." Marcus calls back.
Tim: "It was the least lethal option available to me at the time."
Tim: "I left my BBGuns at home."
Lucius: (Intimidate 3. +5 / -3. Net +2. total 5)
Levi: ((Very nice. Alertness for everyone, for initiative?))
Lucius: (alertness 1. +5 / -5. net 0. Inhuman Speed +4. Total 5)
Tim: (Lore roll, rolled 1d6 and the result was: 3 rolled 1d6 and the result was: 5 +3)
Levi: ((Oh, I didn't like rolling- just the straight skill is fine))
Levi: ((The guy on the second level (Slick) just fired on Tim, and now it's Tim's turn to unleash hell, I beleive))
Levi: Do you guys need the zones and stuff again?
Lucius: probably not just yet
Tim: might as well
Levi: ((The inside of the warehouse has a few zones:
Levi: Warehouse Entrance - Aspect: Locked and Rusted
Floor – deserted, Aspect: Cluttered with Junk
Level 2 – break room and lockers
Level 3 – Offices
Roof – Aspect: Windy, Cold, Dawning
Tim: (My turn now?)
Levi: ((YES))
Tim: Tim, having just been shot, decides that maybe a little defense is called for, gathers his will, holds out his right palm, and shouts "Pnév̱ma Frourá!"
Tim: (5 Shift Block Effect)
Levi: ((Is Tim using it as a block, or as armor?))
Tim: (As a block)
Levi: ((Okay, gotcha. Just wanted to make sure))
Tim: (Tim is at P OXOO M XOOO S OOO 1 Fate Point and a Mild Consequence of "Winged")
Levi: TIM (1 Fate) P OXOO M OOOO S OOO Complications: Minor (winged)
5 Shift block
LEVI (2 Fate) P OOO M OOOO S OOOO Complications:
LU (3 Fate) P OOOO(OO) M OO S OOOO H OOOO Complications:
Levi: Marcus shouts "Now!" and all hell seems to break loose in the lower level of the warehouse.
Levi: With a roar, Marcus brings down both fists on Lucius' back.
Lucius: (athletics, right?)
Levi: (Fists +5, +1 -6, Net -5, Total = 0)
Tim: (You can defend with fists too, but remember to count your inhuman speed bonus to athletics before you decide which to roll)
Levi: But Lucius nimbly dodges out of the way, taking only a glancing blow.
Levi: The stack of pallets shatter apart as an ogre charges Tim, head down and giant fists swinging together like a baseball bat.
Levi: ((Fists +4, +2 -3 Net -1, Total = 3))
Tim: rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: 1
Levi: Tim dodges to the left, but it isn't enough, and the Ogre's fist pound into him, his shield cracking with energy, lifting him off the ground. Tim flies backwards into some cardboard boxes.
Levi: Two shadows tear away from the gloom of the bottom floor of the warehouse, descending on Levi as he blinks, trying to adjust his eyes to the light.
Levi: ((Changeling 1: Fists +3, +5 -4, Net +1, total +4))
Levi: ((Levi: Defends with fists, +2, spends fate point to tag 'Sexy Beast' aspect for another +2, Roll +5 -3, Net +2, Total +6))
Levi: ((Changeling 2: Fists +3, +3 -5, Net -2, Total +1))
Levi: ((Levi Defends with Fists +2, +1 -2, Net -1, Total +1))
Levi: Levi's eyes flash white as he dodges out of the way of the first ugly changeling gang member, exposing his back to the second member. The half-ogre comes out of the shadows behind him, large fists slamming into Levi's back on the left, hitting his kidney.
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Levi: Levi's eyes flash white as he dodges out of the way of the first ugly changeling gang member, exposing his back to the second member.
Levi: The half-ogre comes out of the shadows behind him, large fists slamming into Levi's back on the left, hitting his kidney.
Levi: TIM (1 Fate) P XXOO M OOOO S OOO Complications: Minor (winged), Moderate (Cracked Ribs)
LEVI (2 Fate) P OXO M OOOO S OOOO Complications:
LU (3 Fate) P OXOO(OO) M OO S OOOO H OOOO Complications:
Levi: ((Oops, I mean Levi gets to attack back!))
