Author Topic: Seattle Dresden  (Read 10186 times)

Offline Esoteric

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2010, 03:45:07 AM »
Old Western State Sanitarium.

YES, gosh I have no idea why I couldn't think of its name  :-\

Offline Cyberchihuahua

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2010, 04:05:12 AM »
Yeah, like 4-5 years. Same thing happened with them as did Nibbles n' Bytes. They took down a bunch of names and email addresses to let everyone know when they relocated, then nothing. The old store is just a nuts and bolts outlet.

Unless it has become the heroes secret bunker, surrounded by large quantities if sharp iron bits....

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Offline Llayne

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2010, 02:42:21 PM »
Ahh... Nibbles n' Bytes... O’Leary’s... takes me back. Where will all the nerds go now? Forced into hiding by an overbearing majority that frowns upon their geeky ways.

Maybe that's who is lurking in the Seattle Underground, a secret conclave of nerds and geeks plotting their revenge on the surface dwellers, forging guns that will fire polyhedrons and making cloaks out of Crown Royal bags.

On a more 'thread' related note, a group like the Alphas (when they first started out) might be a good addition. A bunch of kid's that watched too many episodes of Buffy or Angel and decided to help take back the night. Maybe a minor talent in their group to explain why they are clued in. Maybe they are a paint ball team or part of the SCA where they practice their small unit tactics and teamwork.

Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2010, 07:06:33 AM »
Would the 'Running Water' catch for the Black Court provide a problem for them in Seattle. I'd imagine so...
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 04:36:20 PM by Baron Hazard »

Offline Korwin

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2010, 09:00:05 AM »
Map: Occult Seattle

That map is cool. Need to look into how that works...

Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2010, 06:48:54 PM »
oh yah, its super cool. I just discovered it, and I must say its one of the most useful tools for contemporary gaming, truly epic if you're willing to put the time into it. If you have gmail account you can use "my maps" to add whatever push-pins in you want.

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2010, 06:50:05 AM »
For those unfamiliar with the Fremont Troll:

-   The Aurora Bridge: At the Northern end of the Aurora Bridge, sculpted beneath it is a gigantic troll holding a Volkswagon Bug. The troll marks a small outpost of Trolls (1-4), the location itself opens into a very troll-oriented area of the Winter Court’s domain in the Never Never.

So are you actually forming a group near Seattle and are you looking for players?

While thinking of places in Seattle I naturally thought of the Seattle Underground but for me making it a place for the baddies to hang out is too cliche. If I was contributing to your campaign it would be a safe haven for the supernatural of Seattle, given status of Accorded Neutral Ground. Who knows what shops might be opened for those in the know beyond the tourist route.

Offline Tallyrand

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2010, 02:51:40 PM »
I'm curious as to how many locals we have running around these boards.

Anyway another good church to look at is St. Mark's Cathedral affectionately known as the cinder block on the hill.  It was originally going to be much bigger but we re-purposed as a staging area during world war two and the city grew up around it before it got to be finished.  A church with that military spirit to it might make for some interesting story telling.

If your not from here you may also not be aware of Seattle's very active Goth/World of Darkness/SCA/Costumed Freak subcultures, they provide for a lot of opportunity for semi-clued in/thinks their clued in NPCs and Mortals.

Also I'd be remiss to set a magic game in Seattle without mentioning Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe on the wharf, its sort of a kitschy gift shop/museum with weird side-show style displays of mummies and freak animals and the like.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 09:11:22 PM by Tallyrand »

Offline JustinS

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2010, 08:33:29 PM »
It sounds like just a 'sounds interesting city' pick, but if anyone is putting a group together near the actual city, I'm interested in finding a group myself...

Offline DFJunkie

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2010, 03:40:26 PM »
I'm thinking of running a Seattle game myself (I'm an old Shadowrun dork from years back, so the city is close to my heart), this is great information, thanks!

I know I'm going to be incorporating a version of the underground, expanded by some variety of subterranean baddie (possibly Ghouls, unless I can think of something cooler) and may work up to a Jade Court incursion, but only once I come up with a workable idea for the Jade Court.
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Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2010, 11:22:01 PM »
It sounds like just a 'sounds interesting city' pick, but if anyone is putting a group together near the actual city, I'm interested in finding a group myself...

