Author Topic: Viking Risk Management, Subsidiary of Monoc Securities  (Read 2542 times)

Offline Baron Hazard

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Viking Risk Management, Subsidiary of Monoc Securities
« on: May 12, 2010, 07:53:34 PM »
For the game I'm setting up in Seattle, I knew I wanted some connection to Monoc Securities, I really like them for some reason, anyway first I discover the Nordic Heritage Museum and a very Nordic-focused community in that neighborhood... So i have my start. When searching I eventually come across a small insurance firm called "Viking Risk Management" and I immediately know that has to be my connection to Monoc.

Then I had the idea of them actually be an Insurance Company, they sell Insurance to the Magically Inclined. "Why Yes, Mr. Dresden, Your deductible will cover that building you burned down... We'll have it as good as new... but know that your rate will be increasing in light of the... regularity of your property damage claims"

Exactly what and how I'm gonna have this work is still a work in progress right now, but I was wondering what people think of for payments. Obviously if it was only money (which i've mostly presumed Miss Gard is paid in), it'd be an expensive service, but perhaps they have other options to suppliment (and thus lower) the monetary cost.

Below: Kinda-Spoiler about Changes dealing with Monoc Securities
(click to show/hide)

What other payments would Monoc Security or its Subsidiary (and a thousand year old viking warrior in service to his god) accept in such a situation?

Offline kjpowers

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Re: Viking Risk Management, Subsidiary of Monoc Securities
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 08:16:02 PM »
I really like that idea, Baron. This universe is so rich with material, I think it would be a shame to see people just making their own rehashed versions of Jim Butcher's novels. I think if the folks on this board are any indication, there will be some awesome games running around the country. 

That all being said, I would think Old World when looking at payment. There is real value in objects, service, and knowledge. Maybe the folks at Monoc aren't as interested in mundane currency as they are in favors or promises of service. Imagine someone like Harry having his apartment insured for the small price of a favor to be determined later. Maybe the Names of creatures in the Never-Never, complete with how they are summoned.

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Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: Viking Risk Management, Subsidiary of Monoc Securities
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 12:06:38 AM »
I like the idea of a bargained currency for this, a case-by-case basis is made depending on the unique nature of the client. And originally the Aspect for Viking Risk Management was "Old World Hospitality" so that kind of reflects the idea.

Viking Risk Management
Viking Risk Management is an insurance company that caters to magical clients and the quirks that come with that sort of lifestyle, it is a subsidiary company of Monoc Enterprises and the Insurance Agent on site at all times is Eric "Bloodaxe" Haraldsson, a 10th Century Viking Warrior, Eric can call in a handful of Monoc Security agents or specialties if need be, but usually he is the one and only employee working for Viking Risk Management.
One who would like to take out a policy meets and discusses things with Eric, they discuss important factors in the clients life and line of work, likely events that may need to be covered, and exactly what Viking Risk Management is going to ask to enforce the policy, this could be money, an exchange of favors or knowledge, or some mix therein.
The Face: Eric "Bloodaxe" Haraldsson

Eric "Bloodaxe" Haraldsson
High Concept: Einherjar Insurance Agent
Trouble: Unpredictable Clientelle
Other Aspects: I am a Tenth Century Viking Warrior; Last King of the Kingdom of Northumbra; I Am The Blood Axe;Shark In a Business Suit; Favors on Tap
Superb: Athletics, Weapons
Great: Endurance, Fists, Might
Good: Conviction, Lore, Investigation
Fair: Discipline, Resources, Intimidation, Contacts, Presence

Berserker (Weapons): [-1] Eric may choose to go Berserk in a fight. Once he enters this mode, he must attack his foes until he or they are dead. While berserk, he gains a +1 to his attacks and his attacks all do +1 stress if they hit, but all his defense rolls are made at –1.
Calling in Some Favors (Contacts): [-1] When looking to gather some information from your network of contacts and clients that owe you a favor, you know who and what you need and where to find them. When using the Gathering Information trapping, your efforts are at a +1 and are 1 time increment faster.
No Pain, No Gain (Endurance): [-1] Eric can take a bunch of punishment before it starts to add up, he may take 2 additional mild consequences.
Did My Homework (Investigation): [-1] Eric may use the Reading People trapping of Empathy with his Investigation Skill.
Corporate Accounts (Resources): [-1] Eric has a vast trove of resources available from Monoc Securities, once per session he may spend a Fate Chip to recieve a +4 bonus to a single resource roll.
Bladestorm (Weapon): [-1]: Eric can make a spray attack using his axe against opponents in his zone

Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]

Refresh Cost: -10
Adjusted Refresh: 3

Notes: Eric uses his Large Battle Axe (weapon: 3) in combat. More info forth coming.