Lucius: (ha!)
Levi: Levi turns, his eyes white and his skin pale. He roars, a blood-shaking sound that even makes his friends uncomfortable.
Levi: ((Intimidate: +2, +6, -1, Net +5, Total +7))
Tim: (They'll roll, rapport for defense, I believe)
Levi: ((Changeling 2, Rapport +0 +1 -1, Net +0, Total +0))
Levi: ((Hmmm... can you take more than one complication at a time for a hit like that?))
Tim: (you mean consequence? yeah)
Tim: (Remember though, the book says minor NPCS only get one consequence)
Tim: (before they "give up
Levi: ((Ahhh... I didn't remember that.
Tim: (So the guy will probably piss his pants and run away)
Levi: ((Oh, that we talked about yesterday. yeah, I remember that))
Levi: ((He totally just picked up the consequence "So Scared he Shat Himself," and yes, he's leaving the fight.))
Tim: (since he wont have a stress box large enough to hold the hit)
Levi: ((Okay, just Lefty is left.))
Levi: ((Now, back up to the top of the round. Lucius, if you would be so kind?))
Lucius: (sure!)
Lucius: Lucius growls something at Marcus and grins.
Lucius: He bares his claws with a menacing glint in the light and goes for broke
Levi: Changeling #2, a large fellow with an ugly flat face and a broken nose that looks like it was smeared on a painting folds up under the force of Levi's roar, sobbing uncontrollably on the ground.
Levi: The roar echoes off the inside of the building, and if you're close enough to smell what the man did in his pants, you're not lucky.
Tim: (oh btw, claws now give weapon: 2, in the udated pdfs)
Levi: ((ooh,cool! Congrats and happy chaunnakah, HF!))
Tim: (Yeah, they figured it was pretty weak, since a mundane dagger does the same, and doesn't cost a damned thing)
Levi: ((yeah, makes sense to me!))
Lucius: (Fists +4. +3 / -6. Net -3. Total +1)
Lucius: (makes sense to me too)
Tim: (You can spend a fate point to reroll I think)
Tim: (Instead of adding +2 to your roll)
Tim: (Yeah, just checked, you can)
Levi: Lucius responds by lashing out with his claws, gouging four furrows across Marcus' chest, ending their bloody path in his armpit.
Levi: ((Not too shabby for a -3 roll, eh?))
Levi: Slick decides to change tactics, as Tim is hidden by the wreckage of the boxes at the moment.
Levi: ((Randomly roll to determine target - evens Lucius, Odds Levi))
Levi: ((Odd.)) Slick draws bead on Levi, firing down at him from above.
Levi: ((Slick: Guns +4, +5 -4, Net +1 Total +5))
Levi: ((Levi: Defends with Athletics +0 +2, -1 Net +1, Total +1))
Levi: The gunshot takes Levi unaware in the right shoulder, spinning him around as he drops to one knee.
Levi: ((Levi takes the moderate physical complication "Gunshot Wound", and fills in his #3 box))
Levi: ((Tim's turn!))
Tim: (Making a declaration that there is a stack of steel rebar nearby for 1 fate point)
Tim: Tim spots a stack of steel rebar, and scurries behind it, then he calls up Power, and flings it at the stack, hoping to get a couple of the damned rods through the ogre, as the beast is Immune to his magic.
Tim: (Calling up 9 shifts of power rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: -3 +4 Discipline)
Tim: (Tim will use the 2 fate points he just got, rerolling and invoking magical muscle rolled 1d6-1d6+6 and the result was: 8 )
Tim: (Tim will let one shift bleed out into the environment, instead of taking the backlash)
Tim: (Tim is at P XXOO M XOOX S OOO, 0 Fate Points, Consequences: Minor (Winged), Moderate (Cracked Rib) )
Levi: As Tim siezes the rebar with magic, flinging it across the warehouse with the force of a ballistic missile, the force of the spell lifts trash and scraps, slamming them against the ogre, agains the wall, and flinging trash through the air.
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Levi: As Tim siezes the rebar with magic, flinging it across the warehouse with the force of a ballistic missile,
Levi: the force of the spell lifts trash and scraps, slamming them against the ogre, agains the wall, and flinging trash through the air.