I would be very interested in locating a DFRPG game in Seattle myself.  I love the game but it seems like most folks here in the Emerald City are White Wolf fans which is cool and all but I wanna play some Dresden.  I might even be persuaded to run it although I am a total newby to Fate.   

Back to the OT -  I am thinking that instead of such a large Winter Court presence you might want to change it to Summer.  Seattle is about as far north as you can get in the USA but the winters here are very mild rarely even getting down below freezing.  That along with all the Evergreens indicates to me that Summer has made Seattle a stronghold .  Perhaps Winter is making an incursion into the Underground in an attempt to change that.  In fact the big snow storm of two winters ago was obviously caused by a Winter frontal assault that failed leading to a more subtle initiative using the Underground.   ;D

Another thing occurs to me.  There are an inordinate amount of Serial Killers (Gary Ridgeway, Ted Bundy etc.) in Seattle despite its low overall murder rate.  That might indicate some demonic presence or perhaps a curse of some kind.

You might want to look at some Asian myths since there is a large Asian presence in Seattle.  Finally, the other Northwest "Bigfoot" if you will is the Wendigo.  Usually associated with Canada many of the Washington state tribes had the same myths.  There might even be some kind of rivalry between two tribes (Sasquatch and Wendigo) or something. 
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Offline Baron Hazard

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2010, 11:48:38 PM »
Thanks for the input Hum,

since i last posted i've made some changes. those are reflected in the maps but not updated in the information:

The Surrounding mountains are actually winter Strongholds, (a couple in all 2-3) that have been under massive incursion from Summer (though perhaps they are originally SUMMER holdings in the first place, long since taken by winter) The Eruption of Mt. St. Helens was the apex of one such 'final battle' where Summer finally took back the stronghold and has since been recovering it for their own...

meanwhile the fight has moved to the next Winter Stronghold, a volcano in the Olympic National Park... if things carry on we may see another massive eruption in the near future - if summer gets its way. The Big Winter two years ago (i hadn't heard about it) will indeed reflect some sort of Winter counter attack, maybe trying to divert Summer's forces in the center of the city.

I will have to look up the serial killers angle.

As for Wendigo I don't like to look at them in the same light as Yeti or Sasquatch, though I may include some Wendigo as well at some point.

Offline Tallyrand

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2010, 11:00:58 AM »
Seriously, the serial killer thing is a good point, I think that Gacy had connections here as well.  Another thing, I think, of note about Seattle is it seems to get everything disproportionate to it's size.  Despite being a relatively small city you'll rarely see a book signing or concert tour that misses us.  We have, literally, some of the best chefs in the world (Specifically Tom Douglas and Mike McCrary although there are several other major ones).  Several major musicians had their start here, Bruce Lee lived and worked here.  Most likely all of this would have some connection to the Nevernever, like this is a hotly contested area, or the seat of a fairy metropolis or something of the like.

Also, if you don't live around here, you should understand that pretty much nobody sees Seattle as ending at the city limits.  So far as locals are concerned Redmond, Bellevue, Bothell, Kirkland etc are considered to be Seattle when speaking in general terms.

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2010, 04:58:30 PM »
The Eruption of Mt. St. Helens was the apex of one such 'final battle' where Summer finally took back the stronghold and has since been recovering it for their own...

Nice.   A very cool tie in that could make for a great adventure as the PCs try to halt a battle between the Courts that could destroy Seattle and the surrounding areas.  

Also, if you don't live around here, you should understand that pretty much nobody sees Seattle as ending at the city limits.  So far as locals are concerned Redmond, Bellevue, Bothell, Kirkland etc are considered to be Seattle when speaking in general terms.

This is fact.  Although an exception might be made in regards to Bellevue.   ;)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 06:33:37 PM by HumAnnoyd »
It's not the Heat, It's the Humanity.

The Emerald City Dresden Files Accelerated Campaign:

Offline Eleri

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Re: Seattle Dresden
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2010, 11:48:31 PM »
Nifty things around Seattle for Dresden Games:

Labyrinths. There's actually a ton of public ones. All sorts of fun stuff could happen in a place where people intentionally walk the same pattern over and over again. Especially when it is on holy ground.

Perfect source material for Seattle-area NPC's- the Pemco Insurance Northwest Profiles ads.

The Edmonds Scuba Park. It's a built up underwater park for scuba divers. No, really.

(both of our games going right now are set in Seattle. City building has been a blast)