Levi: The cold iron of the rebar sparks as it shoots through the skin of the ogre, he coughs up rich dark faerie blood.
Lucius: (nice)
Levi: ((Ogre #2 "Bruiser" defends with atheltics +2, Tim gets a +1 to hit because of the ogre's size, +5, -4, net +1, total +2 versus Tim's +9 attack. Ogre takes 7 shifts of damage, plus cold iron.))
Tim: (no, its (9-2)+8=15 Shifts)
Levi: ((ooh.
Levi: ((Oh, he dead then.))
Tim: (Weapon 8 on the rebar spears)
Lucius: (jeebus)
Levi: The ogre falls to the floor, dead. His compatriots stare in shock at the young wizard.
Tim: Tim lets out a racking cough, on account of his cracked ribs, wincing, and says "Take that you faerie ****."
Lucius: Even Lucius looks over at the wizard momentarily
Levi: ((I'll let Tim do an intimidate attack for free here.))
Tim: (ok, rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: -1)
Tim: ()
Levi: Tim wobbles woozily, giving a hard stare at the changelings and remaining ogre. "You should leave," Tim says, but spoils it by wobbling
Levi: ((They all rolled -1 or better. Sorry.))
Tim: (We should call in the Spin rules here)
Levi: ((Spin??))
Tim: (Since I needed to do 9 shifts to kill the ogre, you could say I have 6 points of Spin, and throw that ontop of my intimidate)
Levi: ((What is spin?))
Tim: (yeah they have an example of when you succeed so well at something you can take shifts in excess of what you needed to accomplish your goal and apply that to say, an athletics roll)
Lucius: (sounds like saying something was so badass it makes the next, related thing that much better?)
Tim: (essentially)
Levi: The remaining faeries seem to take Tim more seriously. None of them back down, but they're all scared of him now.
Tim: (So we worked it out to a intimidate at +2)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 10:00:04 AM by KOFFEYKID »


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Re: Transcripts from an AIM Game, Learning to Play
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 09:56:30 AM »
Lucius: (cool)
Levi: The changelings have varied reactions to the death of the ogre. Broken nose, the one who shit himself, scrabbles up and runs for the door. Lefty, the one fighting Levi, turns a little white and runs toward Tim, swinging his fists wildly.
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Levi: The changelings have varied reactions to the death of the ogre. Broken nose, the one who shit himself, scrabbles up and runs for the door.
Levi: Lefty, the one fighting Levi, turns a little white and runs toward Tim, swinging his fists wildly.
Levi: Slick, the one on the second story, fires at the wizard as well.
Levi: (("Geek the mage! Geek the mage!"))
Lucius: (hahaha)
Tim: (Yeah that was to be expected :P)
Levi: ((Lefty: Fists +3, +4 -5, Net -1, Total +2))
Levi: ((Slick: Guns +4, +6 -4, Net +2 Total +6))
Tim: (rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: 2 vs the Fists, vs the Guns)
Tim: (Gah it ate my second roll, rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: -2 )
Tim: (And I'll spend my last fate point for a reroll on the second rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: -2 )
Tim: (shite)
Tim: (I guess I'll take a sever consequence of "Theres a Bullet in My Lung")
Levi: ((That's a pretty severe consequence. Works for me.))
Lucius: (wow )
Tim: (Tim is at P XXXO M XOOX S OOO )
Tim: (Actually, its a weapons 3, and it should do 11 shifts, -6 -1, tim is at P XXOX)
Levi: ((Ouchie))
Lucius: (wowzers batman. You're almost dead!)
Tim: (Seriously)
Lucius: (okay, who's up next?)
Levi: Tim stands there, intimidating, as the changelings attack. Lefty gets lucky with a punch, but the suit takes most of the punishment. Slick's shot isn't stopped by the expensive suit nearly at all.
Levi: Tim feels a white-hot flare of pain on his left side, and some numbness in his left leg.
Lucius: (that's funny; taking an ogre's fist like nothing, but a bullet in the lung )
Tim: (He didn't take the fist like nothing, it fetched him into a bunch of boxes and cracked a few ribs)
Tim: ( :P )
Levi: ((I'm going to say the bullet hit his ribs in the front, deflected, and ended up against his spine, giving him a little numbness in his left leg for effect))
Tim: (We'll change the severe consequence to "Holy Shit, Im Shot")
Lucius: (sweet. I love how much this game is about the descriptions)
Levi: ((hahaha... works for me))
Tim: (I think Lu should try to kill the guy that shot me, becuz I dont like getting shot)
Tim: (And a 3rd time would suck)
Levi: ((Well, Tim did give Levi a gun. Time to return fire!))
Lucius: (Yeah man, Lu is in vengeance mode )
Lucius: (?)
Tim: (Its Levi's turn I think)
Levi: ((Whoops. I was waiting for you guys to go.))
Lucius: (haha, that's why I asked)
Lucius: (Lu's turns are easy)
Tim: (Lu just goes "Rawr" then Claws)
Tim: (  )
Lucius: (yeah, easy )
Levi: Levi flinches when he hears the gunshot, drawing the pistol Tim gave him, and pointing it at the man on the catwalk with the rifle. "I'll give you one chance to live. Leave now!"
Levi: ((Levi: Intimidate +2, +5, -1, Net +4, Total +6))
Levi: ((Slick: Rapport +0 +2, -6, Net -4, Total -4))
Tim: (hahaha, hes gonna run like a pussy)
Levi: Slick drops the rifle and panics, running for the nearest exit.
Lucius: (nice)
Lucius: (Lu is up then right?)
Tim: (yeah)
Lucius: Lucius growls again and sees Levi scare the rifleman away
Lucius: "Seems all your friends have left" he mutters, knowing only his friends can understand him
Lucius: With a dramatic pause, Lucius darts towards Marcus again, intent on ending his life.
Lucius: (Fists +4. +5 / -6. Net -1. Spending 1FP to Invoke Hungry for Vengeance for a +2. Also Invoking Demonic Co-Pilot for +1. Total +6)
Lucius: (Discipline +3. +5 / -2. Net +3. Total +6 vs. Fists of +6)
Tim: (Does he have any consequences on him?)
Lucius: (don't think so)
Levi: ((No. He's taken a relatively small amount of damage))
Tim: (What is the discipline roll for?)
Lucius: (unleashing the demon. gotta roll discipline or take mental stress for helping me)
Tim: (ahh, well, you pass )
Tim: (since the Demonic Copilot doesn't have a weapon rating on his mental attack, though you are probably going to be shocked by your own ferocity after its done)
Levi: Lucius roars, becoming even more feral and hungry. Bone shards protrude from his skin, and his eyes dance with black fire. He pounces at Marcus, claws extended.
Tim: (woah shit, awesome)
Lucius: (heck yeah bitches!)
Levi: ((Marcus Fist +4, +5 -6, Net -1, Total +3))
Tim: (6 stress, - whatever marcus has for armor)
Levi: ((Marcus has two armor for being thick-skinned))
Levi: ((Slick runs off, so it's Tim's turn))
Lucius: (fists +4, +4 / -6. Net -2. Total +2)
Tim: Tim, hacking, wheezing, and dripping fat droplets of blood, shambles away from the last changeling and rounds a stack of crates, there he cradles his shotgun and mutters, quietly "Aórato"
Tim: The veil settles over him, and he waits, wondering if the changeling will follow, trying to clamp down on his pain, to slow his breathing.
Tim: (So im substituting my hide roll with a veil, strength of 5)
Tim: (If the goon follows, he'll have to roll alertness and beat a 5 to notice me)
Tim: (if he fails, the next round when I use my shotty on him, he wont be able to roll defense, he'll be stuck with a mediocre +0 defense roll)
Levi: Marcus roars as Lucius' claws bite deep into his skin, hammering on the lion with both fists to knock him back.
Levi: Tim slides around the edge of the crates, drops his veil, and waits, as the changeling follows him around the corner.
Levi: Marcus keeps up the attack, roaring and coming after the demonic lion- it's clear he's not thinking anymore, and the brute animal inside of him has taken over
Levi: ((Marcus Fists +4, +3 -5, net -2, Total +2))
Tim: (Tim is at P XXOX M XXOX S OOO 1 Fate Point, a Mild, Moderate, and Severe consequence)
Levi: Levi ascends the stairs to the second level, looking to grab the rifle, find the children, or think of another way to help his friends.
Levi: ((Lucius!))
Lucius: (score)
Lucius: Lucius doesn't even wipe the blood from his mouth as he attacks Marcus back, letting the demon fight side by side with him.
Tim: (huh?)
Lucius: (score, cause its my turn)
Tim: (actually, you have to roll defense, then its the changelings turn, then its levi's turn)
Lucius: (....)
Levi: ((and he didn't lose control, so he's fighting side-by-side with the demon))
Levi: ((He rolled defense in his thread))
Levi: We're up to speed, I promise.
Tim: (right? Marcus just attacked, then changeling, then levi, then lu then tim?)
Lucius: (Tim just got out his shotty, then changling, then Levi going up stairs, now Lu, right?)
Tim: (Oh, nevermind, Im off)
Tim: (I missed something for sure )
Lucius: (okay so...)
Levi: ((We forgot to roll Marcus' attack from last round, so he got two attacks in there. HF wanted to take some actual damage))
Lucius: (Fists +4. Net -3. Demonic Copilot +1. Fate Point for Hungry for Vengeance +2. Total +4)
Tim: (Yeah, Tim is making everybody look bad, with his outstanding heroism and fortitude after being shot repeatedly and having had some ribs break  )
Lucius: (Discipline +3. Net 0. Total +3)
Tim: (I could be Tim McClain, and be in Diehard 5)
Levi: Lucius growls as the demon attempts to wrestle control from him.
Lucius: (So I take mental stress as if it were a +4 vs a +3)
Levi: ((Marcus defends with fists +4, +3 -2, Net +1, Total +5))
Lucius: (****in hell, Marcus)
Levi: ((Yes, one mental stress))
Tim: (you take 1 mental stress)
Levi: ((Don't worry, it'll be three on one in just a second here))
Tim: (You could spend another fate point to up your fists, by 2, then youd hit marcus for 4, and take a minor consequence of "Shaken)
Tim: (and you would still have 1 mental stress)
Tim: (or wait, nvm, youd hit marcus for 2, bcuz of his armor)
Lucius: (Its cool)
Lucius: (let's keep it going)
Tim: (Alright, the changeling gets to try to use his alertness vs a 5 to notice im there)
Tim: (before I attack)
Levi: ((Lefty, Alertness 2, Net 1, total 3))
Tim: Tim grins savagely, the fool had no idea he was there, he levered his shotgun, thinking "this is going to sting with cracked ribs", and fires. (rolled 1d6-1d6+3 and the result was: 0 invoking Payback is a bitch)
Tim: (he takes 3 stress)
Tim: (damn, I was hoping for a roll of 1 instead of -3 :P )
Tim: (Tim is about to get knocked out)
Levi: The ugly changeling comes around the corner and is suprised when Tim fires at him from behind.
Levi: His reaction to the cold iron isn't nearly as graphic as the ogre's, but then again, he isn't full fey yet.
Lucius: (okay, Levi is up)
Tim: (Actually the Changeling is up)
Levi: He's very hurt.
Lucius: (oops)
Levi: ((Ogre and changeling next.))
Tim: (Ogre? Another Ogre?)
Levi: Marcus attacks Lucius again, hoping to gain the upper hand while the demonic fire flickers uncertainly in his eyes
Levi: ((Yeah, marcus is an ogre.))
Tim: (Ahh I didn't know he was full fey)
Lucius: (That explains his beastliness)
Lucius: (wow, toe to toe with an ogre)
Lucius: ()
Levi: ((Marcus: Fists +5, +4 -4, net 0, Total 5))
Lucius: (oh snap, I forgot to defend!)
Lucius: (Fists +4, +5 / -3 NET +2. Total +6)
Lucius: (...?)
Tim: (you take 0 stress )
Lucius: (right. So... the changling then?)
Levi: ((I'll let Tim take another intimidate, seeing as how he already killed a ogre in one hit, and this guy doens't know about the laws of magic))
Tim: Tim pumps the action on the shotgun, expelling a steaming case and aims it at the changeling, he wheezes out "You dont want to keep this going on, Ive cast a spell to keep me up until you're dead. Until you are all dead." He chuckles wetly, "Man, this is a good day I love killing faery ****s."
Tim: (rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: 0)
Lucius: (hahaha.. You just can't win those Intimidates man )
Tim: (for serious)
Tim: (Heres hoping he rolls a -5)
Tim: (On his Defense)
Levi: ((Lefty Rapport +0, +6 -4, Net +2, Totat +2))
Levi: The changeling, whos lefty arm is bigger than his right, smiles, his teetch crooked and yellow. "Never killed me a wizard before," he laughs.
Levi: ((Lefty Fists +3, Roll +1 -4, Net =3, Total 0))
Tim: (Oooh, heres hoping for more than a 0, rolled 1d6-1d6 and the result was: -2)
Tim: (drat)
Levi: ((You've filled in all your boxes, but you;re not unconscious/dead yet. Not untill you EXCEED your boxes of physical stress))
Tim: (really? I thought you are out when its all full)
Levi: ((Nope. When its exceeded. Whcih is why you can go down without them all being filled in yet))
Tim: (alright, tim is at P XXXX M XXOX S OOO, Mild, Moderate and Severe consequences filled, and 0 fate points)
Lucius: (wow )
Levi: Lucius nimbly dodges out of the way of the ogre's clumsy attack, and Lefty doesn't hit as solidly as he would have liked. Lefty falters, looking at the bleeding, injured, nearly dead wizard.
Levi: From above, Tim and Lefty hear "Hey, ugly!"
Levi: Levi fires the rifle.
Levi: ((Levi Guns +0, +3, -3, Net +0 Tags complication for +2, Spends fate point to use Sexy Beast aspect +2, total +4))
Levi: ((Lefty Atheltics +3, Roll +1 -3, Net -2, Total +1))
Tim: (He goes down! w00t! Tim Lives!)
Levi: Lefty attempts to dive out of the way, but his head explodes with the report of the rifle.
Lucius: (!)
Tim: Tim looks up at Levi, attempts to give him a thumbs up, but his eyes roll up in his head, and he falls flat on his back, weakly breathing.
Tim: (Im doing that thing where you concede and get a fate point for each consequence you've taken)
Levi: ((Lucius, Marcus, and then Tim!... who is mostly unconscious))
Lucius: The fighting goes back and forth, it never dawning on Lucius that he's fighting an ogre.
Lucius: As he dodges the latest blow, Lucius brings his claws upward in a rising arc.
Lucius: (Fists +4 +3/-3 Net 0. Demonic Copilot +1. 1FP => Hungry for Vengeance +2. Total +7)
Levi: ((Marcus +4, +2 -1, Net +1, Total +5. ))
Lucius: (Discipline +3, +6/-4 Net +2. Total +5)
Lucius: (2 Mental Stress)
Tim: (you need to take a mild mental consequence HF,)
Lucius: (You have to? I can't wait until later to cancel them?)
Tim: (otherwise you go mad and kill until the scene ends :P)
Levi: ((ooh... that wouldn't be good.))
Tim: (nope, you just took 2 mental stress, and your mental stress track is only 2 boxes long)
Lucius: (I must not have read that section)
Tim: (Well, the other option is you fall unconscious)
Lucius: (Okay, so I take a Mild Consequence.... Demonic Rage?)
Lucius: (I thought that wasn't until it was exceeded though?)
Levi: ((I like it))
Tim: (Actually, you are right,)
Tim: (Since its not until you exceed your stress bar)
Levi: ((I would take it now, so you can fight for one round after this, at least))
Lucius: (Okay, I'll take it)
Tim: (yeah)
Lucius: (So, did I throat him?)
Lucius: (Oh, its so much more exciting being tempted by the demon!)
Lucius: The boney protrusions expand out of the skin further and the fire in Lucius' eyes is now an inferno. He sees nothing but red, and murderous glee is plastered on his face.
Levi: Levi jumps down the stairs with supernatural swiftness, grabbing Tim's shotgun and charging back up the stairs.
Levi: ((-2 to his roll because of changing zones))
Levi: ((Levi Guns 0 -2 Roll +6 -5, net +1, Total -1))
Lucius: (did marcus take damage, and I assume he attacked back?)
Levi: Levi fires into Marcus' back, using Tim's shotgun with cold iron shot.
Levi: ((Marcus attacks Lucius: Fists +5, +2, -2, Net +0, Total +5))
Levi: ((Marcus defends against Levi's shotgun blast: Athletics +2, -1 for hulking size, Roll +2 -3, Net -1, Total +0))
Levi: ((Levi spends his last fate point to hit))
Levi: Roaring from behind, Levi fires the shotgun, tearing out a chunk of skin, and leaving tiny gouts of flame where the shot is buried in its back. Marcus roars in pain, shaking the foundations of the building
Lucius: (fists +4, +4 / -2. Net +2. Total +6)
Levi: ((Marcus defends with Fists: +4, +5 -1, Net +4, Total +8))
Tim: (Remember that when you hit marcus with cold iron, he cant use his supernat toughness stress boxes to take those hits, he has to take consequences)
Levi: ((Yup, I remember. That was the idea of Levi using the shotgun))
Levi: Marcus roars in pain, trying to decide between the man with the shotgun and the demon-lion who has been fighting him, and finally turns to the demon-lion.
Levi: Hesitating for a moment, Marcus turns and swings at Levi, and Levi dives for safety-
Levi: but it's a ruse- Marcus merely leaps through a set of windows, escaping.
Levi: The glass falls to the ground, shattering, and the warehouse is silent.
Lucius: Lucius roars loudly, his prey turning tail.
Tim: (Repeating NPC! Yay!)
Lucius: He wails an unearthly sound and begins to beat the hell out of the offices nearby.
Levi: Lucius wails, tearing at the offices when the screams of children sound out.
Tim: (Does Lu still have feeding dependency? Cuz theres a changeling down there made of yummy faerie meat, I bet they taste like pixie sticks)
Levi: "Lucius! No!" Levi shouts, running for the door entrance
Lucius: (yes he does)
Lucius: Lucius glares at Levi as he runs over and it takes much effort to deter him. Eventually he leaps down to the bottom level.
Levi: Lucius leaps down, takes time to lick at his wounds before devouring the body of the changeling.
Levi: Lucuis spends the next hour happily chomping away at the corpse, while Levi loads up first the children, and then his friend Timothy into the van.
Levi: The children Levi drops off with his priest friend, who assures Levi that he knows a woman who can place them in safety.
Tim: Timothy regains consciousness enough to ask "Kids?"
Levi: Levi is driving Tim to the hospital, and answers "They're safe, man."
Tim: Then before he gets an answer, hes unconscious again.
Tim: (or that)
Tim: *After hearing the kids are safe, he stops struggling, and the blackness takes him again.

Offline SoulCatcher78

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Re: Transcripts from an AIM Game, Learning to Play
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 11:48:03 AM »

I was beginning to wonder how many opponents they were going to end up with during the "get your bearings" phase of the encounter.  I'm curious about the stress boxes, did you have something else open to cut and paste from to save time?  Rolling the dice was handled IRL or on a site and then cut/paste into the thread?


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Re: Transcripts from an AIM Game, Learning to Play
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 05:17:15 PM »
We had text files open to copy paste stress tracks from, and we used a dice rolling site, or a script to roll dice in. Yeah, I was a bit surprised at the size of the encounter myself. It was allot bigger than I would've thought.

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Re: Transcripts from an AIM Game, Learning to Play
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2010, 10:54:10 PM »
I think it shows a good example of how you don't have to kill everything in sight for successful completion.  Being able to intimidate your way out of fight is just as valuable as being able to hit an opponent.

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Re: Transcripts from an AIM Game, Learning to Play
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2010, 02:18:32 AM »
That was a lot of fun to read.  Must have been a hell of a good time to play.  Only complaint I have is that it's a bit difficult to keep track of how many enemies were in the warehouse.